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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. Remember i was saying there was something wrong wrong with me? Well my friend put a band ad up and within the week he had about 6 replies. That's more than i got in 4 years! Anyway the point is that he found some band who also wanted a drummer as well so that's what we're doing at the moment so that's good. But i still don't quite understand what's made him so popular? Oh well i suppose it will remain one of the many great mysteries of life. Hopefully this band will work out otherwise i'm just going to make music by myself, for myself from now on. [quote name='johnzgerman' post='588078' date='Sep 2 2009, 09:14 PM']there is a time and a place for slap, fortunately not very many of them, theres nothing worse than someone banging away with the ame old octaves and hammer ons etc...[/quote] This is where the mystery deepens about my friend being so popular. He just won't stop playing "can't stop" by rhcp in the wrong tuning and everything!
  2. [quote name='HMX' post='710310' date='Jan 12 2010, 05:36 PM']Nice thread Eddie, do I recognise you from UG or talkbass.com perhaps? There's always one guy in every band I'm in that I clash with. I just try to keep my mouth shut and let the fury come out in the form of sweet bass fills, haha. I quit my first band because of the singer and his enormous ego, I couldn't bite my lip any longer.[/quote] Probably UG yeah, EddieHimself. That's always the problem with a lot of singers that they think they're more amazing then they actually are. Wow 4 pages eh? That's not bad.
  3. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='709827' date='Jan 12 2010, 11:35 AM']I like you - you're even more f*cked up than me Unfortunately most of these things you are waiting for aren't all that they're cracked up to be. Never be afraid to have some fun. You'll have plenty of years as an incontinent old man to regret it if you don't.[/quote] Yeah i know i'm a proper weirdo mate! Well you'll be glad to know that my new years resolution is to not discuss my negative emotions so much, so if you see me making more posts like this then please do point this fact out.
  4. looks good. Yeah, maybe you didn't build it from the ground up or anything but at the end of the day you have basically got a custom bass now that is built using the parts you want and we all have to start somewhere with this whole bass building malarkey.
  5. [quote name='rasher80' post='701652' date='Jan 5 2010, 02:48 PM']Scott Morriss from The Bluetones plays a Gretsch Broadkaster i think. Think it's got a nice meaty tone IMHO[/quote] i thought that was a drum kit? Looks like a nice bass anyway. The question of how cool it is? Well that's all in the eye of he who plays the thing but i think it's pretty cool yeah, especially if you turn up to a metal band night and all the other bass players have ibanez and mad 6 string beasties and you just come up there with your gretsch and blow them all away with your awesome bass skills
  6. Well i ended up filing a report. Ebay does have a category on their reports for "vat charges outside of the sale price".
  7. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='705278' date='Jan 8 2010, 11:06 AM']No, they're not, according to eBay's own [url="http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/policies/business.html"]T&Cs for businesses[/url], which state: If you want it, contact them and tell them that. If they kick up a fuss, report them.[/quote] Thanks for clearing that up. Yeah as i say i'm probably not going to buy (although i'd be REALLY interested in it if i had enough readies) it but whoever does get it shouldn't be slapped 17.5% extra on when they don't have to be. I think i'll send them a polite PM.
  8. [quote name='Davetbass' post='704559' date='Jan 7 2010, 06:28 PM']He is a theiving, lowlife pr*ck! I bought a set of white EMG jazz pups from him for 70quid posted and he never bothered sending them. When I contacted ebay they told me to call his local police station as it was a fraud. No help from ebay and he also managed to palm me off with excuses until the deadline for a paypal claim had passed. Well I'd like to say there was a happy ending but he has my dosh and I will never buy anything from the States again. I did send him a goodsized paragraph of imaginative scottish abuse everyday for a month with lots of death threats and explicit details of what I was going to do to his mum! Dave[/quote] one thing i would say is that it's important to always make sure you put in a claim to paypal if you even suspect there is something up. I claimed back some money for a CD which then arrived 3 weeks after i ordered it so i sent them the money back. y'know i doubt i made any friends but at the end of the day i didn't get conned into losing out.
  9. I saw this digital mixer on the bay which i wouldn't mind taking a punt at if i'd had more money. I'm just wondering though because it appears they want to charge VAT on top of the final price and i'm wondering if they're allowed to do this? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200425006085&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url]
  10. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='703307' date='Jan 6 2010, 07:18 PM']OK.. So, what's with the window? [/quote] Well if you HAVE to know, i shoved some acrylic sheeting on the panes to hopefully soundproof it a little bit. Unforturnately the curtains don't stay on very well with gorilla tape only.
  11. Since you're showing your studio shizz, might as well show you EHs studio: Here is my computer desk, where all the recording is done. It's not really that exciting, just a delta 1010 recording interface (which was introduced 11 years ago but amazingly it still seems to do a pretty decent job lolz) I'm thinking of expanding with the christmas money i got. Trouble is i don't really know whether i should get a mic preamp which i don't really need for my microphones i've got now, or a pair of small condensers which won't work without a mic preamp. the drums, this is what i'm wanting the mics for. Don't ask about the window, okay?
  12. [quote name='Greene-Mann' post='613495' date='Oct 1 2009, 12:30 AM']I honestly do think i get more 'enjoyment' scrolling through this thread than i do watching porn [/quote] i think porn is slightly boring in the sense that it leaves little to the imagination, pics of nice basses on the other hand, well yeah...
  13. Right well i've finally ordered a perfboard. So as long as my father hasn't put all the electronics somewhere where i'll never find them again, i should be able to get re-going on this thing.
  14. [quote name='umph' post='697355' date='Dec 31 2009, 05:23 PM']highly doubt preamp valves would've gone more likely the output are on their last legs, does the distortion sound normal?[/quote] Well this is the interesting thing because i hooked the preamp out to the computer recording and the distortion still was there. It sounded pretty fizzy like some old fender or something? I dunno.
