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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. I like the way it has the holes in the p/g for the thumbrest and pickup cover, although it's not actually screwed into the body but i suppose they have to keep costs down and all that.
  2. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='802891' date='Apr 11 2010, 06:55 PM']Things were going well with the band I joined in january, we'd got a gig lined up for the beginning of june and was really excited but typically, out of the blue this afternoon I got a call from the drummer saying that his heart wasn't in it anymore so he was leaving, he'd called the guitarist (his friend) to talk about it and he agreed so they've called it a day on the band. Bit of a shock as only 3 weeks ago we;d agreed to start gigging and I booked our first gig. This is now my 3rd band, and each one has died a death before it's gotten up and running properly. Is it me? Or am I just cursed? Should I sack off doing originals and join a nice covers band instead??[/quote] Not really. EH hasn't managed to be in a decent band for 3 years which got anywhere near doing a gig.
  3. [quote name='Stockholm Syndrome' post='802477' date='Apr 11 2010, 11:58 AM']WARNING: These images might cause a permanent image to burn in to your retinas. [/quote] Is that an IKEA clock in the background?
  4. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='802819' date='Apr 11 2010, 05:56 PM']Thats not what i mean, good quality gear is ime more reliable, plays better & sounds better![/quote] Tell me about it, this cheapo peavey bass sounds crap and buzzes like a mofo:
  5. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='802806' date='Apr 11 2010, 05:44 PM']plus i do music almost full time so there as much tools as they are for pleasure.[/quote] True although i think if you can afford it there is no reason anybody should feel they have to be a professional in order to have a nice setup.
  6. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='802797' date='Apr 11 2010, 05:32 PM']Its all about saving and working part time since i was 16.[/quote] Oh well there you go. I really should get a job. Maybe wait till uni
  7. ^you're definetly doing pretty well for 19 lolz.
  8. Hmm dunno if i'm so keen on the idea of a JH guitar design on a bass?
  9. Hmmm, Hull, tomorrow night? I might go, if i can be arsed.
  10. Nice looking bass, i thought of getting one. This should possibly be moved to reviews though.
  11. EH reckons the LTD surveyor would be a bit better, just because it's a bit different. Also you've already got an MIM jazz, why not get something else to go with it?
  12. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='797215' date='Apr 6 2010, 09:12 AM']i think i need a new soundcard do you have something in mind?[/quote] get something with a digital input like s/pdif so you can plug your amp into it. It would help if we knew what your budget was though.
  13. [quote name='Rich' post='796874' date='Apr 5 2010, 07:45 PM']Is it not salvageable? What's under the paint?[/quote] is this a question about EHs bass? Well if so it probably would be fine for me to do it again but to be honest it probably wouldn't end up much better.
  14. [quote name='s1ater' post='796350' date='Apr 5 2010, 10:50 AM']I have those monitors, and bang for buck they are rather good. Are you going to be mixing tracks?[/quote] most likely yes.
  15. MDD that is a very nice looking bass indeed! I'm not just saying that either. That is really nice. I want one.
  16. GAS free, and i bet you actually believed yourself! Liking the matching headstock.
  17. I don't mean to alarm you but your bass headstock appears to be broken.
  18. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='795117' date='Apr 3 2010, 04:24 PM']It sounds like you need to work on your gainstaging (google is your friend) but if you are getting what you want out of the shorter route why do anything else[/quote] +1 on that. I think there is little point if you like what you're hearing from the direct route. Have you tried using a VST program like voxengo boogex (I think that's what it's called) or something like that, i reckon some of them do okay impersinations of bass amps if you're not looking for anything too fancy for free. Also sorry if i'm being a bit condescending here or pointing out the obvious but with the digital output it does look like a normal microphone jack but it isn't. You need a soundcard with a digital input in this case a S/PDIF or AES/EBU input to use it.
  19. [quote name='gafbass02' post='790218' date='Mar 30 2010, 07:57 AM']wow, thats, um, blue![/quote] I was going for that look like that bass player out of that morrisey video which i can't remember anything about but i thought the bass looked nice with the blue body and headstock but then i decided to go with black hardware to make it more modern. It looks okay in the photo but awful in real life.
  20. [quote name='throwoff' post='792032' date='Mar 31 2010, 03:19 PM']??? what?[/quote] Sorry, i was just poking a bit of fun since you have shown us recently how much you appreciate historic basses.
  21. [quote name='robdeadstereo' post='788376' date='Mar 28 2010, 11:04 AM']ive got some m-audio av 40's [url="http://www.maudio.co.uk/products/en_gb/StudiophileAV40.html"]http://www.maudio.co.uk/products/en_gb/StudiophileAV40.html[/url] , great monitors for the price ive found[/quote] thanks, but to be honest i'd rather avoid any M-Audio stuff from now on. Not really happy with their customer service. If i was going to go down the active monitor route i was thinking of getting something like these: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/alesis_m1_aktiv_monitor_mk_ii.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/alesis_m1_aktiv_monitor_mk_ii.htm[/url] which i know are more expensive then i said i had but if i'm getting speakers as well then i want them to be good quality, if that makes sense?
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='785645' date='Mar 25 2010, 11:36 AM']Yeah, but who needs an amp when you have PODs and the like? [/quote] you can't make the earth shake with a POD tho let's face it.
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