Bought this a coup of weeks ago as a B-stock item. It offers loads control for a compact pedal. The 3 drive types are quite distinct, I really like Dist 2 (the more tube like mode) on a moderate setting. The range in the gain control along with the colour and range controls mean you can go from a clean boost to pretty much a "big muff" style dist/fuzz.
Speaking of the colour control, the manual suggests its a normal "tone knob", but it seemed to act like a tilt control to my ears, which was confirmed by an email from Laney support, apparently similar to the tilt contol on the (Digbeth)? amp.
Light drives are particularly good as you can dial in a tone that just adds hair around the note without changing the basic tone. I thought I would miss the clean blend I have on other overdrives and distortions, but it's completely unnecessary on this pedal - it doesn't lose any bass at all, unless you set the controls to cut it out pre and post drive.