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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='536174' date='Jul 9 2009, 07:29 AM']Are they stuck on cupboards? I know what you mean about screws and walls. We've just moved, so I'm putting up wall hangers for a bunch of guitars and basses. Hard work![/quote] they're on my ikea wardrobe. Haha i probably should have just used those plastic thingies to bolt the things onto but really i don't actually even have any wall space i can get to easily to put them on lol.
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='535884' date='Jul 8 2009, 04:54 PM']None of the guitar ones would be suitable for the majority of bass amps. I have the Marshall PowerBreak as part of my guitar rig. It's designed for 100W amps maximum and presents a 16 or 8 ohm load. It's basically a large brick with a fan on it. It weighs a ton and the noisy fan kicks in as soon as you put any serious power into it. As Spartacus says, it's designed for allowing you drive a (valve) guitar amp hard at the output stage (which generally sounds nice) without loosing your hearing or annoying the neighbours.[/quote] Plus, unless your amp has a tube power stage it really doesn't make much difference to the sound whether the master volume is on down low or you put it through some sort of dummy load.
  3. The best thing to do if you want more power and volume is just get another speaker cabinet.
  4. wow that's really cool actually. I remember last year we went to see bullet and my mate got one of moose's sticks which was well mint.
  5. How can you touch something 90% surely you're either touching it or not? When you say "metal part" does that include the strings? If not then that's your problem right there, there should be a grounding wire connected to the bridge which isn't there or it has broken. Pretty simple job really, it's just a case of unscrewing your bridge and seeing if a wire is connected to it. If so then take your pickguard up and see if that wire is connected at the other end. It should be on the volume pot, where the other grounding wires are connected to. If it's not connected then it's a real simple job of just soldering a wire up to the bridge and the top of the volume pot, be careful not to kill your pots from the heat when doing this, or you can get a pro to do it but it's quite expensive. If there is a wire connected there then i can only guess it's a duff pickup?
  6. I actually got this pic off basschat ages ago. Hell knows who she is but, FIT BASS AMP! [attachment=28419:yes.jpg] Here's a couple i took, time to play "guess the bass player": [attachment=28420:CS.JPG] [attachment=28421:P1000893.JPG] [attachment=28422:P1000901.JPG] (this one is quite easy)
  7. nice rig man, i used to be a "1 semi down" kinda guy myself. I've since gone even lower to drop C though lol.
  8. Nice, i'm liking having a 4 and 5 string bass at the moment, pretty much covers all of the bases in terms of tunings and that.
  9. Nice i was just reading recently in a book about how kramer used to make guitars with aluminium necks. The pickups look brill too
  10. [quote name='neepheid' post='533472' date='Jul 6 2009, 01:09 AM']Not as yet. Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to mention it to her next time I see her.[/quote] I wouldn't have paid her if it took her this long!
  11. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='533323' date='Jul 5 2009, 08:11 PM']I think ERB's are cool. I pretty much only use my 6 string bass. I even used it on a gig with a trad jazz band last night. [/quote] That makes sense actually i mean the 7 string guitar was developed by jazz players so yeah. TS if you don't use the low B then yeah good idea tuning it like that. I was thinking of doing it myself lol. If you're looking for strings i should imagine you'd find what you want on thomann they have loads of bass strings and that.
  12. Hi guys just thought i'd show you my 2 nice basses. Here they are: [attachment=28317:P1010108.JPG] As you can see, they're not quite attached to a wall. There is a simple reason for this, the reason being that it's a lot easier to screw chipboard screws into chipboard than a wall.
  13. [quote name='dlloyd' post='483968' date='May 9 2009, 07:47 PM'](To clarify... I'd like to order one, but I'm concerned about the idea of handing over £2000 + for an instrument I wouldn't see until 2010...)[/quote] well think about it this way, you've been waiting over 18 years to get one. Surely you can wait till 2010 for it to be finished?
