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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. As you may know it'll hopefully be second time lucky with regards to my university starting. With this in mind i was thinking of possibly making myself a bit less poor over the student year by joining a covers band and therefore earning a bit of extra cash on the side, it doesn't have to be huge amounts or anything just a bit of extra income to make life a little easier and not have to depend on my parents so much. So what i'm wondering is where do i start? I mean obviously i think i'm pretty okay on the bass, been playing nearly 5 years now, there have been "on" and "off" periods during that time but i would say by now i've pretty much got the hang of the basics. I don't have a bass amp at the moment but i suppose i would want something pretty lightweight because i'm unlikely to have a car at this point so i'll probably be getting to most places by cycle, with possible help from public transport if the occasion requires. I'm wondering if i even need a bass amp or if i could just get away with a DI box and some headphones too, i suppose it wouldn't do my image much good but any help on this subject would be great thanks. I'm supposing that i'll probably need to know a bit more theory. That's why i've got the AB guide to music theory here which i will read up on since i'm doing little else apart from maths in the run up to the summer. I was thinking of taking grade 5 theory at some point anyway. Is there anything else i need to know apart from that really? I'm not expecting massive fun or paychecks as i say but y'know i thought it might be an idea. Am i just being stupid here or might it actually work? Thanks EH.
  2. This probably wants to be in the "bassists wanted and available" forum mate.
  3. How much do you have to spend, i would say that at the cheapest a new 4 input audio input is at least about £200 but i would reccomend you perhaps spend a bit more on a slightly higher quality interface. I remember when i was 15 i tried to "save" on cheap stuff but really if you skimp then you're just wasting money. As for your DAW software, well audacity is okay for free software. The chances are that if you get a decent audio interface then it might come with a light version of their DAW. See if that's any good, but don't feel you have to go for their software when you upgrade.
  4. [quote name='mrhectic' post='813686' date='Apr 21 2010, 12:51 PM']I think i'l let the guy keep doing what he's doing and mention the sound i want when he mixes it. we had given him a recording of what we sound like before we went to the studio so he should know what im after, hopefully. I'l definetly sit with him when we get round to mixing to make sure. And the progress updates sounds like a great idea too. I'l ask him about that when i go back in a couple of weeks.[/quote] great idea, just remember though to do what's best for the song and not just the bass guitar sound would be my advice.
  5. the trouble is that it can be difficult to hear what you're playing if you don't have the bit of treble up there under everything else. What sort of music is it? Whether you should listen to the engineer in this case imo really depends on how loud the guitars and everything else are.
  6. [quote name='BassBus' post='811362' date='Apr 19 2010, 02:13 PM']How fast is your internet connection? Sounds like they might be taking a long time to download. If you wait they will probably come in eventually and then you can click on them and they will come up on the full screen. Problem solved? It really isn't an irritating site. It's a great resourse for Status basses.[/quote] It turns out it's because noscript was blocking the script from the website which stopped it from displaying the picture properly. It's all done and sorted now though
  7. [quote name='BassBus' post='810657' date='Apr 18 2010, 08:01 PM']If you mean small scroll your mouse over them and click on them. It's amazing what then happens!!! [/quote] No i mean the fact that they're in little boxes so you can only see little bits of the picture at a time. Do i have to like register or something?
  8. [quote name='BassBus' post='809889' date='Apr 17 2010, 10:08 PM']This is where to see [url="http://www.statii.com/forum/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=3162"]B2s[/url] And a B1 for good measure [url="http://www.statii.com/forum/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=3063"]here[/url][/quote] why must the pictures on that website be so irritating i wonder?
  9. [quote name='Eight' post='809250' date='Apr 17 2010, 11:02 AM']After a fairly disasterous practice session with a new band, where the guitarist was a mess (but of course 100% confident he was right), I got my Warlock out of it's bag for the first time in about six years this morning. Now I was never any good on the guitar. That's important. A quick glance at the tab sites revealed some tabs for the guitar parts of two of the songs in question. They also looked correct in so far as they match the record more or less. Plug guitar in, play. In time... in the right key. With the right number of bars in each section. Ain't that f**kin' difficult!!!! (Disclaimer to avoid sounding like an arrogant prick: 1) my bass playing and knowledge of music is limited, I know I'm not 'all that'. 2) you wouldn't have wanted to record my guitar playing and put it out on a CD, but hey....)[/quote] Tell me about it. They always seem to play the wrong things, and then you get the ones who not only play the wrong things but instead of just admitting they need help off you to learn the right thing, they pretend they already know the "right" way to play it and were just "putting their own creative spin on it". Yeah right.
  10. Nice, dunno if it's quite my thing but it's pretty well done. Are the singer and guitar player related or something? Lolz.
