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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='684510' date='Dec 14 2009, 09:12 PM']It's getting one, it's in the spec on the first page![/quote] oh okay well i suppose matching headstock is cool too
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='684503' date='Dec 14 2009, 09:07 PM']Quality! Not interested in a matching headstock!?[/quote] I personally think there is something quite awesome about a maple headstock on a maple neck with a maple fb.
  3. [quote name='Mog' post='683998' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:03 PM']its tough keeping a working bass in good order.its a hard pill to swallow but its virtually unavoidable.my streamer is so badly beat up after only a year of gigging that if the good people over at warwick seen it they'd probably ban me from using they're products. a lot of the bassists i know are going back to fenders just because they are so damn tough and can take serious abuse.[/quote] why? Surley the more of 'em you buy the better as far as they're concerned, whether that's by wearing them down after a year or otherwise.
  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='683956' date='Dec 14 2009, 01:34 PM']Sorry mate the body now has P bass neck on it, as seen here. [/quote] isn't that like the wrong way round? Mind you, i quite like the chunky feel of a p-bass neck. Pretty funky looking outfit there too lol.
  5. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='683556' date='Dec 13 2009, 11:52 PM']Now im not looking for a fight or anyone being a bit arsey,(so dont bother commenting), all im looking for is what peoples views are on the care of their bass, im hoping to get educated in why pristine and roadworn are prefered in different people.[/quote] why are you on basschat then seriously though you might not want to see one of my basses lol. I personally am not so bothered about the condition because none of my basses are showroom perfect to begin with, i like a bit of charachter. As i always like to say "it doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to work!" Also that's an interesting point about the resale value. I fixed that problem by building my own bass, so it has no resale value to begin with! [quote name='Al Heely']I am intrigued, do you manage a creche or work in a kennels?[/quote] Or, well y'know... yeah.
  6. I'm going to agree with the masses and say black. I just think it would offer up such a good contrast to the maple neck + fb, and also the flourescent paintjob and imo the brightness of the paint is only ever going to work with some sort of powdercoat finish on the metal bits.
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='679830' date='Dec 10 2009, 02:10 AM']Speaking as a spectacularly incontinent old man, I can assure you that the middle bit is worth waiting for. Until you start getting buggered around by lecturers, start paying taxes, get married / divorced, work for an idiot, end up in bands with idiots, realise that everyone on the bus is an idiot, develop haemmorhoids the size of a sack of basketballs and retire. So there's a window of about 36 hours when you can really enjoy yourself. Make sure you don't miss it, EH. [/quote] Nice. Seriously though, i feel as if i've missed out on a lot these past few years. It's all my fault though so i suppose i shouldn't be getting all depressed about it. I guess i'll just have to make it up at uni. (hopefully)
  8. [quote name='Fitzy73' post='678297' date='Dec 8 2009, 06:56 PM']will you post to rep of ireland , i will pay extra for postage , fitz[/quote] that's fine i'm sure we can sort something out, you'll have to pm me though.
  9. [quote name='Jambo63' post='678315' date='Dec 8 2009, 07:05 PM']Sometimes the band initially comes together really well and everyone gets on, then as the band improves/progresses (read playing bigger and better gigs) you start to see differences appearing as band members' reveal their true colours.[/quote] That's really what happened here. I thought he was a pretty nice guy at first and i suppose he's okay but there's just something about him i really don't like that i only realised after about a year of being "with him" for want of a less bad phrase. I guess i just get pissed off about his easy going don't care attitude to everything, probably because i'm pretty stuck up and paranoid most of the time. [quote name='maxrossell' post='678723' date='Dec 9 2009, 05:22 AM']I'm in the North West, and although it's not always easy to find good musicians to work with, there are quite a few to get going with. Again, I'd say that "doing something" is all well and good, but you may find that doing a few gigs here and there isn't necessarily that much more fun than jamming in your house, especially if you're gigging with people you don't get on with. I guess what I'm saying is take your time, don't feel you have to rush it. Having regular jams can be really great fun if you don't treat it as preparation for something else. Get a few beers in, smoke up, spin some records and just enjoy making music with friends. Who cares if you don't even have a guitarist? There are some great bands out there who do just fine without guitards.[/quote] Yeah perhaps, to be honest i was trying out my guitar amp through the bass speaker with my bass last night, see if we even need a guitar player. The thing i would say about what you said before is that i'm always being told to wait. The fact that i have to wait for everything, wait to be in a half decent band, wait to have sex, wait another year before i can do university etc... all of my friends are living their best years whilst i sit here doing crappy a levels and watching the most boring daytime tv shows, with woe and depression stabbing me like a knife up my arse. What the hell does it even matter? I suppose it's not long until i'm some incontinent old man anyway.
