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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. That is the most ridiculous but at the same time brilliantly amazing bass i have seen today.
  2. [quote name='Delberthot' post='829551' date='May 6 2010, 01:07 PM']How much are you selling for?[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=87129"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=87129[/url]
  3. [quote name='2pods' post='829613' date='May 6 2010, 02:07 PM']Did you try the demo ? I agree re the price. I was thinking £130-£140, not too bad, but £199 and over (some places are £223) is just too much. It's a pity, but it must be selling OK if there has been no reduction in price.[/quote] Yes i did, i like the sounds you can get with it but £200 is still too much. Especially considering you can get vst programs that will happily emulate several guitar AND bass amps for cheaper than that.
  4. Actually i just saw how much it was. Maybe not then.
  5. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='828039' date='May 4 2010, 11:32 PM']As for bass: in small pubs I don't get to play with DI, pure bass amp force. You need a good amp for that that doesn't go crazy at loud volumes! a 2x10" cab works like a charm in my case, preferably raised above-floor, or tilted if possible.[/quote] If i could find a light enough 2x10 then i might think about it. It would be great if i could afford a markbass 2x10 combo but then again that money would probably be better spent on some insurance lolz.
  6. I'm going to take a look of this. It seriously gets on my nerves when ONLINE goods are cheaper in other places than here. I can just about understand why if i went into a shop in the US then it would be cheaper to buy something than here, but online? What extra costs could possibly be incurred for them!? Oh well i might get it if it's any good.
  7. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='827686' date='May 4 2010, 05:37 PM']If you're using an electronic drum kit, it's pretty simple compared to an acoustic one. To be honest, unless you're making a real go of it (in which case I'd probably use the £200 to hire a cheap studio/rehearsal rooms with recording facilities for a day rather than waste it on cheap gear) then you're probably better off just recording each instrument individually. Buy a cheap audio interface that has 1 XLR and 1 jack and a mic for guitars/vocals, then if you have money left over, buy some software or save yourself some cash.[/quote] +1 there's no point in trying to be clever and record it all live because all you're doing is giving yourself less mics to play with on instruments, and ruining any chance of isolation between instruments.
  8. [quote name='AL3X.R.M' post='827592' date='May 4 2010, 04:04 PM']This would be perfect for me, but i dont want to change my internal sound card. Do you know any external cards that would do the same as this but still priced around 150-200 pound? Thanks again[/quote] Well you won't be able to install a full size PCI card like that on a laptop anyway. Unforturnately you're not going to get 10 in 10 out for that sort of price with an external soundcard, unless you maybe see if you can find anything on ebay.
  9. [quote name='JackLondon' post='823252' date='Apr 29 2010, 05:55 PM']On the side and to spare questions, Boss has 2 outputs, 1 Digital(via optical cable) and 1 Line out (via RCA cable) so am I right toassume it means active speakers are my only choice?[/quote] I personally reccomend you don't get anything by M-Audio as their customer service is pretty shocking to be honest. As for this question, you don't HAVE to get active speakers, it's just that if you got passive ones you'd need an external power amplifier which would easily stretch beyond your current budget with all that and the speakers.
  10. ^ MMM markbass nomnomnom. Me likey [quote name='budget bassist' post='823597' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:21 AM']Couple of pics from another recent gig! With regards to that last picture, we played last, so we were all fairly drunk! [/quote] It's quite depressing to see that despite being only a few months older than me you already managed to get an actual band together and a decent beard too Here's a picture of me: and this is a pic of me on the bass, before i got my haircut. Also sporting a nice beer belly lolz.
  11. looking great mate. Don't think i could really play a 51 style bass because of the pickup placement but it does look cool.
  12. [quote name='tauzero' post='824086' date='Apr 30 2010, 02:15 PM']Have a look at the Peavey Grind too. £349 for the 5-string from GAK.[/quote] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/peavey_c5nt.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/peavey_c5nt.htm[/url] or £315 from thomann. I can't really complain about peavey basses. They do the job. Can never seem to get them set up right though or maybe that's just my problem for being a bit useless at it lolz.
