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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='The Funk' post='787225' date='Mar 26 2010, 05:21 PM']Nothing wrong with just using a hi-fi stereo amp. It won't give you XLR ins/outs but you can still find ways of hooking it all up. Another alternative is powered monitors.[/quote] I know but the thing is that i do need one that will fit in with the 19" 2U form factor so it can go underneath my PC monitors on my desk.
  2. Basically my old AKAI hifi unit i think has pretty well had it so i was thinking of getting a power amplifier unit to power my speakers for now, then i can get some new ones at some other point. Which ones are any good? I was thinking about getting this maybe: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/tamp_s100.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/tamp_s100.htm[/url] dunno if it's any good though. Really i'm looking for anything for between £100-150 and with probably no more than 100w pc @ 8 ohm. Any help? Thks EH
  3. [quote name='WonderHorse' post='779862' date='Mar 19 2010, 03:00 PM']These are such beautiful basses. How much do they come up for sale over here? I've had a quikc look on eBay and they're al in the US. Also what's the average price?[/quote] Last time i looked it was between say 150 and 300 quid that sort of thing anyway.
  4. I bet throwoff will LOVE these
  5. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='784717' date='Mar 24 2010, 02:08 PM']Actually, even thick welly boots won't help you. Generally the main problem you'll encounter at a gig is where one hand is touching your bass strings (or bridge, or control knobs) and the other is touching something else (microphone, someone else's guitar, etc) and the current is passing through your body from arm to arm. You could wear thick rubber gloves, I suppose, but that might impair your playing. S.P.[/quote] You don't have to wear rubber gloves. You can just disconnect the bridge ground but that will give you extra buzz. If you used EMG pickups and had plastic knobs on your pots then you wouldn't have to touch the ground on the bass and you would be electrically disconnected from the amp.
  6. [quote name='Linus27' post='783922' date='Mar 23 2010, 08:22 PM']Woohoo, great stuff. How can I find out who did it? I would like them to add some more info like the Q Magazine album review, Casio watch advert, a bit about the second album that was never released and the bit where I ran off with Natalie Imbruglia. Ok that last bit never happened :)[/quote] i was wondering who that was lolz.
  7. omfg. How exciting. You have to be really big to make it onto wikipedia without being deleted (trust me, i've tried lolz)
  8. Good idea, you definetly don't want it to buzz too much (see what i did there) looks like it probably could do with some work doing although if it were me i'd probably just leave it.
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='782519' date='Mar 22 2010, 02:37 PM']I like the symmetry you get on a stage with one right handed player and one left. [/quote] haha yeah i know what you mean, i saw skindred last week and this is what they do. It has a pretty good effect although i think it can get a bit weird if you have 2 guitar players and a bass and one of them is a lefty. Sorry.
  10. [quote name='lanark' post='782446' date='Mar 22 2010, 11:36 AM']True - although if you're playing in an orchestra and bowing with the "wrong" hand, you're going to cause an enormous pile-up unless you're always going to be sat on an aisle seat.[/quote] I think that's really the reason that they're all right handed.
  11. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='783458' date='Mar 23 2010, 02:13 PM']Good buy- I have a fretted and a fretless just like that but red and orange respectively. Excellent value. Will need to get some pics I guess... What electronics are you putting in? I actually really like the passive controls- rolling off the bridge tone with everything else maxed out gives me my ideal fretless sound.[/quote] I've already shoved in an emg preamp from my other bass, sounds pretty nice although i think i have some odd grounding issues which i'll have 2 sort out @ some point. Lookin 4ward 2 seeing peavey pics too
  12. Methinks i'll have to try one of them ATK basses out, that bloke out of the offspring used one dinnie?
  13. those things are bigger than most of our bass amps lol
  14. come on, is no-one interested in EHs peavey basses? Or post your own, don't forget they make amps as well as basses too...
  15. Right well why i didn't just do this b4 i have no idea. I got a jazz body off tinternet and painted it blue and the headstock blue as well. Looks okay but to be honest the paintjob is terrible. Runs, Tiger striping, various markings etc. Plus i didn't wetsand it quite flat enough and in other places there is white where i managed to sand through the topcoat round the edges. But i think i could have just about got away with it had it not been for the bloody drips that went on down both horns. I managed to cover up one of them with the strap button but there are 2 ghastly white marks on both the lower horn and the top of the neck pocket which is RRI. I still wish i'd just bought that musicman but this is a bit of an improvement, i just should have done this instead of wasting all that money on the body blank.