  10. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='677999' date='Dec 8 2009, 03:03 PM']the French call everything he or she, so yes it's wierd[/quote] In germany they call objects he she and it. Infact they have about 20 words for "the". It makes you think where the hell they even got the idea of something being a man or woman with no evidence of sexual organs whatsoever?
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='677982' date='Dec 8 2009, 02:51 PM']My basses came with names from the factory. One's called 'Jazz Bass', the other's called 'Thumb Bass'. Saved me all the trouble of looking through books of baby names.[/quote] +1 lol my guitar is called "dean" XD My friend calls his gear names and pretty much every inanimate object. It's pretty weird really. But hell we're all weird in some way so E2HO i guess?
  12. Nice one, i sort of own a columbus. I've got the pickups for it if you want. £10?
  13. [quote name='maxrossell' post='677708' date='Dec 8 2009, 11:36 AM']Sure dude, we appreciate that, but without wanting to come across all older-brother, you're only eighteen. I remember back when I was eighteen, I also lived in a place where good musicians were rarer than unicorn sh*t and no-one was interested in being in my band, and back then it did seem like a massive deal, but within a couple of years I had moved away and had two phonebooks full of local musicians' numbers. Right now it doesn't really matter if you don't have a full line-up. What matters is that you have a good time doing music, and you definitely don't want to be p*ssing about with unnecessary band politics like having to keep someone happy until you can safely boot them. If he's being a pain in the arse, tell him to shove off and just do your own thing until you're in a better position to hire people. Seriously, guitar players are ten a penny in most places.[/quote] I guess you might be right. Well next year with a bit of luck i should hopefully be off to the north west to study so there should be a hell of a lot more musos out west than over here. I might ask the bass player what he thinks. Its just that we wanted to actually do something rather than be stuck at my house practcing all ' time. Also skank that sounds a lot like my guitar player, he does all this widdling and twiddling but he can barely get the basics of timing and doing hammer ons and pull offs correctly. He spends little time trying to practice to actually make his sound tighter he just constantly wants to learn new sh*t. Although he's not 40 odd forturnately, but i can imagine him being not much different when he is.
  14. [quote name='The Funk' post='677215' date='Dec 7 2009, 09:13 PM']For now, just try to work with him. As you get better, you'll be able to draw from a larger pool of musicians. That's the time to take your bass off mid-gig and whack him in the balls. Until then, keep your cool.[/quote] That's pretty much what me and the bass player have decided. We'll keep him on until we can find some real musicians then get rid of him. Make sure he doesn't write too many of the songs lol. Everyone who is saying i shouldn't bother playing with people i don't like. Well obv i'd like to but it's very easy to say that if you live somewhere where finding musicians is no problem. But sadly we live, as i've said, in the middle of nowhere basically and no-one is interested in being in our band whatsoever.
  15. I'm just wondering because the more i think about the guitar player in our band, the more i don't really like him. Obviously, we have to work with poeple you don't like, so do you think this applies to being in a band as well? The problem is that we live in the middle of nowhere and we're having enough trouble finding anyone as it is, so we can't really afford to ditch him so i dunno i just have to work with what the hell i got i suppose.
  16. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='673955' date='Dec 4 2009, 09:57 AM']Nah I don't see too many Desertburst Les Pauls and there aren't many Les Pauls with black backs. I just don't think I'm a fan - I much prefer a Vintage Sunburst or Tobaccoburst I think.[/quote] ok well i guess i'm just an idiot then. Almost forgot about this one. You might have heard of the "punk bass" Well i made something on similar lines to that, although you can play all 24 frets on this one! In fact i think i might hold the piece of wood with the bridge down with some of those metal strips with holes in them. Good idea. I think it's a pretty cool guitar because it's actually quite nice sounding. I might shove some new frets in there though because these ones are all scratched. Here's a better pic of some other guitars i owned: The dean off the other page. It's got these weird active pickups which i'm currently switching out with the ones in the punk guitar that were originally in here in the first place. The maverick X-1 that i owned from late 2006 to about april last year, just before i got the LTD. It's an amazing looking guitar but i didn't really like the way it played and it also was very slab sided compared to the newer versions. Which is okay if it's thin like the dean but it was very thick. This guitar was more of a business venture than something i was going to keep. My friend sold it me for £100 and i made about £180 on it a couple of weeks later. Nice. Epiphone goth explorer. What i didn't like about this guitar was the fact that the satin paint looked amazing at first but then it ended up going all glossy and crap over time. Also the pickups weren't very good. I also used to own 2 other guitars, a vintage VSA 535 and a Gear4music lp copy which i butchered nicely. Shame i don't have any pics of either.
