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Everything posted by tempo

  1. Your probably right, its just Ive not played a bass with less than 5 strings for more than 5 minutes since I changed to floating thumb. When I have its felt a bit uncomfortable, but that could of been a number of things.
  2. I started using floating thumb last year, when I moved to playing 6-7 string bass. I read about it over on the Todd Johnson forum over on TB. It is an unnatural feeling at first, you feel like you have no dynamic control, because of the lack of anchor when pulling on a string. This passes with practice, of course, and you end up with more control as you naturally play with a lighter touch. Of course the muting benefits are great, especially on 5 or more strings, and as previously mentioned, alternating between fingers, slap/pop, strumming & classical style are facilitated quicker IME. I will say, my transition was fairly quick, probably as I didn't have to "un-learn" too much as I'd only picked up bass several months before. Also, although this technique has many benefits, I'm not too convinced of its worth on 4 bangers.
  3. Warwicks def have a different profile to their necks, the new ovangkol ones esp. Not so much increased depth, more of a ] than a ) (if you get what I mean!). It feel does feel fuller in the hand. I've tried a couple of the older (wenge) necked models and they seemed to have a more "normal" feel. FWIW, Warwick have started offering the thinner style profile in their CS basses, which is making me seriously tempted to get a Thumb BO 6'er. Now I just need to find 2 grand!
  4. A sort of +1 to the previous 2 posts. I had an Ashdown EB combo as my 1st amp, It's got the same preamp as the MAG. It sounded pretty "vintage" (wooly?) into its own speaker, but into the Hartke 2.5XL extension cab, I got a great tone. The 5 band tone controls are well thought out frequencies. So I would mix it the other way, An Ashdown Mag head & Hartke (either two 2.5XLs or a single 4.5XL) cab (I wouldn't touch the transporter or vx range).
  5. Bump for some pics!! sorry for the delay in putting these up, been offline for weeks. :/
  6. Hi there shoppers. Its now got to the point where i've stopped playing this bass. It was the bass i used mainly for my band (coz the 6&7 scared them!). So ive decided to sell, hopefully adding the proceeds to the high end 6 i crave. Right, info on bass. Its made in korea, 2004, i purchased last year N.O.S. So very good nick. Its got mahog body, quilted maple veneer top. 1piece maple neck, rosewood f/board. Electronics are Duncan basslines- MM bridge and a jazz neck pup. 2 band eq, vol, blend & active on/off switch. The vol is a push pull to split the bridge humbucker too. So there are a few tones on board, all useful (not always the case). An Ibanez gig bag is included btw. They were selling for £400-450 before being discontinued. Im looking for around £200, offers invited of course. Any more info needed, just ask here or call me on 07958 763246. I am happy for collection or post. (at cost). There is a pic on my profile, i will add more soon. Link to pic [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2014&hl=conklin"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=conklin[/url]
  7. Yes, the USA custom shop do 6's. And very nice they are too, (im actually considering one as my next bass, prob fretless). But they are a little more expensive (£2000) than the indonesian 'bxp' models we're refering to on this thread. Nice spot tho
  8. Hi. i used to own one, in the bubinga finish. Its a nice bass for the price. Good points are- build quality. playability, the neck is slim and fast, 35'' scale was no adjustment at all. It was light, comfortable and well balanced. The tone was good, but pretty distinctive, quite pronounced mids. But the 3band pre powerful when needed. The only reason i sold was cos i dont play 4's anymore. If they made a 6 in these, i would def consider one. The only thing against it imo is that the ibanez sr500 is in the same price range, and i have a penchant for wenge necks! I would def try both those before buying. Good luck, Pete.
  9. Yeah, as stated, warwick strings, and any with an exposed core should be fine. Elixirs & d'addarios wont. (they dont taper enough). This does rather limit string buying choices though.
  10. Yeah, sorry. I didnt think. DO NOT THINK AS A MUSICIAN, ONLY A BASSIST!
  11. hi, you can buy, and string any 6 string bass that way, just a case of finding the right strings. Overwater do a 7string set 130-25, just use the top 6 of that.
