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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. Here's EHs new "rig" as it were. It comprises of a computer loaded with guitar rig 4, plus an old rig kontrol 2 bought of ebay recently. My amps stopped working so i thought hell this might hopefully be a bit more reliable and good for recording and that: hopefully i can get a decent rig some time in the future.
  2. OMFG that's awesome dude! I met brock once in fibbers in york and he has got to be the nicest rock-star i've ever met! just an all round friendly down to earth bloke.
  3. I'm surprised no-one has suggested that the OP "stick a badass on it" yet
  4. I've just got guitar rig 4 and i think it does a great job of modelling the recorded sounds of guitar and bass amps. If i was just listening to the amp in my bedroom then i would no doubt be able to tell differences due to the digital conversion, monitoring etc... but once it's on the computer there is really little difference between the 2 sounds because any differences in the nuances of the real amp compared to the digital one are lost in the digital conversion. Besides, my guitar amp has busted on me twice so i've decided that i'm not going to bother getting it fixed and even if GR doesn't sound quite as good, i don't care because it's got a hell of a lot more things to play with and more to the point it WORKS.
  5. [quote name='escholl' post='859968' date='Jun 7 2010, 03:15 PM']Haha, brilliant I've used it before, my old band used it as an effect the intro to one of out tracks. The beginning of "Miles and Years" [url="http://www.myspace.com/stopstartpenguin"]here[/url].[/quote] I agree that it can make a cool sound on vocals, if you're going for that effect. Cool song. I think the singer certainly sounds a lot like Simon out of Biffy. What i find it's also good for on recordings is sorting out out of tune basses!
  6. [quote name='discreet' post='859952' date='Jun 7 2010, 03:02 PM']Wow! You should be on 'Glee'![/quote] lolz. Also lest we forget: [attachment=51604:space.mp3] (sorry i just had to!)
  7. here is a rough clip i did just today: [attachment=51598:at.mp3] which demonstrates the subtle differences in audio between a vocal piece with auto-tune and without. do try to guess which one is which but feel free to ask if you're having difficulties lolz.
  8. EH has got a new bass "rig" as it were, well that's what it's called anyway. Pics soon. Don't get your hopes up though.
  9. Nice laptop! The bass is pretty great too
  10. [quote name='henry norton' post='856384' date='Jun 3 2010, 06:29 PM']Holy Sh#t! I have nightmare visions about losing fingers/hands/arms in my machines - I can't believe your finger had an argument with a planer and you're still playing. Just think Tony Iommi I suppose [/quote] I think he'd have trouble with a bass to be fair. He has to use light gauge strings on his guitar to be able to play apparently.
  11. I think that bass looks amazing. I really like these basses and i think it would be a shame for you to ruin it. I also agree that you might as well just build a new bass by the time you've done all that work and got all the new stuff for it.
  12. I got myself a peavey international series 5 string bass for £130 if that helps?
  13. Interesting. I must say i've never seen an LED in a speaker cabinet before lolz.
  14. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='850640' date='May 28 2010, 08:39 PM']I'm no expert but this interseted me so had a quick surf - apparently you should avoid magnetic fields greater than 5 gauss - Seymour Duncan pickups are around 25 gauss! I would check with your consultant - hope all goes well![/quote] 25 gauss will be at the actual source itself though, that number goes down dramatically as you move further away. You should ask your doctor really with anything like this, but i think there are probably much more potent sources of magnetism in everyday life than the pickups on a bass. Just make sure you don't hold it up to your chest or anything.
  15. In answer to your original question, a definite (Y).
  16. cool bass, although i'm still more keen on the thunderbird-ish shaped one myself.
  17. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='848477' date='May 26 2010, 01:57 PM']prompted by the comment in the show "the worst guitarist finished up playing bass"[/quote] I disagree. I think i'm a pretty good guitar player (well not really but in terms of my guitar/bass ability ratio) but i like playing bass simply for the feel and sound whihc you don't get with a regular guitar. To be honest they both have their merits, anyone who thinks that bass is just for people who can't play guitar is pretty f***ing ignorant imo.
  18. I've seen a couple of fretless guitars here and there, mostly other people's self-builds, i've not actually heard what they sound like though. I would imagine they would be good playing it with a slide like a steel guitar in an open tuning and that.
  19. How old is that page? Considering they're describing layne staley in the present tense as if he is still alive, that means it must have been there for a while!
  20. [quote name='leonshelley01' post='846987' date='May 24 2010, 10:41 PM']First Peter Steele, then RJD and now Paul Gray. A bad few weeks.[/quote] +1 not to mention jimmy "the rev" sullivan just a few months back too. This hasn't been a good time for rockstars.
  21. Wow, now that looks nice. Normally when you hear a word like "proline" you start to worry. But not in this case that's for sure lolz.
  22. [quote name='7string' post='844733' date='May 21 2010, 11:17 PM']Geez, it's been such a busy week with setups I forgot to post. Shame on me. I haven't even had time to play with the new "thing" either! Been great fun reading through this though Jaco had to make an appearance at some stage! Next pic. There has been a correct answer already though... [/quote] i thought it might be one of those. Glad you've not been killed or anything
  23. [quote name='iconic' post='844423' date='May 21 2010, 05:34 PM']This maybe in the wrong section..if so please shift: I'm curious...whenever I read anything about playing a bass thru a home stereo, all I read is that it's a bad, bad idea.....but my stereo has a woofer the size of tea chest and can handle drum and bass with tone so low I can't hear it, but certainly feel it! Also, they have circuits that dish out the frequencies to the most suitable speaker. ..when I play this, I can feel my trouser legs fluttering....and a bass wont go this low? ....strangely, running a bass thru a home PC seems OK? So why is it a bad idea...apart from pissing off the neighbours [/quote] I don't think it's a terrible idea w/s/e. I used to use a mini hifi system as a bass amp for a bit. I certainly think if your hifi is as you describe it, then it should be okay at handling the bass. Of course some hifis, especially older ones tended to have the thinner-guitar amp style speaker cones which can't handle the bass. but i think these days with the modern music and everything, the hifi manufacturers have had to beef up their systems a bit. And i use a hifi with my PC which is perfectly okay at running a markbass simulator. Of course hifis are generally tuned for dance and that so it's not going to be as tight sounding as you might want but otherwise it should be okay, certainly for practice purposes.
  24. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='843476' date='May 20 2010, 07:55 PM']My understanding was it is an EU directive to get rid of all fuses except 3A and 13A.[/quote] That sounds like a horrendously stupid and pointless idea to me. Which i suppose makes it entirely within the realms of the EU directive.
  25. The way to get maximum effect out of the firewire interface is to have the right recording software. Your DAW should recognise the mixer as a sound card with however many inputs that can be put onto different seperate tracks depending on which one you "ask" it to record on. Sorry that's a crap explanation but the important thing in terms of recording using firewire is the recording software itself.
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