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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. Firstly to answer your question, no it isn't called a "cementfloor". That's what they do in German but you might as well just call it a "cement floor". As for the relic, i probably would have left it at the first bit myself, maybe gouged a little bit out of the wood. It does look a little ott to me but i guess if you like it then that's the important thing. Try not to worry too much about what everyone else thinks.
  2. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='728051' date='Jan 28 2010, 08:12 PM']What improvements have been made since the rather heavily criticised [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=43350&st=0"]prototype stage?[/url][/quote] unbelievable. I guess if someone is stupid enough to pay that sort of money for it though...
  3. looks like it's going to be totally amazing.
  4. [quote name='4000' post='727522' date='Jan 28 2010, 01:12 PM']My Alembic Stanley Clarke was 30" scale and probably had my favourite slap tone of all the basses I've owned. It was a total flyer too. It all depends on what type of slap tone you like really. Marcus, Les, Larry, Mark King etc etc? All very different. In fact MK has different slap tones depending on what bass he's using.[/quote] I suppose you're right but when i stuck heavy strings on my bass i really thought it sounded great for slap. As i say, imo.
  5. [quote name='antti' post='727422' date='Jan 28 2010, 11:33 AM']Thanks guys. Keep writing. It is great to be able to read which one you prefer and why. You wont make it any easier. I am pretty much after a good slap bass at the moment. I already have that Jazz bass and CB but one good slap bass is what I am after. [/quote] In that case, definetly get the 34". The extra tension really improves the slap tone of a bass no end imo.
  6. [quote name='attackbass' post='726688' date='Jan 27 2010, 06:44 PM']haha cool! Been on here for a good while, i'm completely obsessed by my instrument lol! That was a good tour, altho we were on about 5 minutes after doors![/quote] yeah, we missed your first couple of songs because my "friends" who i was going with spent about half an hour playing on bloody HALO 3 lolz so we were a bit late.
  7. I'd probably go with 34" or maybe 33" if u really can't decide between the 2?
  8. i didn't realise you were on here mate. I saw your band supporting ffaf @ huu asylum back in 2008 lolz.
  9. very nice. I was tempted by one of those yamaha mixers, perhaps a bit out of my price range though lolz.
  10. [quote name='2x18' post='723808' date='Jan 25 2010, 08:11 AM']I think you may be in the wrong forum mate! Those seem to be in car entertainment stuff and this forum is for Bass guitarists![/quote] ^this. Seriously mate have you even tried a car forum? I think most people on here would just tell you to shove an 800w powered mixer and a couple of 2x10 cabs in the boot. Or just leave it on your hifi at home.
  11. [quote name='joegarcia' post='723780' date='Jan 25 2010, 03:45 AM']Interesting. Would love to hear how it sounded [/quote] I think most of us would. Wow a 1952 gretsch eh? Bet that's worth a few bob, not to mention all the recording gear lolz
  12. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='722691' date='Jan 23 2010, 10:56 PM']+1 That's so utterly sad. My daughter is 19 so it resonates very strongly with me...Sincere condolences Jack.[/quote] Being 18 and (hopefully) off to uni in september myself, i know exactly how you feel.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='721516' date='Jan 22 2010, 06:44 PM']I am desperately sorry to have to tell you that tjkennelly has just died. Tim had achieved his life's ambition, to go on tour with a metal band. His band (their name is now quite appalling - [i]After Death[/i]) had reached Brazil and went swimming yesterday on a day off. One of the guitarists got into difficulty in heavy surf and Tim tried to go to his aid. They both drowned. Tim was 18 and a good friend of my daughter's. He spent many hours playing my basses (and drooling over them) and it was me who introduced him to Basschat. He was a really lovely guy and I thought of him as a friend and fellow musician, rather than as one of my daughter's mates. Tim came from a background that was far from privileged. His performance in school was impressive and he would have gone to university in the autumn. What he achieved in his short life was down to his native intelligence, his dedication, and his excellent sense of humour. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am to be writing this. I will really miss Tim. Jack[/quote] wow, that's tragic. I think one thing though is that it sounds like he's lived more in 18 years than many people who grow to an old age. Having said that, it also sounds like he had a hell of a lot more living left to do. Very sorry to hear it mate. It's always very hard to deal with when a family member or friend just dies so suddenly like this, but just try to remember that really you were lucky to have even known him.
  14. [quote name='7string' post='719717' date='Jan 21 2010, 12:37 AM']Good to see your studio setups. They're both definitely less cluttered and more organised than mine [/quote] I wouldn't exactly call it uncluttered! But i think the velcro cable ties i got for christmas helped a lot in that department because now i can tie my mic cables in neat little loops . You've made me curious now, might as well show us yours eh?
