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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. A P and a Jazz, the classic setup.
  2. I think brock lindow thought i was a bit of a prat.
  3. [quote name='4000' post='601708' date='Sep 17 2009, 08:46 PM']I love Zero 7, and I love loads of their bass lines.[/quote] I think they're pretty good, my sister really likes them though, she's going to see them.
  4. Unlucky about the dots man but looks amazing really love it. How many frets is it then?
  5. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='599736' date='Sep 15 2009, 11:10 PM']yes. It's a cascade fathead with lundahl transformers. Probably the best bargain in audio at the moment! You can't tell but it's about 10 feet in front of the kick![/quote] Haha that's perspective for you. Okay cool i expected you'd have some sort of isobooth given everything else lol. I can't wait to hear some soundclips if you're willing of course
  6. [quote name='FlatEric' post='599907' date='Sep 16 2009, 09:27 AM']GREAT BASSES. These are Classics in their own right. USA built, meant to last, huge sound! I use my T-40's 3 out of 4 gigs - many bass players come up for a better look. Most have never seen one but after hearing it are keen to have a go. If these had "F" "G" or "R" on the head, they would be fetching [i]big[/i] money. I just love 'em. It would be interesting to see how many members have one. Cheers. Flat Eric. [/quote] or EBMM (or just MM) for that matter...
  7. [quote name='bubinga5' post='599623' date='Sep 15 2009, 09:20 PM']Yes your right, there has been many an amazing bassist who became great from inexpensive gear, but as they grew as musicians, they may have felt that the quality of the instrument needed to get better with them...i can bet most pro's didnt stick with there first budget instrument throughout there career..[/quote] What i'm saying, is what if they couldn't do that? There was a story on drummerworld who was one of the most amazing jazz drummers this guy had ever heard and yet he played on some flimsy beginner kit with beat up heads and awful hardware. He couldn't just buy a really nice drumkit because he didn't have enough money. Obviously i'm not saying that people shouldn't buy a nice bass if that's what works for them, it's just people should not expect to be able to play or not play an instrument just because of how good or bad quality it is.
  8. Amazing. Love the flame top on there mate. Love the hardware on there too, you can tell it's straight out of the top drawer.
  9. I've literally just ordered one today for my bass lol. I should imagine it's going to have the "emg" sort of sound. Very puncy with lots of high end and scooped mids. Standard active pickup affair really. That's why i got one because i like that sort of sound. If you want a more authentic stingray sound then perhaps think about going with a seymour duncan basslines instead? They're about the same price. As for the P pickup, i would say in terms of volume it should be okay if you've got quite a hot P pickup in there.
  10. Yeah i remember the last time i decided to crank up the volume on my bass amp. It was february 26, 2008 about 1 o clock in the morning i think.
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='599589' date='Sep 15 2009, 08:48 PM']yes but a better carpenter he/she will become with sharper tools[/quote] And you're suggesting that they buy new really expensive tools just because their old ones are a bit dull? No, just sharpen them. I don't really like this argument because you always get people who complain that their guitar or whatever is holding back their ability which is just not true at all because there are so many people who became amazing players with sh*te gear. The instrument simply does not make the player.
  12. Aren't they so cute? My favourite bass uke i've ever seen was the 5 string one! Dunno if it was the same company though. 400 and odd quid might seem a lot but i mean it is solid mahogany and it's got a piezo bridge apparently too.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='599374' date='Sep 15 2009, 04:23 PM']Nice job. I thought about doing this to one of my Ps but was put off by the price quoted by The Gallery (£120 + I was supplying the pickup; so to get a balanced pup set, eg, Wizard P/J set, would have taken the total to ~£200)[/quote] I just did it myself when i stuck an MM in a jazz copy. Not so bothered about the finish on it though, mind!
  14. [quote name='51m0n' post='599141' date='Sep 15 2009, 12:40 PM']Cheers! Heard of 'em, never seen one. I take it you have another mic in the shell or round back getting some beater click and what have you then? We want all your secrets [/quote] you see them set up on some kits from time to time, mostly on the YAMAHA stand at NAMM though lol
  15. [quote name='soopercrip' post='599351' date='Sep 15 2009, 04:05 PM']Hi Eddie Looks good mate try these www.transtools.co.uk for cramps mate, they have some a bit cheaper, maybe not best quality but adequate for the Job. Based at Hunmanby near Scarborough They are also on ebay. Andy[/quote] well i've already bought them now, they look like they're okay quality and only like £5.15 each for 600mm so i suppose that's alright.