  17. Well i finally managed to order some more parts off the banzai, so i should be able to sort this stuff out by next week at some point.
  18. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='672889' date='Dec 3 2009, 09:44 AM']Les Paul Standard 2003 with a pair of SD Pearly Gates neck and bridge. I've put this up for sale 3 times since losing my job, but found that I would rather go with out or part with other guitars to get by. The thing is, I don't think it's much to look at, but I've rarely played a better. [/quote] I think it looks cool. Of course, i suppose it's like a black and white strat, there are a lot of them around and you can get a bit sick of looking at it. I'm getting a bit angry at my guitar. I put the original pickups back in it but it's still playing up so i'm going to have to give it a bit more iron time.
  19. [quote name='budget bassist' post='673305' date='Dec 3 2009, 03:55 PM']I think with the prices i paid for some of them, i'm still allowed to keep my title [/quote] I think there is a difference between "budget" and "bargain" lol. Nice stuff, i know how it feels to be obsessed with constantly buying and selling thinks but i've tried to avoid the temptation as of l8.
  20. [quote name='alexharvay' post='669744' date='Nov 30 2009, 08:28 AM']Britney Spears?[/quote] hmmm i dunno. It doesn't look like her. Maybe it was back before she became ugly though.
  21. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='668900' date='Nov 29 2009, 05:44 AM']The first thing I noticed was the 20 fret neck,it states 22 in the listing.I'd double check on that first but it looks like it could be fun. [/quote] i think if the seller is used to selling guitar kits then it's an easy mistake to make to look down at the end of the fretboard and think "the last fret doesn't have a dot. Therefore, 22 frets" like on a guitar but obv for a bass it's different.
  22. [quote name='umph' post='666907' date='Nov 26 2009, 11:41 PM']don't give up so soon, things like this rarely work first time, stick with it if you can. If you like you can send it to me and i'll get it going for you if you want?[/quote] That's a very nice offer mate. I'll give it another go with a perfboard and 1/2w resistors and if i get stuck then i will take you up on that. The problem is that i've de-soldered all the junctions on everything, kept the caps and i'm going to order new resistors, diodes and transistors (they're only cheap so i might as well). I realised that i need some electrolytes anyway. That might be one of the many reasons why it didn't work? I'll have to upload a pic of a new wiring plan i made with some software i found off that link, and maybe you can tell me if you think it's utterly crap or not? Thanks anyway friend, you're a real gent.
  23. [quote name='Buzz' post='665275' date='Nov 25 2009, 04:33 PM']This is why [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadboard"]Breadboards[/url] are used before you solder everything together And umph is right about breaking up the rows on strip boards, handilly, a hand held countersinking tool works brilliantly for it.[/quote] yeah i know about breadboards. Maybe i should have used one. It's too late now though.
  24. [quote name='umph' post='665041' date='Nov 25 2009, 01:33 PM']you can cut strips on strip board so you don't have to have a component a line it's what i do. Also you only need 1/2W most people don't even use 2W in amps![/quote] yes that's exactly what i was thinking 1/2 watt. But still i think i'll be better off just using a perfboard anyway because there will be a lot of strips that need cutting in that case.
  25. [quote name='umph' post='663662' date='Nov 24 2009, 12:53 PM']few mistakes on the diagram your tone pot doesn't look wired right and the diode lift is wired wrong, you only need a single pull and it just essentially needs to break the connection between the diodes and the cap. [url="http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=75787.0"]http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/inde...p?topic=75787.0[/url] - this may be a better layout than the one you used that looks quite OTT[/quote] I'll do that next time. But as i said, it's a stripboard not a perfboard so you can only wire up components that are in parallel to the same row, which is why there was a lot of wasted space. As i said, i'm going to buy a perfboard next time and wire it up like that, but i'll probably have to buy all new resistors as these are 2w which i admit was overkill. I also don't know if i killed the transistors because i heatsunk them but they did get a bit warm. Also i'll replace the clip pot with the switch and obv have the opamp wiring as well. The only thing i can really do before i can get anything else ordered is obviously to de solder everything, stick them on a bit of paper and tape them down with the label of all the values of everything so i have it on hand for next time. Also i agree about offboard wiring, but in this case i don't really have a choice lol.
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