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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. My guess is: 1. 7string has died and/or is unable to use the internet right now 2. he's having too much fun with his "thing" to bother to talk to us.
  2. Whoever refinished it in black was clearly a bit of a Jean-Luc Retard!
  3. I agree that thomann has stupidly good customer service. Another shop that i would say has a great customer service is BANZAI music. They accidentaly forgot to send me a resistor and i ended up being able to have one sent, plus they sent me an allen key to adjust the knob i ordered that was the right size. As for smaller music shops. There is a local guitar shop in my town that's good if you need something today and the staff are very friendly. But i agree that it's always too expensive to shop in places like that. Like for example once i accidentaly cut a bass string too short and was charged £7 for ONE string! Not coated or anything like that, just a standard rotosound bass string. It's a real shame that the smaller shop these days is being killed by big buisiness but at the end of the day people are always going to buy what's cheaper. The thing about local music shops though, is that you can barter on price, plus you can get some good deals for used stuff so i'm not saying it's always the big shops that win out in my case.
  4. I doubt the power cable can't handle more than 5A. Maybe you should try replacing the cable with a different one?
  5. EH voted black. But then again i am a bit of a black person (not skintonewise you understand)
  6. [quote name='dood' post='838370' date='May 15 2010, 07:41 PM']If something is rattling around *inside* the valve then the first port of call will be getting a warranty replacement as it is blatantly faulty. Then if their biasing has broken your amp, then they are liable for sorting that out as well surely?[/quote] I think i'll have to take it back to the shop at some point soon.
  7. Love it, looks like a cross between a status and a spector but on steroids.
  8. The Line 6 is going to give you more options in terms of effects but to be honest it really depends on whether you're bothered about having a load of options or you just want one or 2 nice sounds? It's really your call in this case.
  9. I think valve amps sound great, however i think it's pretty crap when you have to spend £67 having the power tubes replaced only for one of them to go again after 2 f***ing months
  10. [quote name='Dubs' post='836216' date='May 13 2010, 02:44 PM']Just take it back and ask him to have a look at it. It may be a simple fix that he'll be happy to do for free. Has one of the valves definitely gone or could it be something else?[/quote] Well having had a look at the tubes i notice that something is rattling around inside one of them so i am assuming that this must be the issue. It could be the biasing that's the issue in which case it's also his fault because he said he would bias them too. As i say i have not abused this amp whatsoever. It's just been sat in my room for the past couple of months playing through a few recordings for a couple of hours a day. That's it.
  11. [quote name='Dubs' post='836199' date='May 13 2010, 02:29 PM']Did you get it done by a professional tech/shop, or did you DIY it? If you paid for the work to be done then take it back and see what they say...[/quote] I took it to a "shop" and by shop i mean some place owned by some old bloke with a moustache. I suppose i should take it back to the shop but i don't know if there is any point if i'm not going to be able to get my money back.
  12. I got the power tubes replaced in my amp at a very heafty £67 for the pair plus biasing and now literally about 2 months later, one of the tubes has gone again! Before you say it i always leave it on for a minute in standby mode before and after i use it and it doesn't get moved around at all so i've certainly not been abusing it or anything like that whatsoever. I find this pretty unbelievable to be perfectly honest. I'm certainly not going to trust anyone else with replacing my tubes from now on but i am wondering if there is anything i can do about it or will i just have to say goodbye to the £70 that's now gone on nothing?
  13. [quote name='arsenic' post='835093' date='May 12 2010, 10:08 AM']I agree with the M-Audio stuff - Never had a problem with mine, and I have used their midi keyboards, monitors and soundcards for years.[/quote] Well you might not have had a problem, but just suppose you did have a problem and they basically don't offer you any help apart from a public forum for M-Audio users. Pretty pathetic if you've just spent hundreds of pounds on their equipment IMO.
