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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1339900313' post='1696104'] You maybe have a hidden-undeveloped phobia of odd numbers, I believe that's why I can't get along with 4 or 6 strings... [/quote] I agree. Hey chris, do you not have 3 basses at the moment? Maybe you should give one of them to me, to make yourself feel better
  2. gr8 looking bass m8.
  3. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1339869598' post='1695724'] The 5 I played belongs to the guitarist in my band. He bought it to play bass in his other band. He's never played bass in a band before and when I picked it up I said his E string seem a little slack. "It's in drop D" he said "The B just throws me". I said to him it'd make a good thumb rest. Unfortunately he can only play with a pick, he's obviously not a proper bass player [/quote] Good one!
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1339868937' post='1695708'] No need to apologise, Ed. It's just me being old and grumpy again. Surprised you missed the smut, though. AFAIC, using a pick, fingers or slapping are just means to an end. Tools which are suitable to the task in hand, if you like. You'd use a hammer to bang in a nail and a screwdriver to - well, you get my drift. We all know this and I don't see why we so frequently get analytical or defensive about it. I just can't imagine a thread on a woodworking forum where someone would say "Hammers - they're for failed brickies" and they'd give it more than a hollow laugh. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] I obviously was not on smut detection mode lol. I know what you're saying, the issue is that you can gaurantee there are some kids who have just started out at joinery school who would actually think that, if you see what I am saying...
  5. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1339859359' post='1695530'] I'm of the opinion that the very best players would be competent at fingers, pick and slap. [/quote] I agree. I always think the best player is someone who is not just great at one particular technique, but a whole range of different styles and techniques across the board. To be honest I probably would have thought the same about whenever I lose picks if it wasn't for the fact that I play guitar as well lol.
  6. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1339847289' post='1695301'] these must be some of the very same people i see posting ads on joinmyband and similar [/quote] Precisely. Like those lot who are just like "+++AWESOME+++ new band looking for drummer, bass player, rhythm guitarist and singer. Must be age 14-17 etc..."
  7. Go for it mate. I wouldn't worry too much about being "tied to the mic". My band currently has the problem that I am the best vocalist- and I play drums! At least you've got a bit more flexibility as to what you're doing on stage than having to sit on a drum throne at the back!
  8. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1339835068' post='1695022'] I pick all of my basses. Often by travelling to a reputable music shop, having a mooch around, playing a few and finally exchanging hard earned cash for the one that I like the best. Sorry, that should be "choose" or "select" or a different verb. As you were. [/quote] [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1339839848' post='1695113'] You see a fair few relic jobs on Ebay where the owner must have used a pick. [/quote] Not PICKAXE
  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1339838912' post='1695094'] Nobody rips on guitarists for using a pick OR fingers, funny that! [/quote] No. The guitarist equivelant usually complain about guitars not being in standard tuning. Or breakdowns.
  10. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1339799238' post='1694797'] Me too. That's 3 1/2 minutes we'll never get back. We really need to get a life. [/quote] +1 lol. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1339797385' post='1694752'] hey Louis, my missus has been peering over my shoulder and she's decided she's sick of living with some sad lowlife bass enthusiast... She thinks you're really awesome and cool. Thanks a lot [/quote] Damn mate, well now you know, she is not interested in you, because you play the bass and girls aren't interested in basses... [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1339800230' post='1694816'] I would like to add that or beloved seller has been posting from a domestic cable connection from a well known media company. Not a 3G connection as one would expect in a pub. [/quote] Busted! Bet he doesn't even have an iPhone [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1339801061' post='1694832'] EH?! Are you all seeing are something? I've got everyone here fooled that I'm a big-shot, sitting in my mansion, with a swimming pool full of naked ladies. Now they'll know I'm sitting in a bedsit with a broken steam-powered laptop and nay mates. Must PM this message, and not click post... bugger! [/quote] You called? yeah seriously though, I might not have a life but at least I admit it, what is worse is not having a life and pretending you are some bigshot on the internet. I mean why do you care so much what some other people think on the internet? [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1339832851' post='1694989'] Perhaps his mummy and daddy bought it for him? Bless his little cotton socks. [/quote] Probably. I've had dealings with that sort before.