  11. haha cool a muse tribute band. I thought bliss sounded really good, great bass playing too although i thought it was mixed down a bit low sadly. What are the other 3 songs then?
  12. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='808985' date='Apr 16 2010, 10:15 PM']Like this one Wes? I was debating making this a stack knob... Great minds? Trav[/quote] do it.
  13. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='806721' date='Apr 14 2010, 11:39 PM']Yeah i do miss the tone, but its pretty close, just not the real thing if you know what i mean, but the ABM was great for recording and using on its own but the swap seemed practical more than anything else, i needed a cab, and had little money etc and i intend to exploit both outputs of my Attitude so i'll end up with two MAG300 heads and two 410 cabs and 2 15s in the end, its the same power, and this mag head is cool, its also and orginal non evo, its the serial number is 5 (after a load of zeros) made in enland which is cool, but overall keeping the ABM would have been my first choice, i will get 'em back at some point but gigging starts soon and i need a rig, as i had no cab[/quote] well let's face it at a gig no-one is going to notice the difference. I've seen the most awesome bands play with just midrange gear and it sounded great.
  14. ^ not surprised it's quiet to be honest, there is little making up for physics with it being a small size and that. It looks nice though. Bet it sounds pretty good too.
  15. This is an awesome idea dood. Very ingenious.
  16. [quote name='green' post='781660' date='Mar 21 2010, 03:00 PM']the other possibility would be grey primer, like on the truckster, but WITHOUT the relic job. and i'd add a few clear coats, to make it a glossy finish. be careful about matte finishes (like stealth): it may look good in the first week, but later on, the bass will be polished where you touch it often, and will be matte where you don't touch too much. it doesn't look that good in my opinion...[/quote] MPO is that it wouldn't look right if it was just a glossy finish but i do agree about the problems with flat finishes. I think you can buy clearcoats that are specifically designed to not gloss up like that though.
  17. [quote name='throwoff' post='804923' date='Apr 13 2010, 02:46 PM']Its working well although I miss having something so loud it pisses off the neighbours[/quote] I don't, I still have the drums . I know what you mean though.
  18. [quote name='throwoff' post='804916' date='Apr 13 2010, 02:33 PM']Due to moving abroad, selling all my amps and not trusting Ryanair with any of my basses im now on this rig - no amp, no cable just a clip on tuner and the bass! I have obtained today a Danelectro mini battery powered amp which I will use as a headphone amp for now![/quote] Good idea. I pretty much just plug mine into the mic preamp onto my computer lolz.
  19. [quote name='cheddatom' post='804906' date='Apr 13 2010, 02:25 PM']When you say Win 7 is marginally better than XP you're on about XP64 yeh? I think i'll give Win 7 a go anyway.[/quote] I'm almost certain it was the 64 bit version they were on about. You might as well i mean it certainly can't be any slower and if you don't like it i'll send you my copy of windows XP x64 for free
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' post='804834' date='Apr 13 2010, 01:16 PM']So by putting a 64bit OS on, I can still run SX3 and all my plug ins, and Cubase will be able to use all 4Gb of RAM as opposed to 3 in XP32 (right?). Why would I go with win7 over XP64? This is purely for recording, it will never be plugged into the net.[/quote] I've already said this but believe it or not, windows 7 in bench tests is actually marginally quicker than XP and on cakewalk a tester managed to get his latency down from 7 milliseconds on XP to 2.5 on windows 7 iirc. Vista was like 22 or something lolz. So there is a performance advantage and considering the extra cost of windows 7 home premium is marginal compared to windows XP i would say it was worth it. Don't bother getting the professional version. I remember them saying on a PC forum that the support and basic structure of the 2 operating systems are the same and any add-ons that aren't included on the home premium version will probably be able to be downloaded as 3rd party software anyway, should you even need them which is unlikely if you're not hooked up to the net. I don't know if you can use all of your ram on a 32 bit program on a 64 bit OS but you should be able to use the extra ram elsewhere still.
  21. Sorry to sound like a w***er, but apart from the bridge and headstock, i'm having a tough time distinguishing between the cutlass and a standard sort of stingray?
  22. Unless it says it supports 64 bit then you'll have to get the new one. As for the operating systems, you're better off getting Windows 7 EH has WXP64 and the only reason i've not put windows 7 on it yet is b/c i need to get a hard disk to back up my stuff onto first. It's supposed to be even faster than XP so it's worth getting. Unforturnately, i don't find myself using cakewalk 64 that much because i haven't noticed any huge performance benifits and the trouble is that it doesn't work with most VST effects. I have both installed though and i use the 32 bit version when i need the effects like amp simulation and the 64 bit version when i don't.
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