  13. Yeah pay to play is stupid. There is a local band thing on in our town and my friends band had to pay to play, it was only £3 but if i was them i would have told them to piss off. There is also the thing of actually BUYING a load of tickets to a festival at like 25% off then having to sell them to make any money. I would only do that if i was very confident we could get people to buy them.
  14. I reckon you should just stick a set of heavier strings on it for a while and see if that does any good.
  15. [quote name='fryer' post='816945' date='Apr 24 2010, 08:03 AM']Me in a ' group ' in 1965, and now in a ' band ', or maybe a rabble in 2010. Still the same Framus star bass.[/quote] That's a brilliant pic. I must say you do look a bit like my cousin in the older pic. I've seen a few old photos on forums of people in bands taken in the 60s and 70s. I can't even imagine being able to remember that far back. You've neglected to tell us which one you are in the newer photo though?
  16. [quote name='NickH' post='821031' date='Apr 27 2010, 07:29 PM']I'd say at this point - make sure to join an established band rather than trying to get your own started, even if you meet a blinding bunch of blokes and birds at a jam and decide the musical chemistry between you hasn't been seen since the days of early Queen [/quote] I think that's the plan to find an already going band, i've tried forming loads of bands in the past and the problem is that it takes time to find the right people and get it tight. Since i only really have 40 weeks to be going on with for the first year at least then this might not be brilliant lolz. [quote]I'm getting my new band into the covers scene, and even though we're all experienced guys it takes a goodly while of rehearsals to get a set up to performance quality. This is all time they you're spending out money on practice rooms rather than earning. Then you've got to make sure that you have enough PA and lighting to run a self-sufficient show. You'll need to pay for a demo recording, making copies thereof, artwork design, printing, web design, and hosting. These are not insurmountable obstacles but it's all time and money you're ploughing in which might be tough with going back to Uni. Once a band is established, booking regular work, got a website running, found a poster and T-shirt printer who do a good deal, and bulk-book practice room time - most of these costs turn negligible and you can start raking it in. Good luck![/quote] As i say these are problems that i'd rather not really be dealing with. Having said that, a lot of my recording stuff will probably accompany me to the uni so i reckon if i could get it over to the practice place then a recording shouldn't be too much of a huge expense. I'll probably want to ask about what the practice arrangements are and whether i'll have to pay loads of money for it but as i say hopefully i'll be able to find a band who have a lot of these things covered.
  17. ^ i dunno if that's a proper like jam night or anything, since i'm not really a jazz player. thanks for the thread reccomendations though, i shall be giving all these songs a look but from the looks of it many of them i can already play and others shouldn't be too much work so really i think from a playing point of view i'm okay. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='819069' date='Apr 26 2010, 11:16 AM']I'd add joinmyband to that too, i put an ad on there and within a week had loads of good offers, one from a cracking originals band and another for highly paid cruise work! Also if you really have to cycle with your entire rig maybe have a look at something like these: [url="http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid=2258&sid=610&cid=95"]http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid...=610&cid=95[/url] [url="http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid=2260&sid=610&cid=95"]http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid...=610&cid=95[/url] I never thought a bass amp could be that light until i picked up a shuttle combo. I've had pedals heavier than those things![/quote] They look pretty good. Obviously amplification is a big issue here. I think really the criteria if i'm going to be able to bring it on a bike would have to be less than 20kg in mass and not too big either, also the price is going to have to be right because as much as i like bass amps, i'm not made of money and as HJ says there is no point in paying loads of money that i'm not going to get back. [quote name='tauzero' post='819107' date='Apr 26 2010, 11:38 AM'][url="http://www.partysounds.co.uk"]Partysounds[/url] is another website worth looking at for adverts. I think that three of my last four bands were through there. What amp you'll need depends on the band. I could happily use a Gallien Kruger 200MB or a Hartke 120W combo with my old covers band, doing pop-rock and cod reggae on the social club circuit, but I'm using a 4x10 and 500W amp for the rock bands I'm with now. I was able to transport the GK and a headless Westone on the back of a motorcycle. I suspect that you'll find that most rock musicians your age will be looking doing originals music, so your surmise about working with older people is probably spot on.