  11. [quote name='Louis.m' timestamp='1339775302' post='1694216'] Well your not buying it [/quote] *you're [quote name='Louis.m' timestamp='1339776546' post='1694244'] eBay take 10% [/quote] And basschat don't, hence why you should follow the rules as to how to sell an item which is more than fair recompense for not having to pay seller fees. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1339792282' post='1694582'] Jeez, I spent 18 months posting up boring old build threads before I plucked up the courage to call anyone a ****. [/quote] +1. You don't just rock up to a forum and start calling people an arse otherwise everyone gangs up on you. It's like joining a tribe or something- you have to go through an "initiation" before you can start with all that "you're an arse" business. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1339793272' post='1694606'] Damn, I thought there was a few days left on the auction, I was gonna bid last minute! [/quote] "I am the type who is liable to snipe you, with 2 seconds left to go, woaho..." [quote name='Louis.m' timestamp='1339794072' post='1694627'] You're spending your Friday night on a thread that has no concern with your lives whatsoever. Geez.... [/quote] And you aren't? Seriously, if you had a life, you would have left this thread a long time before. [quote name='Louis.m' timestamp='1339794509' post='1694640'] Actually feel sorry for you guys. Please, go out and socialise with people without basses (girls) [/quote] I don't know mate, I think some girls are pretty interested in basses: Personally I much prefer girls who are interested in basses, not really a fan of long fingernails myself. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1339794762' post='1694651'] I think that is an outrageously sexist thing to say. There are plenty of girls on this forum who play bass. It's almost as if you have no interest in basses, or bass players yourself. But, here you are putting up your lovely Fender Jazz for sale?? Hmmm?? Am I missing something?? [/quote] +1. Slagging off your target market is not the best way of selling an item... [quote name='Louis.m' timestamp='1339795748' post='1694692'] Nope, sold for £450 So I've made £450 tonight... You guys made how much on this thread??? [/quote] Well nothing on this thread but I made £1276 selling stuff on ebay this week. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1339795865' post='1694700'] Still waiting for some tracks you've recorded, you know, so I can be you're biggest fan. [/quote] *your [quote name='Louis.m' timestamp='1339796380' post='1694720'] Please, please, go out this weekend and meet people in real life. Come out of your Internet lives .... [/quote] Lead on mate, ladies first
  12. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1339795082' post='1694664'] Nurse!! Grandpa is going on again!! (who cares about pick/fingers/ears? if it sounds good, it is good) [/quote] I don't know... kids these days [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1339795131' post='1694667'] I use a pick just checked I am real. [/quote] How do you know you are real? How do you know you are not just a computer simulation created in order to power a big spaceship? Or something like that. Not watched that film in about 12 years lol. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1339795553' post='1694685'] I used to think pick players were inferior. I've grown up a bit now though... Still play with fingers though, and i'm NOT a real bassist [/quote] Well that's just it. I must say I had a period when I thought that... when I was about 14. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1339796062' post='1694707'] I'd like to be able to use one - just don't seem to able to get on with 'em..... [/quote] It's not easy. I think I take it for granted that I can use one having started off on guitar but it's not easy for everyone. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1339797308' post='1694749'] Aren't we a wee bit early with this year's Pick thread? I'm [i]sure[/i] someone told me it was arranged for August. Oh well "Fingers ... drone ... pick ... yadda yadda ... hybrid style ... stick it between one's teeth or a quick palming action? ... blah ... what's right for the song ... double thumbing ... double entry..." (Will this do?) [/quote] I know, sorry. Just a bit angry about stupid kids posting comments on some bass facebook page last night. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1339798589' post='1694779'] Does anyone really believe that? Seriously? [/quote] As I say, mostly inexperienced bedroom players who need to work on their humility.
  13. Mostly just 15 year old kids who think just because they have learned how to play their favourite Mark King song using just their fingers, it means they are the best bass player who has ever lived and everyone who uses a bit of plastic must therefore be inferior. Do you think any of these dickheads have ever tried using a pick for any length of time? Maybe if they did, they would realise that it actually does wear out your hand, trying to play fast and accurately on just one string. Picks aren't just for pussies or failed guitarists. I use a pick maybe about 75% of the time. I try to let the music dictate what I play, rather than just because that's what my favourite fret-****** does... /rant.