  16. Wow looks really nice, I like the look of the control knobs and output jack on the side.
  17. Well i've finally got it planed and thicknessed. The good news is that we went down to leven to a shop run by some bloke called brian fell and he ran it through the planer/thicknesser for free. So now it's nice and smooth on the top and bottom and exactly 45mm which is just over 1 3/4". Here's a little piccy: I whapped the straightedge clamp on there to get it together for the time being. I've ordered some clamps. £31. Oh well i suppose i'll just have to build another bass at this rate! I also ordered the pickups and electronics. I know how you lot like to have posh things like bartolini or nordstrand pickups on your basses but i'm just going to get some old Kentucky-Fried plebbite EMG MMTW and BQC Equalizer.
  18. [quote name='Kev' post='598873' date='Sep 14 2009, 11:52 PM']The comment that should end all arguments. If the bass you picked up in the shop played and sounded better than any other in there, why should the price or brand effect your decision to buy it? I think the biggest problem is people thinking they have £1000 or w/e to spend on a bass, and so they must spend as much of it as possible. Many of said people never pick up a bass under £200 in the shop with this in mind. And also, i feel that the fact that you [i]want[/i] the 'better' bass to play and sound better, it could overpower what the actual reality is All my opinion, of course.[/quote] Very true, a bit like if anyone can remember the start of the year, that woman out of the apprentice who lost the challenge because she was convinced she had to spend as much as possible of the £200 she was given for cleaning equipment. [quote name='chris_b' post='598863' date='Sep 14 2009, 11:39 PM']You ask, "Why buy an expensive bass?", and then add "Seriously....why bother?” I guess it's difficult to understand why some one can want to drive a Ferrari when you're happy with an Escort.[/quote] I think that's just it. I think it's pretty unfair to say that people shouldn't bother with expensive basses just because you're happy with a cheap westfield. People value things differently. Same goes for people who are saying "you're paying a lot more money for not much of an improvement" Well the thing is that you might not think it's a big improvement but if you're a perfectionist about how your bass is, it's the seemingly small things that make all the difference.
  19. cool looking build mate. I want to try making a neck through 5 string after my current bass project as i've just sold my 5 string to my m8.
  20. very nice drumkit, although i prefer a 1 up 2 down setup myself. Lovely bass amp too. Aren't you going to have a seperate room for amps? I know some studios like to do that.
  21. [quote name='JPJ' post='598171' date='Sep 14 2009, 01:38 PM']Why thank you kind sir. I know that I'm bucking the ultra small ultra light trend with this rig, but sheeesh it makes a lovely noise! Two gigs this weekend with challenging rooms to eq (one long thin bar, one with a sloping 45 degree roof) and it sounded so sweet both nights. Lots of compliments from fellow bassists in attendance, well worth the knackered back![/quote] SWR rigs have never been known for their lightness although even they've had to admit defeat now and release a neodymium cab. Might get one at some point, maybe when they stop being £800!
  22. [quote name='Stingray5' post='595203' date='Sep 10 2009, 10:41 PM']So doesn't [i]everyone[/i] hear voices coming from their truss rod cover??? [/quote] I used to hear rattling from my truss rod. But then i realised you were supposed to TIGHTEN it for it to work! I do listen to the songs we cover. I really enjoy the music we're doing in our band. But then again i suppose we're not being paid for it. I don't know if i would ever do songs i didn't enjoy just to make a bit of money but i might do if things got desperate.
  23. Very nice. The thing i love about these basses is that you can tell that they have been made with the practicality for a musician in mind. Even down to the pickup adjustment screws. I Really can't stand how the humbucker on my guitar is on a diagonal to the strings. Having 4 instead of 2 probably puts a stop to all that. I bet that bridge probably sounds good too. It looks to have a lot of mass to it. It's just a shame peavey didn't keep that practicality principal with their newer basses and instead have tried to copy hipshot hardware, with disastarous consequences imo. Don't get me wrong i really liked my peavey bass but i think the hardware let it down. I've sold it now anyway to my mate who wants to learn 5 string.
  24. [quote name='JPJ' post='596414' date='Sep 12 2009, 10:55 AM']I've already posted this in the 'show us your rig' thread, but it really belongs here amongst fellow SWR enthusiasts My new 'big' rig: SWR SM1500 + 2 x Golly III 4x10's Used it last night at a pub rock gig and I may just have reached my personal tonal nirvana [/quote] amazing. Every kitchen should have one.
  25. [quote name='deaver' post='596045' date='Sep 11 2009, 08:59 PM']Cheers chaps. The thing is by the time I've finished it your wives won't let you buy it.[/quote] blimey, 16 and already tied down!
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