[/quote] I'll definetly have a look at all these websites thanks. I would like a motorbike but really i think with all the tests and whatnot it's going to have to wait till after university. The bass i've got now is pretty light and compact i reckon so that shouldn't be a problem, it's just the amp really. I've had a look at those GK microbass combos and they look pretty good, certainly small enough to fit on my back without a doubt. Again it comes down to cost, if i can find a used one that falls within my price range then that would be great but i don't think i could afford £600. [quote name='Conan' post='819111' date='Apr 26 2010, 11:40 AM']OK. So I totally wasted my time with that post about the jam night then? Such is life I guess! [/quote] I suppose it's my fault for putting the "north east" lolz even though technically it is the north east quadrant of england which is what i put. Thanks guys you've been a real big help so far, this doesn't seem quite as crazy an idea now. Oh who am i kidding! but it at least seems a bit more achievable. Having read through those threads, i suppose it's time to raid my dad's CD collection XD
  18. [quote name='Conan' post='818985' date='Apr 26 2010, 10:25 AM']You're in the North East yeah? There are several open-mic/jam nights in the area. One I know of pretty well takes place on the first tuesday of each month (so that will be next week) at the Ship pub under Byker Bridge in the east end of Newcastle (Now called "Ouseburn"!!)[/quote] No, i was born in newcastle but i actually live in Hull. Some people might not regard this as the "north east" but w/e.
  19. [quote name='s1ater' post='818813' date='Apr 26 2010, 07:28 AM']If you've got around £200 to spend i'd go for the m-audio fast track ultra.[/quote] I agree with spending more of what you've got rather than some cheapo £25 jobbie without a doubt. You'll only end up regretting it if you don't. Having said that, i personally would never buy an M-Audio interface again because i was heavily dissatisfied with their customer service.
  20. [quote name='conan']On the transport side, it is possible to use a taxi - but obviously if you see the project as a money generating exercise this will eat into your profits! Most cab companies have one or two estate cars in their fleet so make sure you ask for one of them in advance. I've gone down this road before (pun intended) when I've had a gig and fancied a beer or two...[/quote] The thought did cross my mind actually. Maybe for a longer journey this would be a good idea. Probably expensive though. [quote name='steve']+1, it's more important that you can nail a track fairly quickly, and that you're prepared to do your homework and have it learned ready for the rehearsal.[/quote] Well i think that's fine for me. I reckon i'm quite good at being able to learn songs quite quickly, especially if it's something quite simple. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='818862' date='Apr 26 2010, 08:31 AM']In all the above there seems to a tacit acceptance that EH's original concept of joining a covers band "to make some money" is sensible. Before you start investing in gear, Edward, you might want to check just how much money you can reasonably and/or reliably expect to make. It's different in Manchester, I know, but in London the only safe answer to that would be somewhere between very little and nothing at all. There are successful, established covers bands in London and they can earn plenty, but most pub bands rarely see as much as £200 a gig and frequently play for nowt. Just sayin' ...[/quote] It's just more stuff that i'll have to have a look about before i make any descisions. I think i would have got a combo at some point anyway. [quote][url="http://velo-city.org/cargo-trailers/gotoes.org-bikesatwork-bicycle-trailer.jpg"]http://velo-city.org/cargo-trailers/gotoes...cle-trailer.jpg[/url][/quote] lolz. Hmm maybe if it comes down to it, it might be an option! I guess if it's a smaller city like cardiff or manchester then there is hopefully still demand but not quite the same supply of musicians like you get down in london maybe? Dunno. [quote name='El Bajo']If I was in your position I would get a list ofthe most common cover songs bands play and get to work, that will take a while in its self. Get a part time job in a bar or whatever and start making some money to buy a 200W combo. Hopefully it should only take you a few months, at the same time look for some jam nights in your area to test out some of your newly learned