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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. This is a recording of my new bass. It's really for the benifit of anyone who wants to hear what my new "blue" (technically i would say it was more cyan) bass. Here is the build thread for anyone who wants to see how/why not to build a bass: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=59937"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=59937[/url] This is the recording: [attachment=53690:bass.mp3] It sounds okay. As i've already said it's a lace sensor pickup. That went into a virtual fender bassman style amp on GR4. Bright channel, gain about 4, bass 12, mid 5, treble 12, presence 12 (as in the actual values [i]not[/i] "o'clock" or anything like that) Sorry about the terrible bass playing lolz and i hope to get a bridge pickup as well soon. Thanks for your time, EH
  2. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='887425' date='Jul 6 2010, 03:38 PM']This is what I like about us East Yorkshire types. Get stuck in an' sod consequences. Can't wait to hear how it sounds. Really like the blue.[/quote] I did a video ages ago but it took about 10 years to upload to youtube and i didn't particularly feel like having a bunch of kids in America telling me how terrible i am on bass. Besides, an audio recording is better. I'll get one up soon.
  3. [quote name='silddx' post='886610' date='Jul 5 2010, 07:41 PM']Really LOL funny thread, I like your style Edward, and applaud you for taking on such an ambitious project I don't have the equipment or the balls, I just get someone else to do things with the wood. Nice one![/quote] LOLZ thanks mate. Believe you me if i could afford a Jon Shuker then i would get him to do it, but otherwise I really have to take matters into my own hands
  4. Can you give us a price for just the amp on it's own? This might be what i'm looking for but it'll have to be delivered.
  5. EBS, Bernie Goodfellow. You've got it all mate! lolz.
  6. From ME. There is no shortage of bass players here. There is a dire shortage of bands though sadly
  7. New pickup. A lace sensor. I only really need one pickup at the moment, i might get another one later: Apols. for the dog. I love it when pickups come with wiring diagrams. They're just so useful!: btw i fixed the annoying problem with the bridge. Put it back a bit but that STILL wasn't enough for the low "C" string so i ended up taking matters into my own hands and simply shoving a self-tapper in the string through hole so i could put the saddle back further! I still had to put it as far back as that would go even then and it's pretty much okay now in terms of intonation. So just goes to show kids, if you're tuning lower down then make sure you compensate by making the bridge a bit longer than the "quoted" scale length. Sorry to yap on like this lolz.
  8. [quote name='dangerboy' post='883516' date='Jul 1 2010, 10:53 PM']It's early days (I'm still pretty ropey), but at least you can hear the bass, and everything sounds like it does in rehearsal![/quote] A bit of advice here. If you want to be any good at making recordings then it's not good to start trying to sound exactly like you do in rehersal. For a start it's not actually possible even with today's technology to re-create any sound you hear exactly on a recording. What i suggest is that you stop thinking that you have to document exactly what you hear at band and start thinking of the recording as a work of art in itself. That's what i do. I think that it not only gives you better sounding recordings imo but it also helps with your songwriting, because you can think a bit more "outside the box". Like picking up a new instrument. [quote]I got really tired of my bass being mixed out of recordings. Or being mixed to sound awful.[/quote] Sorry if i'm being a bit premature in my assumptions here because I've not heard your other recordings. But also if you want to be a good recording producer then sometimes you have to not think of yourself as the bass player, but as the song producer as a whole and instead of what you think you think sounds best in terms of just the bass, but how does the bass fit best into the context of the song? I hope this is all making sense. Sorry if i sound really nasty because i think the recordings sounded okay. As i said before possibly a bit rough but i suppose that's okay if you like that sort of sound. Not everyone does though. Were the drums actually recorded or did you use some sort of machine or software to do them? Also nice mic btw
  9. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='882802' date='Jul 1 2010, 10:50 AM']Amateurs. I've never had to punch in the mistakes later.[/quote] Nah, you were probably just quantized I've not had the pleasure of anyone actually giving 2 shits about my music yet. But maybe in a few years i can report back to you on the time i heard someone listening to one of my songs in the car, or having it on in a club or something. Then again <--- ahem. Yeah.
  10. [quote name='escholl' post='881559' date='Jun 30 2010, 03:35 AM']what did you do with the old body? looks good to me by the way [/quote] It's in the shed. I tried to do some more carving to it but after nearly "carving" my finger off pretty much gave up on the idea!
