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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='henry norton' post='595642' date='Sep 11 2009, 01:20 PM']I like cheap(er) basses 'cos I like to tinker with them. Most pre CBS Fender owners would give up playing before they let anyone near them with a replacement pickup - especially if it required a rout [/quote] True that. I got a really cheap bass that i had no worries about sticking a stingray pickup in my cheapo bass and now it sounds pretty good. Having said that, I think no matter how good a bass might play or sound, there is always that feeling of "quality" that might be lacking on a cheaper bass. For example the paintwork, quality of fittings and parts etc... Some people simply aren't bothered about it but others can't stand a bass that is cheap because of this.
  2. Well the only thing is that an acoustic bass guitar ime is no where near as loud as a double bass. I think that's clear just from looking at it. You might need an acoustic amp if you're to be heard as well as you were/are now.
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' post='594834' date='Sep 10 2009, 03:57 PM']If tapping's your game then why not try... [url="http://danceworldgroup.bcentralhost.com/danceworld/Frames%20Pages/Low%20Heel%20tap%20shoes%20FP.htm"]These[/url][/quote] PHEW! I was worried that was going to be a chapman stick then. I've always thought the ESP guitars and basses felt quite "big" so you might have trouble with a 6 string.
  4. generally i think 70s basses go for similar prices to new US fenders in good condition.
  5. ESPs i think are quite "big" feeling whereas ibanez basses tend to be quite small and light feeling, so really it comes down to what you prefer. I personally love the look of the ESP surveyor range. I was thinking of getting one myself at somepoint.
  6. good. And...
  7. It's an unorthodox sort of shape, but beautiful for it i think. Really nice, thanks for sharing.
  8. [quote name='deaver' post='593153' date='Sep 8 2009, 06:33 PM']May well do that. Can anyone point me in the direction of a correct wiring diagram for Volume/Volume. Also does leaving the tone and therefore the cap out have any bearing on possible electrocution? can you tell I don't know what i'm doing[/quote] Just look up a jazz bass wiring diagram and ignore the tone pot. Also if your MM pickup is 4 conductor like mine then it should be red wire to hot, the black and bare to ground and the other 2 soldered together and taped up. No, the only thing that could possibly give you an electrocution is if you've got a faulty valve amplifier. The only difference is that people regard a guitar or bass with no tone control pot as having it's tone on 11 which i personally quite like although you might find it overly bright, the worst that could happen is you have to re-wire it.
  9. I personally never ever use tone so i took mine out of all my guitars and basses so i'd go with the 2 volumes were it me. I'm liking the musicman pickup in the bridge position, i did a similar thing with my jazz copy the other day. Love the tone from it.
  10. [quote name='soopercrip' post='593056' date='Sep 8 2009, 05:00 PM']Hi Eddie I think Jewsons might have an issue with machining timber that isn't theirs, local one in Brid is like that. Maybe try ringing these [url="http://www.heritagejoiners.com/contact.php"]http://www.heritagejoiners.com/contact.php[/url] and asking if they will do it for you. At worst they can only say no mate Andy[/quote] well i've already (hopefully) found a place that will do it for me but i will keep that in mind thanks.
  11. [quote name='Sibob' post='592936' date='Sep 8 2009, 03:02 PM']Now that's no way of talking about Jon Shuker's shop lol Good luck with the build! Si[/quote] haha well i rang them up and apparently they don't have a machine shop but they told me of someone who does and they're going to ring me back at some point.
  12. [quote name='cheddatom' post='592713' date='Sep 8 2009, 10:35 AM']good luck.... Why do you have to glue anything? It looks like that peice is big enough for a body.[/quote] Yeah but it came in 2 pieces. I just put one on top of the other to show how it would look when it's glued together. I might go to jewsons and see if they've got a planer there. I know you said i should try a smaller carpenters but really i'd rather pay a bit more than spend hours trawling through the phonebook looking for some random shop tucked away in the countryside.
  13. Nice bass build mate. I'll keep a looksee on this one
  14. [quote name='Hutton' post='592468' date='Sep 7 2009, 09:32 PM']OK. Let's banish WD Music to everlasting perdition where they can wail and gnash their teeth. Before that we could start a basschat petition to boycott WD music. In fact I think we should all go to their premises and demand a meeting to ask: WHY IS YOUR ACRYLIC SO EXPENSIVE!!!!!! And then when the guitar suppliers go out of business we can go down to B&Q to buy all our accessories.[/quote] haha aren't you funny?
