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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. Add to this maybe a peavey cirrus BXP, i find the electronics are very versitile, maybe not what you're looking for in terms of looks though?
  2. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='569956' date='Aug 15 2009, 02:37 PM']It's easy enough to buy a voltage adapter here for it, you'll get a good one in Maplins for around £16. I bought one and use it for my Tascam USB interface which I bought in the US and have no problems with it whatsoever.[/quote] that's slightly different though because it sounds to me like you need an adaptor for the power supply anyway to convert it to a low voltage from the mains so it doesn't really make much difference what the mains voltage is. I'm sure you can get voltage converters for mains powered items though. Either that or replace the power transformer which might not be the best option for an expensive bass combo!
  3. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='568468' date='Aug 13 2009, 10:20 PM']Thanks guys. Not much happening at the moment. I'm back in the States finishing off the job I started tracking in July. I expect to be here for another couple of weeks or so. More specifically: [list]@ Edward, the wallbox is one of three identical ones around the room; @ Mike257, I still think the photos don't do it justice. Once it's finished I'lll get a pro in to take some photos for me. @ Bythesea - I can't decide whether to go for shagpile or to just cover the floor with sawdust, I'd worry that might attract the Country crowd though... Think I might just go with maple per the original plan ;-) @ 51mon - git [/list][/quote] wow that's like 72 in, 24 out.
  4. EdwardHimself


    looks good mate
  5. nice bass. Sadly i don't have anything to trade sorry.
  6. that is one beautiful setup. I would seriously LOVE a markbass rig like that.
  7. [quote name='iamapirate' post='567243' date='Aug 12 2009, 06:59 PM']The trebles were cr*p![/quote] have you ever actually heard a beatles recording?
  8. That looks amazing. I saw another black and gold MM SR5 on a german bass website and it's seriously one of my dream basses, perfect for the "urban" session bassist!
  9. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='566121' date='Aug 11 2009, 05:55 PM']If thats what you're playing in your avatar Edward, I have one exactly the same down to the colour. Excellent value for £200. I used to have an irrational dislike of Peaveys, but this one won me over when toured all the Music shops in central London one Saturday & played every 5 string bass under £600 originally intending to buy a G&L tribute.[/quote] nice one. I've been thinking of getting a new 5 string but really now i've sorted out the action and that, i just don't really see the need. Another thing i would add is the active pickups and electronics are very versatile, you can get anything from something resembeling the hollow p bass sort of sound to a really modern active powerful clicky sort of sound. It's really good i think. One tiny issue though is that i don't think having screw on knobs on split shaft pots was the best of ideas, some of mine have fallen off. Might get some new ones but really it's just a case of making sure they're screwed on tight!
  10. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='567169' date='Aug 12 2009, 06:12 PM']There's a whole psychobilly scene out there & tonnes of punk bands with double basses. More recently didn't Blink 182 use one in the I Miss You video? The Horrorpops are good fun with a female fronted double bass playing punky vibe. For my two cents I favour traditional looking instruments as they never look out of place. You can use a P bass to play everything from Blues to Jazz to country to reggae to Indie to rock....[/quote] i was about to say blink 182 i miss you. I think that's right actually, you see people playing jazz basses in all sorts of genres; jazz, funk, rock, metal, pop, hardcore, reggae and many more as well as various combinations of the above. Same thing with the P bass and MM stingray although i think neither of these have [i]quite[/i] the same genre defying versatility as the jazz, i would certainly not think twice about using any of them in almost any style of music if i were lucky enough to be a session player for example.
  11. Well that's just badnews mate shame because usually peavey make very good quality basses.
  12. I've got one a millenium bxp 5 string and it is indeed pretty good. It plays well, sounds good with the active pickups and it's proven to be reliable. The string spacing is a bit narrow but for £200 really it's not a big problem at all.
  13. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='565977' date='Aug 11 2009, 02:27 PM']I like the little red car. Is that your usual mode of transport ? [/quote] it's what all the squaddies are driving these days. I've got a really funny picture to do with one of these but it's on my proper computer at home so i'll post it later.
  14. Very nice cab, antones is a nice little shop. I usually like to visit repercussion which is next door and sometimes i'll have a look in there too. I've always found the staff very helpful and friendly.
  15. That's pretty amazing. What i find remarkable is that he was never actually much of a musician; he just thought it would be a great idea to provide musicians with affordable reliable mass produced feedback free electric guitars and basses that were easy and prescise to play. His knowledge of electronics made for some amazing amplification too (although it's not really my thing)
  16. [quote name='51m0n' post='564705' date='Aug 10 2009, 08:36 AM']What a shame it such a tiny room, that you can only just squeeze the drums in and have to make do with whatevr fits.... e Oh, sorry, thinking of almost every other studio I've seen posted on a forum, that looks great![/quote] Tell me about it mate! Wow this looks amazing, very nice 24 in 8 out box thingy, i can imagine the console will be impressive. I was thinking of getting a mixing console for my studio the other day. I should probably just concentrate on buying mics and soundproofing at the moment. I already have a delta 1010 that'll do for now even if m-audio are a bunch of w***ers against 64 bit machines.