  15. [quote name='Tinman' post='697229' date='Dec 31 2009, 02:57 PM']A quick search brought up that it has 4 preamp valves and that they're all 12AX7's. My thoughts are that if you swap them around you may be able single a duff one out. Having said all that, if you do find a duff pre amp valve then you might as well replace all 4, particularly if it hasn't been re-valved in a while. Pre amp valves aren't that expensive.[/quote] good idea, yeah i reckon it is probably something wrong with one of the valves in this case. As for it being part of the design, in my original post i already pointed out that it didn't used to do this before so i think there must be some sort of fault although i might consider getting a lower gain tube for the cleans anyway so it's a bit nicer and cleaner in future b/c i do think it's a bit hot.
  16. Hi guys my peavey ultra tube 112 guitar amp (no not a bass amp but come on are they really that different?) has a big problem with the cleans. Basically no matter how much i turn the gain down, it still distorts if you input the guitar too loud. I know some guitar amps are designed to do this but it never used to have this problem and i like to have an ultra clean sound so i'm imagine it's something to do with the tubes or something like that. The thing is though is i don't want to spend loads on repairs so is it a simple fix or something more difficult?
  17. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='696547' date='Dec 30 2009, 06:05 PM']Agree completely... that's a guitar cab. That's always going to be a problem. If you're spending money then better get a proper cab IMHO (or sell everything and start again)[/quote] +1 regardless of the power ratings and resistances a guitar cab is a guitar cab and a bass cab is a bass cab, you shouldn't run a bass at anything more than bedroom practice volume in a guitar amp or speaker.
  18. [quote name='jamesbass116' post='696371' date='Dec 30 2009, 02:57 PM']hey guys i'm new to this so i though i would just show a few pics to familiarise with everyone haha p.s - sorry it takes up a whole page!!!!!!! my fender MIM jazz my warwick fretless my fender 24V my fernandes gravity tenor line 6 lowdown... soon to be replaced [/quote] Not bad for 16 mate! How long you been playing for?
  19. Very nice. A lot better than mine anyway lol XD sorry i really should shut the f*** up. Seriously though, you're an electronics genius mate and you've helped me out no end. I'm sure i'll get my stuff sorted out in no time anyway.
  20. Couple of criticisms from me. Firstly i thought the drums weren't very well timed if you know what i mean. Y'know the metronome your drummer has gathering dust in his practice space? He should practice his timing with it. The other thing is that i really think the shouting just sort of ruins the song. I liked the way the guitar and the bass was played though given the way it was. Also you did it onto a tape? They still exist?
  21. [quote name='cm261' post='690752' date='Dec 21 2009, 04:11 PM']My Woolly Mammoth clone currently has a breadboard in it rather than any soldering, it took about 2 minutes to put it together (rather than the hours that soldering would have taken me - as I suck big time) and I see no reason to change it to a soldered circuit. If anything fries or goes wrong at any time I can swap it over without desoldering, and if I decide to mod it, which I am going to by adding a blender, I can just pop the mod in without desoldering/altering/having to rehouse the circuit on a bigger bit of perfboard/stripboard or whatever. It's a more expensive way of doing it, as the breadboard was £3, but to save on a couple of hours work for a circuit which might not actually end up working due to cold solders or whatever (as you, like me in the past, have discovered to your cost) it's a negligible expense All IMO of course.[/quote] indeed it is a rather tempting proposition mate.
  22. [quote name='cm261' post='690682' date='Dec 21 2009, 02:55 PM']About 5 seconds on google got me this: Including delivery: [url="http://www.dayga.co.uk/Component_Boards_and_Accessories/Pre_Punched_Ic_Spacing_Perfboard"]here[/url] at £4.35 [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Microminiature-Prepunched-Perfboard-4.5%22-x-6%22_W0QQitemZ350271729540QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=&rvr_id=&cguid=0cd3beff1220a0aad0c7b127fecfa94b"]here[/url] at £4.29 if you like paypal [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Microminature-Pre-punched-Perfboard--152-mm-x-203-%286x8%22_W0QQitemZ350265032078QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=&rvr_id=&cguid=0cd3beff1220a0aad0c7b127fecfa94b"]here[/url] at £4.99 if you want a bigger bit Alternatively, and something I would definately recommend, you can get some prototyping breadboard [url="http://www.bitsbox.co.uk/connects.html#test"]here[/url] since you've had problems with the build. Although it is 'prototyping' board there's nothing stopping you using it as a permanent solution if you're someone that really hates soldering. Hope this helps.[/quote] I did see them, however it is quite expensive considering they were on banzai for like 60p or something. I might have to though if it comes down to it. I did think about just using a breadboard, not really sure about it though.
  23. [quote name='cm261' post='690336' date='Dec 21 2009, 02:38 AM']Any update on this, out of interest?[/quote] No, stupidly i forgot to order a perfboard for the build on banzai and it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE to find one anywhere in the UK and i don't want to be paying 8€ for delivery when i'm just ordering a cheap part like that.
  24. [quote name='iconic' post='688880' date='Dec 19 2009, 09:17 AM'][color="#0000FF"]The question he asked the other day was, is the RBX-374 a jazz or a precision bass, um I don't know.....I think that having two pick-ups with adjustment for varying the sound from each pick-up & bass treble control sort of makes it both...I'm really not too sure, can anyone help?[/color][/quote] It's neither. It seems pretty weird because at the end of the day, every bass in the world doesn't have to be a p or j bass. just like every car in the world doesn't have to be a ford focus or a vauxhall astra!
  25. luke's lavaly mate. Very interesting design, not the sort of thing you usually see anyway.
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