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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='938209' date='Aug 27 2010, 03:55 PM']Not allowed by whom?[/quote] Well i asked on this very forum if i should be in a covers band and also whether i could just use a line out module instead of a bass amp and everyone said i would need monitoring so that's why i got one lolz.
  2. [quote name='silddx' post='938191' date='Aug 27 2010, 03:45 PM']However, I ended up deciding that any amp was too big and unportable and got a POD. Best thing I ever did.[/quote] I wanted to get something simple like that but i was told i wasn't allowed unfortunately.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' post='936423' date='Aug 25 2010, 09:19 PM']JJ Burnell from The Stranglers doesn`t have a Signature Fender Precision, tho he does have a Signature Shuker Precision-a-like. Surprised really, as he was a Precision man for years, though maybe him using a relatively standard Precision was the reasoning behind it. Black/black/maple - in fact, what I`m currently gassing for. He did used to get a great sound out of that bass![/quote] Good reasoning. However, i present the evidence against such a theory: Which i think rather goes to show that if they can stick a badge of some famous player on a bass and flog it even if it's no different from one of their standard basses, then that's fine by them.
  4. P bass i would have said. Why wait though? That's months of valuable bass playing experience that could be wiped out unless you get him one now
  5. What else is fitted storage for eh nice one.
  6. [quote name='tino' post='934062' date='Aug 23 2010, 07:25 PM']I base my findings thus Gretsch G 6072 £1 Fender USA P £1 Fender Jaz £1 Fender Jag £1 Ibanez 74 RC £0.50p obviously the other 20+ must have been less than 50p each................DEAR! Oh and the amps were courtesy of the fairies[/quote] hang on mate!? That can't be right! Nah there is no way a Fender USA P bass is THAT steep! (okay is she gone now?)
  7. I loved that video. Thought it was awesome. The song changes were all just seamless how he did them, not to mention the playing. It also just goes to show how much talent steve harris has not only as a bass player but as a songwriter too.
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='935288' date='Aug 24 2010, 08:28 PM']Have you heard it! You would need to encase each stand entirely and the way the sound travels around is mad it makes you feel a bit sick after a while and talk about headache! Maybe if it was seperate rooms like school classrooms for each stand along one corridor? And the open area just as sales pitch with no noise at all? We had no problem once in the hall for the performances as someone said they could hear Yolanda Charles boogying but we were near the front rather than the top by the doors.[/quote] My only other suggestion (might sound a bit crazy this one), get everyone to turn it down a bit?
  9. Seperate out the stands inside the hall with those soundproofed office cubicle type things?
  10. I'm another one who is going to say markbass. They're really good and ridiculously light for their size too. I personally really like the attack that they give for that rock sort of sound as well.
  11. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='933975' date='Aug 23 2010, 06:09 PM']I'm definitely going to be there seen as my accommodation is less than 30 seconds away from the door & i start to study at RNCM next month [/quote] Great! See you around then
  12. Hate to think what the blue mofo on the wall cost me but i'm going to say in terms of actual parts that are on the bass (not taking into account the money i wasted on my so called "custom" bass lolz). I would say: Peavey 5 string+ EMG preamp/EQ: £215 "Custom" bass (cyan): £300 "Ratberg" (buggered looking jazz copy with MM pickup hence the "berg" bit lolz): £200 In total I spent £715 on my current 3 I would say. I reckon i would get about 1/3rd of that back if i'm lucky. That's mostly my fault though for being a bit too "handy" with the powertools and sandpaper to be honest!
  13. There is only one person who owns more Marcus Miller fenders than you, and that's Marcus Miller nice.
  14. Well since i got into MMU this year then i think it would be rude for me not to go, since it's literally like 50m from cavendish streed where my halls are lolz.
  15. [quote name='Beedster' post='931776' date='Aug 21 2010, 11:38 AM']I'm expert in two areas really, bikes (the pedal variety), and basses. It's clear that with the former, if you're buying new, that an outlay of £1000 gets something 300% better than an outlay of £500, but if you spend £2000 you get something only 30% better than the £1000 bike (well, there or thereabouts). A similar relationship exists with basses but I'd guess at about 60-70% of the price of a new bike. So, what's the law with speakers? I'm probably looking for the equivalent of a £1000 bike or £700 bass at the moment, something that's three times as good as something half the price, but's at a price where spending twice as much won't make a massive impact. Does that make sense? Any suggestion as to how much I need to spend and what I should be spending it on? C[/quote] I think it's subjective as to how much better you think something is then something else. However, I would have thought you could get a nice pair of speakers for say £500 or thereabouts? Not an expert though so anyone who knows about these things feel free to call me an idiot
  16. I saw the title and thought "wonder who the TS might be" lolz. This looks good. I'll be keeping an eye on this one anyway
  17. Actually, it does it pretty well for me too . Very nice.
  18. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='929904' date='Aug 19 2010, 03:10 PM']It could be a Yamanez...[/quote] That's probably the best one so far lolz.
  19. [quote name='Tee' post='929749' date='Aug 19 2010, 01:20 PM']Nice to see Chris Cornell back where he belongs and not in that other nonsense band, or releasing weak solo material.[/quote] I thought audioslave were good! Most people seem to hate them. I must say i do think superunknown was a great album, don't know if anything they've released subsequently was quite as good though.
  20. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='928799' date='Aug 18 2010, 05:00 PM']A couple of reasons really, the tc really appealed to me for the 3 channels. The siggery & yamaha are really different sounding basses, and when i eventually get a P bass, the ability to have 3 sounds right there fully set up with even volumes is going to invaluable when switching basses at a gig.[/quote] I must say i did think that T.C. Electronic head looked cool. Then i saw the price. Lolz.
  21. It wasn't the easiest of transactions but i must say that mr gafbass was calm and cool all the way through. Good seller.
  22. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='926338' date='Aug 16 2010, 12:20 PM']Guten Morgen Marcus. Wie gehts? Ich möchte daß du meine Muscle Suit und Unterseeboot abwehr Kanone holen. Und die Ziege und schwartzen bustenhalte. Danke.[/quote] Aww what? If my sister had known you could speak german she might have been more inclined to come in and see you that time with us lot lolz.
  23. Yeah this is quite old now. Doesn't get any better though
  24. The scary thing is that i'm nearly not a teenager any more! but i'm still 19 and whilst i'm still 19 i'm still allowed to post this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=56505"] http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach...st&id=56505[/url] New markbass cabinet. It sounds pretty good now, so i can only imagine what it will sound like with a REAL amp! One minor criticisation though is that even though there are feet to mount it vertically like shown, they're on the same side as the tweeter control! Oh well i suppose it wouldn't be italian if it didn't have some minor ergonomic issues. Still hellishly luggable though. I can literally lift it with one hand.
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