  15. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='716582' date='Jan 18 2010, 01:49 PM']Sorry to hear about the problems your experiencing with your SWR's I know how proud of them that you are, have you tried changing the valve in the amp ?[/quote] Not yet but i get the feeling that it won't make much difference. I guess if no one is interested in these then i'll just have to flog them on ebay.
  16. Mail replied to. Here is a couple of pics of the amp anyway. I should have perhaps pointed out that it is an SS180 bass amp. [attachment=40364:P1010636.JPG] [attachment=40363:P1010637.JPG] [attachment=40365:P1010638.JPG]
  17. It is with regret that i am being forced to sell my beloved swr bass rig b/c it's got a couple of technical issues. Plus i'm no longer in a band and this is really just taking up space. The troubles are that both the speakers and amp have problems with distortion. That's about it. Everything else on both are pretty much all fine, apart from one of the hifi style banana connectors on the back of the cab has snapped off. [attachment=40361:back.JPG] [attachment=40362:newman.JPG] I'll get a pic or 2 of the amp itself a bit later. So i was thinking maybe £50 for the cab, £45 for the amp or £80 for the whole thing. Or make me an offer. Shipping is possible but it will be horrendously expensive for the cab. Thanks edd.
  18. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='714389' date='Jan 15 2010, 09:52 PM']For those of a thriftier bent, there's also [url="http://www.bluenoise.no/mydrumset.html"]My Drumset[/url] which is free and pretty good. Have to program the beats yourself though.[/quote] I downloaded that. I thought it was quite good in it's own way but the trouble is that there aren't really enough drums and cymbals on it. It's fine if you don't need a big kit though. Plus you have to transpose all your midi files by 2 octaves.
  19. [quote name='dood' post='713870' date='Jan 15 2010, 03:16 PM']Well TL *is* great - but I write all of his drum parts for him.. Next week , I'm teaching him compound time sigs ) - I jest of course. Yes, we use it for writing songs. For really quick demos, being a Roland endorser - Thomas will beat out some lines on his Vdrums straight down to MIDI (triggering Superior for example) - then mail over the MIDI file, which we then play back with exactly the same Superior kit. It's very fast and great for roughing out ideas. Thomas lives in the US, so it's not really easy to pop round for a coffee and jam! lol![/quote] Yeah i know the feeling, i'm showing our drummer neil peart the ropes at the moment. He's got the drive and the gear but i just have to get him the little bit of the way there. Lolz oj i'm the drummer actually. Yeah i saw TLs electronic kit @ NAMM for a roland promo vid. As far as i remember it was like a complete copy of his acoustic kit but electronic and it is totally awesome. Seriously if anyone on here is even remotely interested in drums then i reccomend you look it up on youtube. I see exactly what you mean about jam sessions and that. I was half-joking when i said that though i mean of course there are other good reasons to get a program like this.
  20. [quote name='TRadford' post='712824' date='Jan 14 2010, 05:56 PM']I use it too, although Im a drummer! Have it on a laptop and rum my edrums through it to get more realistic sounds. Great program, and [u]handy to quickly chuck a song together when you cant be arsed to play it.[/u][/quote] Yeah that's basically what i was thinking lolz
  21. [quote name='dood' post='712607' date='Jan 14 2010, 02:36 PM']My band, within The Void, have an artist deal with Toontrack - and have been using Superior 2 (the newer EZ Drummer package) - and all of us think it is brilliant. I love slapping down a loop in my DAW and jamming to it too. The more realistic drums (and the infinte editing of S2) makes the whole experience far more enjoyable.. Especially when coming up with new song ideas. I get the toontrack newsletter through - and it's interesting to see how many artists have had chart releases with their products taking up the rhythm section job![/quote] why would you need EZ drummer when you have thomas lang? Lolz oj. Sounds like it's a great songwriting tool though. It's a nice touch to be able to make good sounding results quickly. I was thinking of doing a similar thing myself so i didn't have to buy a load of drum recording gear for demos, plus i'm not exactly TL on the drums either
  22. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='711777' date='Jan 13 2010, 07:14 PM']I kinda enjoyed doing it, alot! Think i will try my hand at constructing a jazz next![/quote] They're the 2 really let's face it.
  23. Generally i think it's okay to wheel bass cabs around, it's really just valves that you should keep still and even then that's only when they're heated up.
  24. [quote name='urban Bassman' post='710970' date='Jan 13 2010, 10:09 AM']Here's mine, taken last May... IF the snow retreats sufficiently, it'll be used on our first gig of 2010 on Saturday....fingers crossed! [attachment=40136:TC_rig.jpg] HD 450 with 2 x 10 and 2 x 12 cabs[/quote] snow? What snow? Lolz nice rig anyway it's an interesting idea having them stacked like that, i'd probably be worrying about them falling over or something like that though.
  25. That ibanez looks great. Yeah i used to have an ltd Guitar(!) that had that sort of finish. Totally awesome. If i had a limitless amount of money i'd doubtless get something custom built like the "s" word or something lol.
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