  14. wow that has more humbuckers than the guitar!!! Love that paintjob, did you do it yourself?
  15. I hate to sound like i am pointing out the obvious but are you sure the tuners will fit if the bushing holes are too small?
  16. [quote name='Machines' post='527398' date='Jun 29 2009, 06:51 AM']Just mocked this up in Paintshop... Fairly basic but gives an idea of potentials, oddly enough the yellow is really grabbing me at the moment ! [/quote] Haha after saying that you didn't like my suggestion of yellow? OJ, but yeah i think it looks good mate, looks very functional.
  17. [quote name='Jono Bolton' post='526673' date='Jun 28 2009, 01:18 PM']Doesn't running an active bass through the passive input mean you run the risk of damaging the amp?[/quote] not really. If the output of the bass is too high for the amp then you'll get distortion but that's about it really.
  18. Get ready for it.... Yep it's my "ratified" bass. Thread in build section.
  19. I think having "active" and "passive" inputs can be slightly confusing. It really should just be like on my bass amp which has "high gain" (That would be "passive" on yours) and "low gain" inputs. Y'know, i don't think people should have to be spoonfed everything, i think we have a right to choose what sort of input is sutiable for our bass!
  20. Thanks for your comments you lot, wow i never thought this would get up to 2 PAGES i mean it's not exactly a shuker or anything [quote name='Spartacus' post='526369' date='Jun 27 2009, 10:55 PM']How much was the lion king quilt cover? [/quote] Dunno, i've had it since i were a little kid. It came with a duvet cover too, that's just the pillow though. nice one. They went for a similar effect with the James Hetfield truckster ESP too.
  21. I'm surprised no-one commented on the lack of a full set of tuner screws lol. Well okay what happened is some got sort of ruined and i had to not use them. I've ordered some more off axesrus anyway. Here's a slightly more exciting soundclip of just the neck pickup as i didn't bother with the bridge. It's only a quick one and really it's not amazing, it's just DIed off the bass amp. I did mic the cab up too but there was too much self noise as i expected so that was that idea over and done with and that . [attachment=27825:scaredbass.mp3] My playing is not the greatest i know. As for the bass itself i thought about this for a body: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=180373338984"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=180373338984[/url] Funny enough, it's actually made by the same company that made the neck it seems. Looks pretty good and £65 doesn't seem too bad. Not sure how i'd go about the painting and that since you might have noticed i'm not very good . There is a bit of string buzz on the 5th fret of the "A" string (although it's not actually an A in this case) that's really to do with the fact that the string seems to have a bit of a kink in it XD.
  22. The thing about having a speaker that is square is that you're just going to put stress on the corners. Engineers always want to cut out corners where possible because that way you get rid of stress points meaning that you can make the thing have more power handling and that.
  23. good news everyone! I got the new neck and it certainly is very nice indeed. The back actually has a pretty nice figure on it which i tried to take a photo of but it doesn't look very good on there. The finish is a bit well "interesting". I might just leave it as it is but if you were going for a perfect look you might want to go over it with a bit of grain filler before putting on a new clearcoat, since there are a few pitted bits. Here are the piccies anyway: strung up and ready for me to wire up the connections and that. Finished, for now at least. And yes, i do have nickelback and blink 182 cds. But they were only a quid!!! So that's about it really, in the future i'll probably get new pickups, bridge, body, well everything else really XD. Should be not so rat-ish after that.
  24. [quote name='TG Flatline' post='522511' date='Jun 24 2009, 12:32 PM']Yeah it's huge! To get it in our old singers car we had to prop it up on the window ledge bits of the back doors, if you get me!? Beyond ridiculous! I hope you have more luck with it than I did! [/quote] and to think i was considering a dean Z tour bass yeah it's okay, as i say it has like a 19th fret neck join and it's only 24.75" scale. I do tend to hit the bottom wing on a lot of stuff though...
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