  15. [quote name='soopercrip' post='592446' date='Sep 7 2009, 08:59 PM']Not by hand matey, you will never get a good enough edge. Needs to be machine planed edged and thicknessed for a good joint (maybe even biscuit joined, I did). And at least 6 cramps to hold it while it glues up. Alternating the cramps above and below to avoid cupping. Rough shaping with a bandsaw, and taking down close to size with a belt sander. Then it's hand stuff. Andy[/quote] Okay fine i'm going to try and find a woodshop tomorrow who will do it for me. I know you don't have to biscuit joint it or anything but i might do something like that just to make it a bit stronger. I'll get 6 cramps at some point. [quote]This is one to watch. No offense, but lots of people think it is easy to do this sort of thing. Not many ( I would guess 5% ) end up playable or even finished. Good luck and prove me wrong!!!![/quote] Well i think i have a good idea of what i'm doing and apart from the planer i have pretty much all the tools i need to do it. I've not actually built a body before but hell we all have to start somewhere?
  16. [quote name='basskit_case' post='589573' date='Sep 4 2009, 12:19 PM']I had one of these basses for a while and got a EB0 gig bag from eBay, hard wearing and pretty cheap as well. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/EPIPHONE-EB-O-EBO-SHORT-SCALE-BASS-GUITAR-GIG-BAG_W0QQitemZ370212446314QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item563261a06a&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]EB0 Gig Bag[/url][/quote] he's already got one. He borrowed the money off me to get it lol
  17. Hi there i've got some wood: It's a bit of ash which i really should have had glued and planed by the shop. I'll have to find some woodshop to do it now probably, unless i could do it by hand. Dunno if i can though. Might as well give it a go though eh? This is the hardware. On the left is a hipshot bridge, tuner bushings and neck mounting bolts and ferrules. I ordered this shizzle from guitarpartsresource.com in the US and i was very satisfied with the delivery, said it would take 2-4 weeks but it only took 5 days. No import charges either as it "only cost $25" ahem... I'm so glad i got those tuner bushings as it was getting on my nerves only having 2! So what i have to do is sort out the body and buy some electronics and pickups. After i've sorted out the gluing and planing it should be a simple case of cutting out the rough shape with a saw and sanding it down nice and smooth, then routing out the neck, pickup and electronics cavities. I'm reckoning on a musicman style pickup and active 3band eq. Maybe a soapbar for the neck but that's for later.
  18. [quote name='Hutton' post='591929' date='Sep 7 2009, 09:26 AM']I think that you have to compare like with like. Is the B&Q acrylic; a) available. b)the correct thickness. c) as good a quality. Until these questions are answered then the thread is really a waste of time.[/quote] okay well maybe not B&Q but a computer shop is selling acrylic for case window mods that's exactly the same thickness (3mm) and a bigger surface size for £5.99. Whether it's the same quality or not is unknown but hell if it's the same material and it's see through then that's all that matters!
  19. I personally wouldn't bother changing basses unless i was switching tuning or it stopped working. Then again it might depend on what sort of songs you are playing.
  20. [quote name='RichB' post='590879' date='Sep 5 2009, 06:38 PM']If you read that back to yourself, you may find its own innate contradiction contained within.[/quote] yes i am aware of that slight contradiction but i was on about the drummer rather than the drums, after all that is the most important thing which is what i was trying to say.
  21. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='590636' date='Sep 5 2009, 02:00 PM']Well, even I couldn't count the number of toms he had, he was a proper drummer after all.[/quote] On the drum forum you wouldn't believe the number of people who think they're the second coming (of buddy rich) because they play on some tiny little kit with 2 drums and a hihat and that this somehow "forces their creativity". It's the same attitude that people just think they're superior because of what sort of thing they play rather than their actual skills on music.
  22. [quote name='RhysP' post='590633' date='Sep 5 2009, 01:54 PM']I think I may have just had an insight into why nobody wants you in their band....... [/quote] I am a bit of a perfectionist and slightly bossy yeah i'll admit, but i mean hell you'd think they'd at least give me a chance for them to find that out first!
  23. [quote name='XxBassMastaXx' post='590531' date='Sep 5 2009, 11:59 AM']welcome fellow 4 string fans![/quote] nobody said they did i think you're just developing a bit of an inferiority complex here. To be honest i hear a lot about this idea that playing a bass with more than 4 strings somehow makes you less of a player, it goes back to this idea that the only reason people develop improvements to instruments is because they can't play them properly, which is bulls***. You ought to go find out what playing a 5 string bass actually means before posting crap like this.
  24. [quote name='Beedster' post='589940' date='Sep 4 2009, 05:49 PM']Lot of whingeing (is that how you spell it?) on BC at the moment. OK, bass sh*t is expensive, you don't have to buy it. Nothing personal to the OP but we're starting to sound like a bunch of old pikies [/quote] D: seriously though i don't usually moan about stuff, i just thought it was a little silly but hey y'know if anyone is stupid enough to pay £30 for a bit of plastic that would cost a fiver down the local DIY store then tough nuts to 'em! Also yeah they're not all bad, the KA pickups are great value. Besides, i just think that BC has always attracted the moaning variety!
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