Hi, As my originals band has taken off, I have had to hang up my spurs on the Covers Band I was in, so am now looking to sell my p.a. When I was looking for a P.A. for my covers band I looked at all brands from Peavey to Mackie, but was recommended Yamaha EMX range by the guy who services my studio's amps etc. He told me that they are easy to maintain, reliable and components easily found if they were to go down. So when I searched I found an EMX640 along with Yamaha SR15's pa speakers for sale, I had a reservation because at 200watts per channel I nervously thought that it was underpowered for a covers band. My Engineer totally disagreed and said that the volume on these were way louder than you would think for the power rating. I trust him so went ahead and purchased it. Needless to say he wasn't wrong it is more than powerful enough for any pub venue (I was in a punk covers band), I have even used it for a disco at a wedding in a large hall, and was only approx 50% volume and also used it to project voices on a stage for a musical show. It is in great condition and comes highly recommended by me :-)
What I will include in the sale is:
Yamaha EMX640 Head link: [url="http://usa.yamaha.com/products/live_sound/mixers/powered-mixers/emx_box_type/emx640/?mode=model"]http://usa.yamaha.co...640/?mode=model[/url]
Yamaha SR15 pair of Speaker
Speaker Poles & Leads
was£350 (great gigging rig for covers bands) [b]Reduced too: £325 (this is a cheap quality p.a.)[/b]
For another £50 I will include a couple of mike stands and sennheiser dynamic microphones and leads
I will get some pictures up in next couple of days. Collection only from Bristol or I can meet within a reasonable distance