  12. I've got a couple left (plus a nylon string), but been through loads, Les Pauls, Strats, Eggles, US BC Rich, Parker Fly & several Ibanez. Play bass more now, so paired it down to this (Ibanez Artcore Custom) And this, (Ibanez sz320) Which I have customized with Bareknuckle pups and some sandpaper! Played through a Zoom G7 & a Laney valve amp.
  13. How's about this [url="http://www.ibanez.com/forum/yaf_forum.aspx"]http://www.ibanez.com/forum/[/url]
  14. Yes Steve, thats the one. As I've already said, if had two extra strings, it would already be home with me! Still got heart set on a Warwick 6, and wondering if I can afford both
  15. BigRedX, yeah, I will do. As I said, am really in the market for another 6 (poss fretless), so my GAS is in limbo!
  16. [quote name='ped' post='161133' date='Mar 20 2008, 09:47 PM']Looking forward to more info and pics. How do you mean 'metal runners' - are they on the body? My fretless is a series 3 which is black all over and you can't see anything - here is a pic: If it is the same shape as this but with lines on the body from the neck then it could be an older model, or an Arpege if the shape is different. This had some lines along the body like this one, sometimes in a V like this or straight: [/quote] Yes, thats it, the bottom one, only in gloss black. Same control layout, shape etc. If it had 2 more strings my bank would be empty already!
  17. Cheers for that Ped, I will go back and have another play next week, and also see how far they are prepared to budge! I think it was a passion shape, gloss black all over. It also had two metal runners either side of thru-neck, and one of the knobs was a sweep control of some sort, which really made it very vocal sounding.
  18. I went into town t'other day, with the intention of trying some Warwicks, cos I'm thinkin of splashing out on a Thumb 6 BO. I did try a streamer jazzman which btw was excellent, but not much else there to try. Then I noticed this 4string fretless Vigier, with a metal board. I had to have a go (even though I dont play 4's) it was amazing, a bit beat up, but built like a tank! The action was lower than most of my guitars, & the electronics were versatile to say the least. So, I'm looking to find some more info on this (please Ped!) It had 2 single coils, 5 controls, of which 2 were push/pulls and a 3 way mini-toggle, plus 2 outputs!(?). It is obviously used and I would guess around 15yrs(ish) old. The price tag was £850, but they said that was negotiable, as it had been there for 1-2yrs, so I'm thinkin 700-750?? Any info appreciated, Pete.
  19. Steve, there is a place based in Heswall (just down the road) called "guitar lefty" google it. They do a few brands so there could well be something there.
  20. Yes, they are very nice instruments. I have the 605, which is very similar (same electronics and basic spec) It's very well made and the pickups & switching make it very versatile. £200 is a very good price for an instrument of that quality. ( Ibanez dont hold value well, generally.) Enjoy!
  21. You are right Mr Beedster, and my brain is too tired, but on a note of correction, Permanent Waves gets in, so game over... "Freewill", do I win a prize?
  22. Rio/Save a Prayer - Duran Duran Anything by Level42 Anything from 'Moving Pictures' through to 'Roll The Bones' by Rush And many others, available on an 80's compilation near you.
  23. I use mymusicstuff ebay shop. They usually have twin pack d'addarios for £25-£30 (inc postage) Which helps when you have several "6 or more" string basses.
  24. I used to own (and stupidly got rid of) a BC Rich Assassin guitar. Not just a run of the mill BC Rich, but a hand made, by Bernie (RIP) limited run of 25 he made and hand signed (mine was no.17 IIRC) around 1996. Honduran mahogany neck-through, curly amber maple top, EMG's, original floyd rose (the reason I got rid!), ebony 24 fret board. The funny thing is, I was trying to find some info on it a couple of years ago, was asking on the bc rich forums etc, no one knew anything about them. But I distinctly remember buying it after a review of one (no.5) in "Guitarist" mag.
  25. Hi E_man. I've got the scores in PDF if you want 'em, also got 1008 & 1009. Can't remember where I got them from (though it was via google )
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