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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. I used to have an SWR amp which i unfortunately felt i had to sell. To be honest i think the heads are the least of your worries lolz. Fortunately they've introduced that new golight neodymium cabs which if i ever get rich i'll have to have a look at. Btw if you like looking at SWR amps, there is a thread about them in the gear porn forum
  2. [quote name='RuiJRocha' post='875603' date='Jun 23 2010, 05:18 PM']10mmAss[/quote] Did you just put this in to keep us awake lolz jk looks good keep it coming.
  3. [quote name='discreet' post='860893' date='Jun 8 2010, 12:37 PM']It's true. And I catch myself sometimes watching a vid on TV from pre-autotune days and thinking 'ooh, that was a bit off-key' so the rot has really set in.[/quote] I agree that it appears to be everywhere these days, even a lot of "metal" bands are using it. The problem i have with it is that i really just don't think it sounds very good unless you're going for it as an effect sort of thing. I'm not so keen on the way it sounds too perfect, like when they did a "cover" of queen on glee that i just happened to flick onto when it was on BBC breakfast one time. It just sounded so fake and just not really very good, imo. Because the thing is that Freddie Mercury was one of the great performers of recent years but even he wasn't perfect. It just can't really be done by a human being. But that's what added the carachter to the songs. You even hear it as i say in many modern rock and metal songs. I think possibly one problem is that the modern studio simply doesn't want to spend the time or effort going over dud notes and re-taking them so they just go over it with the auto tune, and don't bother much trying to hide it's use either just so they can start shifting units. Well that's my view on it but since i did these takes even though they were only a joke i feel like i've really began to notice the use of auto tune that i didn't notice before in all different manners of music.
  4. yes. That's right. To be honest i vmd it matters that much which way the battery and the ground are wired as long as the hot is wired to the tip.
  5. If it's the active version then there should be 3 cables to connect up to the jack. One is for the batteries to switch on and off. I actually replaced the input jack on my old peavey one of these because the old one wasn't actually very good and it seemed to take a standard open style jack pretty well so no problems there really.
  6. nice room. Shame about the decor but if you've only just moved in then it's understandable i suppose lolz. Nice set of basses and very beautiful italian amp as well.
  7. I think the bass looks pretty good. It's obviously not a showpiece or anything but really it doesn't matter as long as it sounds good and feels nice lolz. [quote name='Tait' post='596124' date='Sep 11 2009, 10:47 PM']i think the joke was that its going to take him so long to finish it that we'll be married by then and then our wives wont let us buy it [/quote] oh silly me! I'm usually quite good with jokes
  8. [quote name='WarPig' post='868834' date='Jun 16 2010, 10:54 AM']Also.....you lucky b*stard, i bet they were epic![/quote] +1 the best me and my mates could do was to play "killing in the name of" at home in band practice lolz.
  9. [quote name='ahpook' post='868304' date='Jun 15 2010, 07:30 PM']one thing - i do wish people would stop calling guitarists 'guitards' it's childish in the extreme.[/quote] It is quite annoying. Also i think it's quite childish to pretend that you're actually better than someone else on the bass just because you use your fingers and not a pick.
  10. It's probably nothing i couldn't do on my computer, but the fact that it's on a tiny phone is quite impressive really.
  11. [quote name='GilGB' post='865500' date='Jun 12 2010, 08:25 PM']This is one of the first IEP'S Made by Greg as i wrote,it was made in 1994 (This isnt a CORT CURBOW,it is the real thing)[/quote] I was going to say, it looks way too nice to be a CORT curbow. This should probably be in GEAR PORN though.
  12. [quote name='benzies123' post='866372' date='Jun 13 2010, 08:24 PM']Reminds me of the Tool song Rosetta Stoned. Pretty cool stuff going on there! Your production and the fact that it's all nicely done makes me regret posting my sh*te... but alas I just want to be part of things and that's all I got.[/quote] I think you're really doing yourself down for no reason. I thought the video was fine quality, i mean it's never going to be like a studio recording but i've heard much worse before. Also i went to totnes on holiday once, very beautiful part of the world
  13. [quote name='gafbass02' post='847816' date='May 25 2010, 07:21 PM']ive no idea how to make em lik ethe tellybox and not just a link but of a mod wants to go ahead and fix it i wonr be offended!!! Ive tried loads of times and just cant figure it out! (and yup ive read the sticky!, im just dumb!)[/quote] [code] [youtube] [/youtube][/code] and insert the random numbers and letters bit at the end of the URL IIRC
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='866192' date='Jun 13 2010, 05:29 PM']Mostly demonstrating that a digital format is not really a great means to judge if a sound 'sounds' analogue. That was a lot of nice valve amps, and a lot of nice mics in a room. Went to digital eventually, but rather higher bitrate than any mp3.[/quote] I don't think that is really fair because it certainly was a lot more low fi sounding than most mp3s i've heard.