  16. Here we go then: [attachment=45433:P1010694.JPG] I did a bit of a muck up of the paintjob to be honest. What i can't stand is that i just didn't buy a bass because it would have been a lot bloody better.
  17. rite well the mofoer is on ebay now so if any of you lot want it best get bidding: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270550019283&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT[/url] EH
  18. It's probably not a good idea just listening to the singer because 9 times out of 10, he/she doesn't know what they're doing! Much better to be able to hear what the drums are doing and base it off that imo.
  19. [quote name='lanark' post='782419' date='Mar 22 2010, 10:33 AM']But .... left handers learn to play the violin and the flute right-handed why can't left-handed guitarists just persevere? I'm just playing devil's advocate here, by the way, I'm left-handed myself and I'm genuinely just interested in why this instrument in particular gets so many left-handed variations made (I know that if you DO play left-handed it feels like there's hardly any, but compared to every other instrument there's an enormous amount of choice).[/quote] It is an interesting question. I suppose we might never know if there are musicians who play classical instruments out there who would have done so much better had they been able to pick up a left handed instrument (btw cellos and violins and such believe it or not are actually asymetrical if you didn't know) this person who was my friend in school is left handed but very good on both the piano and cello and didn't even think twice about getting a right handed guitar when he started playing. To be honest though he might be pretty ambidextrous anyway because when he broke his left arm he managed to pick up writing with his right hand in a matter of a couple of weeks. Now whether it's a matter of being able to play the instrument due to this natural ambidextrosity or the left hand strength being developed as a result of having played right handed instruments for nearly all of his life i suppose it's pretty difficult to say.
  20. [quote name='deathpanda' post='781269' date='Mar 20 2010, 11:50 PM'] hard to explain... but even just the sight of this bass inspires me to play... I would have this bass over Cheryl Cole.[/quote] I would have ANY bass over her . I've still not really found "the one" or indeed have had enough money to possibly be able to win her over but i think this peavey might be in for the count: We were together for 3 years but i never really loved her, she was really just a teenage fling, a buddy to learn how to "do it" with as it were. Now she's gone i've come to realise she was possibly a bit cheap and nasty. She's with my friend now, and i like to have a go on her whenever i go round to his. He doesn't mind. "She" is called hartley btw xD
  21. [quote name='throwoff' post='778866' date='Mar 18 2010, 05:28 PM']This is exactly how it should be described! I once heard a guitarist describe an orignal arbiter fuzz face as 'a fuzz pedal thingamajig' Nothing like having great gear and being understated[/quote] nice 1. EH seriously wants some markbass gear.
  22. [quote name='throwoff' post='778263' date='Mar 18 2010, 09:02 AM']You know since I bought it I regret not getting a black plate. It took so long to organise that bass though. I wanted 3 string 3EQ with maple board. That was set. So I spoke to bass cellar Denmark St. and made a list of colours etc I liked. At the time I was dead set on Silver with a matching stock. In the end I spoke to the distributer and it turned out they had 3 in the UK in Natual, Black and White. I could order anything but minimum 6 month wait up to a year. So I went for white, I could however have had any scratchplate as a FOC upgrade as they had them all in stock in UK and were willing to change it. Really should of gone for black plate. And in a way I regret not waiting 6 months for the right colour but oh well I still love it to bits. Found a ltd Stingray in Dargie Delight in the US recently, trying to organise UK shipping and that colour is mad![/quote] Surely you could just get a new pickguard off WD or w/e if you're that bothered about it?
  23. [quote name='Clarky72' post='777727' date='Mar 17 2010, 05:42 PM']Meh... I quite like the look of an all white P bass[/quote] Yes well let's face it i'd like the look of any bass if there was some fit girl holding it XD
  24. dunno if i've seen a 5 string big al bass before.
  25. I wasted loads of money on a "custom" bass which is actually a POS and i could have got a musicman with the money i wasted on it. Pics to follow.
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