  11. Long time no update but I made a couple of adjustments on this bass. The scale length was actually too short. No idea how the hell i managed that but i had to put the bridge back a bit so now 2 awful marks, plus the indentation in the finish where the bridge once was which is rather annoying. It's at least hopefully the right scale length now though. I also ordered a lace sensor pickup for the front/neck position because i didn't feel like wasting too much more money on it. Also it seemed like it might be good. So once i've installed that if you're lucky (or unlucky however you look at it lolz) there will be pics and maybe a soundclip or 2. One other thing, with all this sunny weather we've been having it's really been showing up just how terrible the finish is on this bass lolz. This would have been about the perfect time to paint it to be honest so anyone thinking of painting a bass, good idea to get on with it now.
  12. [quote name='throwoff' post='819273' date='Apr 26 2010, 01:02 PM']I'm a cack handed git at the best of times and having nothing more than a volume to worry about will no doubt assist me greatly![/quote] I personally never use tone controls, and i actually disabled my tone controls on my guitar because i think it sounds better without it. +1 to jon shuker as well. Certainly a very underrated builder who appears to have only be heard of on Basschat lolz.
  13. [quote name='jakesbass' post='881106' date='Jun 29 2010, 04:27 PM']Sorry this is OT but what do those things do in bad weather? [/quote] I should imagine like most aircraft carriers there is a hangar deck below the runway deck.
  14. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='880183' date='Jun 28 2010, 07:00 PM']I also have 2 kids [/quote] Can anyone say M.I.L.....
  15. EH will be keeping a look out for this one.
  16. The first thing you should ask yourself is what type of tuners do you want? Big, old school fender style tuners or modern smaller lightweight tuners? Personally i think this style of bass would look nice with the older big fender style tuners. That's just MO though. So 2 types of tuners. Old School: I bought GOTOH fender style tuners and i think they're pretty good quality, certainly fine for what you would want it for. The only issue really is the mass of the tuners. Hipshot make these type of tuners called "ultralite" which look like the big fender tuners from the front but are a lot lighter in mass and have a smaller footprint so are easier to place on the headstock. But they are expensive and if your body is heavy enough already then you might not need them to avoid neck dive. Modern: Although i don't think this bass would look as good with modern style tuners, the ones to look out for are GOTOH GB7s and hipshot "Y" tuners. Again, GOTOH are cheaper but the hipshot tuners have that quality feel about them. Not that GOTOH are bad quality whatsoever. As for bridges, I think you're pretty much onto a winner with that GOTOH 201 bridge, my bass has that style of bridge and what i like about it is the fact that you actually have proper screws to adjust intonation which is just a lot easier than having to use allen wrenches and adjust everything by hand imo.
  17. I'm going to be honest, i did expect you to own a 5 string bass lolz. I nearly bought an old one of those dean basses but then i got a peavey instead.
  18. Awesome looking amp Chris. Looks like a good old school combo of an orange and ampeg lolz.
  19. Looks good, although i wouldn't technically call it a "Bass amp", i should imagine it probably does the job quite well.
  20. [quote name='escholl' post='878368' date='Jun 26 2010, 07:19 PM']Lol yes. Former band, guitarist did that do the drummers car. At least it wasn't my fault though, I wasn't even there.[/quote] Not to mention the currys advert
  21. Let's see. Once i managed to fit 4 people, a bass guitar and all of my drum gear, including the throne, hardware and cymbals into my dad's volvo S80. Maybe not the most impressive of all feats in this thread but i thought we did well lolz. We're not usually too bothered about this sort of thing though because we do own a MASSIVE ford fiesta so you can pretty much get anything in there XP
  22. Y'see the problem with my studio is that i don't have any decent rack gear like that. Or decent acoustics, or soundproofing, or microphones, or software, or instruments. Well pretty much everything really. Lolz.
  23. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='877572' date='Jun 25 2010, 04:54 PM']I've had a couple of alleged GP5 tabs from 911Tabs.com that my copy of GP5 refuses to open, claiming I "need to upgrade" or some such nonsense. TuxGuit opens 'em just fine & it's a whole heap easier to use. Tux is now on my list of essential software, & I reckon it's Big Red Lever Time for GP. Pete[/quote] +1 i mean Tuxguitar works with the latest versions of Guitar Pro AND power tab files, without having to pay for it all over again when a new version comes out. It's another case of companies shooting themselves in the foot by being too greedy imo.
  24. [quote name='RuiJRocha' post='876429' date='Jun 24 2010, 02:06 PM']What kind of truss rod I must use?? Or I just can put two carbon square pipe in the inside? Cheers RR[/quote] I think you should probably use an adjustable truss rod. Get yourself a dual-action one but whatever you do though, do NOT glue it in!
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