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Everything posted by tempo

  1. Sounds like a screening & possibly grounding issue. Check the bridge has a ground wire. (to one of the pots)
  2. Would a hi-pass filter not help?
  3. The 24 fret "deluxe" jazz's are made by Cort in Korea. Only had a brief play on one, was ok (for a fender) , certainly better than any of the Mexicans I've played. Not surprising as I'm a big Admirer of Cort stuff. It has duncan pickups and pre, but is priced a little high for it's spec (if you compare it with other MIK basses) Mind you that fender logo does cost...
  4. I think you need to go and play as many as you can. One of the main "problems" people have when up-ing the string count is string spacing. There are (not many) that keep the 19-20mm of a four, and quite a lot that go to 16-18mm. Go find what feel good to you on that front. The Squier deluxe 5 is a good cheap intro into 5's though, as are many Ibanez's & Corts. Warwicks seem to be going for a song at the moment.
  5. Dannyp, that is one of the most beautiful basses I've seen. You should put those pics in the "bass-porn" section, a true centre-fold!
  6. Looks lovely, I really go for that kind of look (blues/greens/purples)- shame more mainstream & "within budget" makers don't make more.
  7. tempo

    Amp Simulators

    Few good suggestions so far. Don't think it's been mentioned yet, but the Line6 Pod x3 (or x3 live) have the ability to combine 2 types of amp modeling, ie. a marshall stack with an ampeg etc. Maybe that way you could get the guitar amp grunt without losing lows?
  8. [quote name='Stinkywhizzleteats' post='294247' date='Sep 28 2008, 11:13 PM']Ask Bassmankev, he's got an opinion on the price of everything advertised in the classifieds. The rest of us aren't young enough to know everything.[/quote] that is quality!
  9. The graph is pretty self explanatory Alex, to anybody thats prepared to look that is Any dates on availability of the "big one"?
  10. Mmm, you can get the passive version brand new (inc gigbag) for £530, Glock/Bart/Aggie 2band pre's for £70 ish. So I would say no to it being a bargain (esp current market trends). BUT, if it sounds & plays like a dream, then its a bargain to you.
  11. The Laney is a good sounding head for the money. and a few nice features. Its more of a modern, clean/bright sound compared with the the mag300 (which is great too). Just a heads up on the Warwick profet though, thomman are knocking 'em out very cheap at the moment. link- [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_profet32_basstopteil.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_profet32_basstopteil.htm[/url] I own and use one of these and they sound very nice.
  12. too much thinking and not enough playing does that
  13. Don't buy into the hype. get something easier on the pocket and better quality, IE. Cort, Ibanez, etc, if resale value is that much of an issue, take up another hobby. I prefer tone and build to a f&%* label on a $150 piece of driftwood ;-/
  14. tempo

    G&L in UK

    Bass Central have a few used models in stock too. Probably get summat nice for well under a grand all in.
  15. I gave up on after the "black album",I don't own anything since then. However "puppets" & "justice" are two of my fave albums of all time. I think after Cliff's death, their writing process changed for the worse. They were almost a prog band in the making, then turned into a cliched heavy rock act (IMO).
  16. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='262102' date='Aug 14 2008, 12:23 AM']Stop chasing rainbows and buy the f***ing GB! You aint never gonna be satisfied if tou carry on like this, like a teenage virgin with w*** mags.[/quote] Im gonna have to put that one in my sig, a classic.
  17. Looks amazing, as does all of his work I've seen. You must be chuffed to bits. ps. got your PM on talkbass, and would def want to take you up on the offer, cheers.
  18. "Another one bites the dust" Queen.
  19. +1 to warwickhunt on comparitive value of warwicks. And yes, I partially agree to the idea of USA fenders not being twice as good as the Mexican or Squire versions, but whether you like it or not, buying fenders (esp USA) is buying the badge, your money, your choice (i will never spend my own on one). But buying a USA fender at least means you wont lose much, if anything, on resale. But why would anyone, other than a collector buy a musical instrument based on its depreciation value?
  20. Hi Matt, here's a link to a US shop that's got a few of the $$ in different colour oils to give you an idea. [url="http://www.rocketmusic.net/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?search=action&category=WABA&keywords=all"]http://www.rocketmusic.net/cgi-bin/commerc...mp;keywords=all[/url]
  21. Most players, and most don't read forums such as this, will emulate what they see their musical heroes use, to a degree. Also a measure of flawed science, its amazing how many players of these 4x10/1x15 type rigs believe they are "bi-amping" And lets face it how many buy rigs from guitar shops where the majority of the people selling the gear haven't got a clue what they're talkin about. (Bass Ferret, just surprised to see a musician with a "proper Hi-fi", they tend to shy awayfrom such a concept! )
  22. Off Topic, but is that a Naim CD player & speakers I see there Mr Ferret?
  23. tempo

    fame basses??

    sorry.. here's a link that works! :blush: [url="http://www.musicstore.de/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/BOS/MusicStore-MusicStoreShop-Site/en_EN/-/EUR/ViewProductDetail-Start;pgid=TOZgS6SfaObm0000000000000000RgSD9Nat?CatalogVideo=&ProductUUID=DCDVqHzmwVEAAAEX53dgyFid&CatalogCategoryID=5QLVqHzlvFMAAAEVaBxWf70R&JumpTo=OfferList"]http://www.musicstore.de/is-bin/INTERSHOP....umpTo=OfferList[/url]
  24. I was looking for Warwicks on some German shop sites the other day and stumbled across these [post="0"]http://www.musicstore.de/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/BOS/MusicStore-MusicStoreShop-Site/en_EN/-/EUR/ViewProductDetail-Start;pgid=TOZgS6SfaObm0000000000000000HGhPmaiN?CatalogVideo=&ProductUUID=DCDVqHzmwVEAAAEX53dgyFid&CatalogCategoryID=5QLVqHzlvFMAAAEVaBxWf70R&JumpTo=OfferList[/post]Has anyone here heard or had any experience with 'em. I'm seriously considering the 6 string (& fretless)
  25. Mmm, not a fan of Fenders in general. I find them a bit limiting, tonally and playability wise. That said, I do love the way some of them look, and if they made the USA deluxe precision (the one with the bridge humbucker) in a six string variant, then I would be more than tempted.
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