songs. One you have your combo, new set of songs, and a little experience playing life go for it. If you are attractive enough (in a bass playing way, looks are for singers and lead guitarists smile.gif ) to a band, the band should offer you a lift. I know I would. There are plenty of classic rock cover bands out there that wopuldnt be fazed about piercings, etc. In fact it may help you get the gig! Best of luck[/quote] It's probably a good idea yeah, maybe i'll make another thread and ask what people in covers bands play and stuff. As i've already said i have no problem paying for a new (used) amp because i have got like 4 or 5 months to save up and that. Unforturnately there seems to be a distinct shortage of people to have a jam with in this area but i might be able to bring round a few friends and have a go with it. I reckon if they're doing anything for themselves then as has been said they've got to have some sort of storage. Maybe i can ask them to help me out with the amp in exchange for a few beers or something? I think if i can get the amp transported round then me and the bass will be no problem, because anywhere that's too far on the bike should be okay with public transport. Obviously i'd have to give myself enough time to get there but i think it should be fine. I suppose your average pub rock band isn't going to be massively bothered about how i look compared to say a corporate jazz band or a string quartet like my sister was in or something. Besides, they're only small. I'm planning on having normal earlobes again in later life so nothing huge.
  21. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='818477' date='Apr 25 2010, 09:23 PM']+1 I don't have a car and did covers for years, most of the time with a Hartke head with 1 or 2 big cabs FWIW pretty much every pub band around here that gets paid ok money has a full PA, bass and kick always goes through. Most of the time i could have used my little Hartke combo When i got my LMII i just left my cab with the band gear and carried the rest of my stuff on the bus or cycled[/quote] Okay so it's not all D+G then if i don't have a car. That's good. I suppose you lot have given me a lot to think about so we'll have to see. Thanks.
  22. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='818459' date='Apr 25 2010, 09:04 PM']Agree with most of the above, you definitely need your own amp. I've never been in a band that had a PA man enough for me to put the bass through. As for the transport situation, I've spent countless hours in the car picking up younger band members who didn't have transport and I never really minded doing it. If you're playing pub rock the chances are you're going to be in a band with people older than you who will have transport and will be happy to drive you. Just have a look around at what's available. They can only say no, and rejection is character building [/quote] okay maybe i was being a bit negative in the other post. As i've already said there is no problem w/s/e in getting an amp i entirely just wondered if i needed it that's all. If i need an amp then i'll just have to save up a couple of hundred quid and get an old trace elliot or SWR of the bay. I must say i do feel weird about the idea of being around older people but then again i am going to be 19 in september and i suppose i'll have to get used to it at some point. I guess it can't hurt to have a look in johnny roadhouse music at what's on offer and all that lolz.
  23. [quote name='gafbass02' post='818456' date='Apr 25 2010, 09:00 PM']Where there's a will there's a way.... (20 years in bands, 10 of which with a trace elliot stack, Now using markbass but still no driving licence!)[/quote] The thing i'm thinking is that if it's somewhere like manchester (for example) then i can't imagine it being ridiculously far away wherever the gig might be. If it is then maybe my dad will be able to give me a lift (here was me talking about being less reliant on my parents ) or someone from uni or w/e. In exchange for a couple of beers or fuel money or w/e. I suppose I'll just have to see what's happening come september, like work schedule and stuff like that.
  24. Ok yes i suppose it was a pretty stupid idea really. To be honest if they're anything like most people on here (IE normal) then i don't think they'd be too happy with anyone with stretched earlobe piercings. Also i seem to have a distinct lack of success when getting into bands at the best of times so at least i suppose now i know not to bother going down that route unless i can get a car, hey maybe the university will let them borrow their formula student car? SoW if i decide to do the formula student that'll probably take up most of my evenings and weekends anyway. So maybe it's something to think about for another year when i can get a bit cheaper insurance or whatever.
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