  14. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1339767280' post='1694021'] It's not a gift, it's a loss leader, and the assumption is that you already have a dongle, as you need one to run the software that you SHOULD have purchased e.g. Syncrosoft / iLok etc... [/quote] Yes i know, loss leader. I'm just saying I am not taking part in any of that crap.
  15. [quote name='BarnacleBob' timestamp='1339761168' post='1693855'] Do you need the Dongle to activate it though? I've noticed recently that the demo versions need the dongle and that ain't free though it is refundable with a full purchase. BB [/quote] That sh*t pisses me off. I remember Line 6 offered a supposedly "free" version of their "pod farm" software, only you have to spend £25 on a dongle to get it! I purposely don't buy any software that needs one of these stupid dongles, not least because most software that needs it has already been cracked, meaning the only people who are losing out are the people who actually have to put up with using a sometimes much needed USB slot for a pointless bit of plastic.
  16. If you don't know whether you need one, the chances are probably not. I must say unless I'm doing a recording, I like to compress the sound slightly by adding a bit of grit.
  17. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1339699442' post='1693027'] Instead of being limited by the supply rail voltages, in PWM you're limited by 0% and 100% pulse duty factor - which is really analogous to clipping. [/quote] Ok I see what you're saying now: Makes sense. As I say, I am not some kind of expert, just curious.
  18. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1339682237' post='1692616'] Actually, the output as it appears on the output devices[b] is[/b] always either at 0 or rail voltage. It's the output filter choke, cable capacitance, the voice coil inductance and the cone inertia that integrates it and turns it back into an analogue signal. [/quote] I don't want to sound as if I am trying to make out that you are wrong or anything, but surely if that were the case, power amp distortion wouldn't exist?
  19. [quote name='Count Bassie' timestamp='1339601023' post='1691297'] Why Nancy Johnson- you jammy little man, having fun with my real name ([i]you old sneek[/i]) from [u]all the way over there![/u] ...you funny, funny, funny guy! [/quote] ?
  20. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1339598789' post='1691222'] Your very first post on the forum, and you use it to promote yourself. Guess you wont be partaking in any discussions. [/quote] +1. This is a forum, not an advertising billboard.
  21. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1339595361' post='1691127'] . . . unless you want to minimise transmission bandwidth because some poor souls are still blighted by slow internet connections. Agree about the storage non-issue though. [/quote] Good point. Poor sods.
  22. Usually it means something that has been badly encoded. I mean there is really no need to encode at 128 kB/s any more given the huge amounts of data storage offered by modern hard drives.
  23. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1339493152' post='1689111'] Interesting thought. I guess they are in the sense of you plug them, plug in a bass and they make noise... but comparing the sounds of say Trace, Ashdown, EBS, Matamp, SWR, Ampeg, MarkBass and Eden and trying to group them into one category seems a little illogical... unless you are a player that just makes do with a "sound" and gets on with it... They all have their own very distinct tones. [/quote] Probably but to be honest I am not particularly bothered as long as it's loud and rumbly.
  24. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1339509207' post='1689520'] To be honest after experimenting I think it is matching the instrument to the drummer rather than the choice you make. Asking a drummer to use a cajon on the basis that it is just hitting things is not unlike asking a guitarist to play bass. [/quote] Well I think it is highly important to make the distinction between hand and stick percussion. Completely different techniques required to play.
  25. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1339483491' post='1688967'] does anybody know of such a thing as a peripheral cassette tape deck to fit in a 5" slot in the PC? [/quote] you mean the 5¼" slot? [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1339496067' post='1689181'] ok so ive had a rummage around and found an old tape walkman which i forgot had all plugged in to the inputs of my emu 0404 but cant seem to get enough volume in to audacity to make recording at decent level i have the output on teh walkman at about 90-95% ish and the settings on emupatchmix and audacity here any clues please for an old easily confused person here - thanks muchly completely forgotten how good all american alien boy actually is!! [/quote] That's easy. You just have to select all the audio and I think Audacity has a "Normalize" [sic] effect. Otherwise you will just have to bump up the gain. Whatever it is, it will be under the "effects" tab.
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