  17. this should be on the marketplace. Or are you not allowed to use that yet? well there's a reason for that rule.
  18. Good without a doubt but comeon he should give himself a bit more credit, it's hardly red hot chilli peppers, more like a bloke playing a bass solo over a generic chord progression that could just as easily be out of any song?
  19. I told you, you should buy Ross's bass! perhaps not. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='564765' date='Aug 10 2009, 09:52 AM']The thing that nobody has mentioned that might make a big difference to you is string spacing. A four string bass is quite a well understood thing. They're nearly always 19mm (0.75inch) spaced at the bridge and taper off to the nut (some more than others but not that much difference). With a five string all bets are off. Some cram the strings onto not much more than a four string neck some have huge wide necks that wouldn't look out of place on a 6 string. The spacing can be anywhere between 16.5mm and 20mm. It makes a hell of a difference to the feel of the instrument. I personally favour 19mm spacing - same as four string. The trouble is that wider spacing roughly equates to more money. Just something else to think about EDIT: Oh and hello to Beverley. My mother was a Beverlonian - haven't been there in years. Do you still get Burgess's ice cream? [/quote] i don't believe it. TS is my mate and he's in my band, i convinced him to get an account on here. I live in Bev too . We've talked about the whole string spacing thing b4, i reckon that's why he has trouble with my peavey, due to the tiny string spacing, i thought it was 15mm maybe i just measured it wrong though but it is small. Well you know what i think anyway preston, something with quite wide string spacing like a fender jazz 5 or an SR5 which is not quite as wide as the jazz but it still gives you enough room to move with your right hand. I don't think you'll have ANY problems with a neck being too wide; with hands like you've got i reckon you'd have no problem playing a 7 string let alone a 5 . I reckon us 2 should go down to hull one day see if they've got any decent basses in Bad Dog. I remember trying out an SR5 in there once so they might still have one, see what you think. And this time don't just go down with jonny and get a bass without talking to me, what does HE know about basses eh?! [quote name='alexclaber' post='565063' date='Aug 10 2009, 02:08 PM']Get a decent used one - StingRay 5 is a fine choice - and then should you find the sound/ergonomics are not for you you'll not be hit with a wodge of depreciation. I played 4-string for 11 years, switched over last year, and I can't see any reason to suggest beginners avoid 5-strings. My main bugbear with fives was a lack of tension on the low B (hence I ended up with a custom extra-long scale five) but it seems not to bother most people and as you've only been playing a few months you'll probably not even notice it! Alex[/quote] too true. My one bass playing regret is that i didn't just start straight out with a 5 string bass.
  20. I wouldn't say a 90s stingray was early! I think they are real workhorse basses though. I personally like them better than jazzes, i like the pickup and the feel of the neck. It's amazing how many tones you can get out of one pickup really.
  21. My favourite out of all these basses has to be that ken smith 5 string. I was quite interested in those sandberg basses, of course it does seem wierd that they should relic it only to put a musicman humbucker in the bridge position?
  22. if you've got a nice bass then yes get a good stand, think about how much it costs opposed to how much your bass cost and the fact that it's the only thing between the bass and the floor!
  23. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='562176' date='Aug 6 2009, 06:21 PM']Awesome. Are the Hipshots bass guitar tuners or are they "proper" DB tuners? Very cool none the less.[/quote] It's quite interesting really, the vintage style electric bass tuners are basically standard double bass tuners but in reverse. In fact they're pretty easy to get hold of, i got some myself because they were cheaper than the ones that go the right way round for electric bass.
  24. [quote name='I am not excane' post='550241' date='Jul 24 2009, 02:44 PM'][/quote] this would be a welcome addition to the swr porn thread! (check sig)
  25. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='559458' date='Aug 3 2009, 05:53 PM']I too would like some nice stuff at honest prices. I think it is time for - horror! - a corporate giant to rival Thomann to come along and really push prices down. If it is cheaper to buy at retail prices in the US, import it and pay all duties and VAT etc and STILL be cheaper than the shops, then someone, somewhere, is screwing me over.[/quote] If you're talking about a rival to thomann as in cheap german musical instrument megastore then actually there is: [url="http://www.musicstore.com/en_EN/EUR"]http://www.musicstore.com/en_EN/EUR[/url] It's sort of the "urban" version as it's actually near the relative civilisation of munich unlike thomann which is in the middle of nowhere I was about to say that if you were really that desperate to get something that's only on sale in the US then there are companies who will buy products for you and have them shipped over even if the shop doesn't allow it. Sod grey imports and that, i mean it must be at least 9/10 nissan skylines that are imported using such methods from japan as they officially export very few to the UK.
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