  15. [quote name='Mog' post='866121' date='Jun 13 2010, 04:30 PM']Just gonna jump back in quickly. For studio use high end digital gear will work fine [u]IF[/u] the studio is up to standard and the production and mastering are top notch.I know a guy who uses a Digitech 2120 Artist for his recordings and it sounds great. Better than his 5150 combo and an Sm58 IMO. For live work, with a little tweaking, something like a Pod X3 is more than suitable as the punters and most of the musicians wont know the difference. The problem is on larger stages if there is a lack of monitors. Its all about what you are willing to spend at the end of the day. Modelling: At one end you have boss or zoom, at the the other Eventide. Amps: Low end you have say Behringer, at the high end something like an Eden or Glockenklang.[/quote] +1 you can make almost anything sound amazing with the right studio gear and techniques.
  16. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='865976' date='Jun 13 2010, 02:32 PM']Quite possibly true, Edward - I would have still picked up on the bass being too quiet and lacking note definition, though. [/quote] fair doos, although i think my bass sounds pretty nice and tight on guitar rig.
  17. [quote name='Johnston' post='865955' date='Jun 13 2010, 02:16 PM']Tell me this to the ones who say they can tell the difference between the analogue and digital. Can your audience??? Or maybe more to the point would they care??[/quote] This. I go to a show and it's pretty difficult to descern any nuances about anyone's tone at all because it's all just so loud you can barely hear what notes they're playing let alone anything else lolz.
  18. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='865968' date='Jun 13 2010, 02:28 PM']That's a lovely recording, Nigel Is it some of your stuff? I found the bass was too buried in beneath the mix for my tastes, but it did sound tone modelled, yes. Can't quite explain why, but the notes felt a little too 'fuzzy' around the edges. Not very clearly defined - Some kind of delay in the digital processing or something like that? Rich.[/quote] Yeah, but do you think you would have noticed had he not told you it was a digital amp model?
  19. I'm going to be honest, i think you have problems.
  20. I guess this would have to be mine, largely because it's not worth anything and me having it has always got to be better than it going on the skip. Plus it has a lot of, erm, mojo? also the £20 musicman pickup does sound really nice. at the moment it's my "G" bass because it's tuned GCGC so i like to use it for all my drop C stuff if it's got a lot of open play which might be difficult with my other bass.
  21. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='864757' date='Jun 11 2010, 10:24 PM']No gigs this weekend, but we will be painting the long wheel-base transit band van in the A Team van colours (gloss paint and 2" brushes! Oh yes!). There will be a thread with pictures!!![/quote] If it were me i probably would have bought about 25 cans of satin black spray paint lolz. It's actually quite easy to get a pretty reasonable looking finish with satin or matt black paint, doesn't take hours of wetsanding either. Not much happening that's exciting really. I'm going to see one of my friends' bands on wednsday in hull (near where that resteraunt in a railway carriage used to be) which should be relatively fun. Also i made a song yesterday. It was pretty crap though.
  22. EdwardHimself


    I had a couple of problems with the song. Here it is. Bit mainstream possibly, sorry about the out of tune singing but then again i'm not a keyboard! [attachment=52287:untiteld.mp3] kthxEH
  23. [quote name='mcnach' post='863742' date='Jun 10 2010, 09:35 PM']I would first try a few 5-stringers to figure out what I feel about different inter-string distances. For me, that was the most important issue when gtting a 5-string bass that I felt comfortable with. I have owned 4 5-stringers, 2 of them I still have. I have a cheap Peavey that has a delicious neck, yet its 16mm inter-string distance at the bridge annoys me. It can be fast to play, and I get used to it alright... but I much prefer a 19-20mm type. The extra width of the neck doesn't seem to bother me at all (and my hands are not big at all), but the more familiar spacing between strings on my picking hand just makes it so much easier for me to play, whether it is fingerstyle, pick or slap. Another thing to consider is a Hipshot D-tuner. This is a tuning peg with some extra bits that allows you to switch between standard E and another tuning (say D, or D flat) simply by moving a small lever. I use drop-D tuning a lot, and this is great. Click, I have E. Click, I have D. You get to keep using your usual familar bass. I think they're about £50 new.[/quote] +1 this. I have had 2 peavey basses which i like for playing with a pick and (dare i say it?) higher up the fretboard(!) because of their narrow string spacing. However, if you play more fingerstyle and slap then you might want to look for a bass with wider string spacing. Having said that i actually don't mind the narrow spacing for fingerstyle, possibly because of my tiny hands and the fact that i don't usually play other basses. I personally think the peavey basses are great otherwise though for the price.
  24. haha cool. Does it sound any good with the 30 w input into the big cabs?
  25. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='862712' date='Jun 9 2010, 10:39 PM']OMFG that's awesome dude! I met brock once in fibbers in york and he has got to be the nicest rock-star i've ever met! just an all round friendly down to earth bloke.[/quote] oh yes and also just to say that it was literally this time 2 years ago that i went to see them, it was a thursday night and it was june the 12th lolz.
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