  14. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='834901' date='May 11 2010, 11:49 PM']I can hear the lot perfectly clearly; either my hearing system is truly exceptional or my kitchen stereo boosts treble frequencies MASSIVELY (or the test isn't really scientific - I'm sure those frequencies are lower than they should be).[/quote] It's not really anything to do with volume, after a certain frequency the sound can be as loud as you want but you won't hear a thing, although i think that if you have high frequency noise too loud for too long then it can still damage your hearing so in a way it's quite dangerous not being able to hear it. That is quite impressive though, what was it 24khz the top one or something?
  15. EH can hear up to 19KHz, maybe just about 20 but it's really quiet. 18 years old but i really wouldn't be surprised if my treble was below average for my age to be honest.
  16. See if you can spot what this track is sampled from?:
  17. I can't believe this. Someone on BC orders the "first" (supposedly) big al 5 and now all of you want one! I can see why though, it is interesting.
  18. Interesting. Surely that's a mod is the pickup and that?
  19. [quote name='spacecowboy' post='831261' date='May 8 2010, 10:21 AM']not quite nothing is holding it on yet as I'm still very undecided on the finish I'd hate to ruin the green![/quote] Can we see it without the pickguard please?
  20. I think there is nothing to "understand" really. It's like asking why do i find some girls proper fit but not others? It's just a matter of your feelings deep inside, the thing that says "i want this". I mean that's what GAS is really when you think about it. Some people get it for some things, others get it for others. It's not really worth questioning imo.
  21. I don't like the way people assume low notes to be a strictly "heavy metal" thing. In fact the idea of lower notes has existed in genres such as jazz and funk for a long time before it was thought of in metal music. I've heard about doing this. It's a nice idea if you don't generally use the lower notes. However, i not only use the lower notes frequently, but i have actually done exactly the opposite with my 5 string, well in a way. I got some heavier strings and strung it ADGCF because that way i can use the extra Bb and A notes. In fact, if i want i can actually tune the A down to G, although i do have to adjust the neck in that case. I've recently started playing bass with the minimum use of open notes, because as some of you may know i was thinking of joining a cover band and i figure if i can play songs in this manner then it offers several advantages, namely not having to adjust tunings, being able to learn songs more quickly and also being able to simply adjust the position of the notes should the key of the song be adjusted at any point.
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='830095' date='May 6 2010, 09:57 PM']Something like a MAG 300 will work for small pubs and clubs, especially if there is PA suport.[/quote] looks good, but i think it would be far too cumbersome and heavy for what i need.
  23. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='830033' date='May 6 2010, 08:49 PM']I am one of those people that do not like the markbass gear... the tone is not vivid enough for me. As for a good lightweight cab, there are loads to be found in the amps and cabs forum; the leightweight cabs thread. I'm very fond of my Eden Nemesis set, but you might even want to go for less weight. What amp are you currently using?[/quote] nothing at the moment. I suppose it all comes down to personal preference because i really like the sound of them. I had a look at the eden nemesis series which i think looks pretty good for the money.
  24. [quote name='skampino' post='829763' date='May 6 2010, 04:20 PM']With regards to earning money, you will need to get in a decent band to do so. It takes a lot of practice & commitment to get a decent band together so they will want to maintain their reputation....you will be expected to be up to scratch in this case. As a guitarist, I've been in an established covers band for over 6yrs. We don't need to rehearse unless we are introducing a new batch of songs so if we were auditioning (but we're not) and thought someone fitted the bill they would have to learn the setlist properly in their own time within a limited period. Only then would we be prepared to pay out for a studio for a full band rehearsal and that would be the only one; if they were'nt gig ready we'd use a dep until we found a replacement. Sounds harsh but we've done our share of shelling out for rehearsing to get where we are. We definitely wouldn't consider a bass player without decent gear. If it's beer money you're after, I'm sure there will be students around to form a band and get away with just enough to do that in your area. Good luck![/quote] as i say i'm not greedy but i think that i would be able to learn what was required of me, so long as it's nothing ridiculously complex, but then again if it's a covers band why would it be?
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