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Everything posted by tempo

  1. BWV 1007. (Bach cello suite Gmaj). Pretty much got the prelude down, just the other 5 parts to go!! ha. Only started it to improve my reading on bass clef.
  2. tempo

    Zoom B2 1.u

    I'm thinkin, mid april, and £250 rrp/ £200 street. Which puts it way below the Boss/line6 competition. (sorry if i come across as a fanboy, but have been a zoom user since 1995) Might not have the ultimate flexibility of the aforementioned competition, but usually does the trick
  3. tempo

    Zoom B2 1.u

    It's not really a drum machine as such. There are 30 (ish) preset rhythms, adjustable only tempo and volume, its just a practice aid. Turn em on and play along!!
  4. tempo

    Zoom B2 1.u

    and here's a pic to prove it.
  5. tempo

    Zoom B2 1.u

    You may be interested to know Zoom are about to bring out a B9.2ut, full width pedal board efx, Similar to guitar version, with tubes in. Lots of connectivity- USB, stereo XLR outs, midi.... It also has a proper display, so no need to memorize preset numbers!
  6. That G&L is stunning, love the colour and birdseye board. Speaking of Eggles, My 1st quality guitar 15yrs ago was an Eggle LA plus, I really regret selling that now, stunningly made instruments.
  7. Glad this has worked out for ya. I'ts a great sounding amp, but people take warning lights too seriously!! haha. Regarding the contour knob, its essentially a "slap bass" control, scoops out the mids whilst adding bass & treble, (instant smiley face on a graphic). A lot of amps have a similar feature (Trace pre-shape, Hartke contour, Markbass vpf....) they tend to sound ok in isolation, but it's an instant "cloaking device" in band scenario!
  8. The general rule is Half the new price, so £220-270 would be reasonable, condition dependent.
  9. Hi Mr SwordRaven. I've got the same head driving a Hartke 2.5XL (2X10). I've found a similar issue, but after a bit of reading on the Warwick forum, have started setting my input gain higher, to the point that is flashes red when playing (quite hard). This doesn't give any audible clipping, so I'm assuming the designers have just set the sensitivity too high on the LED indicator. So I would suggest just setting the input gain so you can't HEAR any distortion and pretty much ignore the LED. Pete.
  10. Yep, just picked up an electric kit a few weeks ago, so I can silent practice and i can lay my own drums down on "logic". It does change the way you play a bit, I feel. Timing and rhythmical accents have become more noticable.
  11. The Transporter cabs are pants (IMO) the few ive tried sounded nothing like the XL versions. Regarding 410XL Vs 4.5XL, the 4.5 has a 5" mid/high driver that cant be turned off or adjusted like most horns (but sounds infinately better). It is also a larger cab, tuned differently than the 410xl, which has no high freq driver.
  12. Hartke are just about to come out with a new range of cabs (neo drivers) so the old XL's are likely to get heavily discounted soon (now). Which is good news for those who don't mind the weight.
  13. where's the bass? .... sorry, I'll get my coat.
  14. I've had a play of the gu!*%r version and its quality; Seymour Duncans, Buzz feiten & top quality build (cort, I think), so anything like that then would be worth a listen.
  15. I've been reading some topics over on TB last few days, and the old perennial, "neck- thru v bolt-on v set neck" discussions come up. People debating pros & cons of each. What I was wondering, from a manufacturers/luthiers standpoint , is the difficulty and cost to build. Most builders seem to charge a premium for neck through instruments, yet surely if they are all CNC machined, there can't be that much in it. Handmade guitars/basses may well be a different kettle of fish of course! (btw I have no genuine preference, owning several of all three.)
  16. That is one nice looking instrument! Really clean and simple, love the idea of the controls. Looks sexy from the back too!!
  17. Mmm... 40% on top of what are nearly british custom made prices.. .. to some enthusiasts with more cash than sense, fair enough! On a side note, I played my 1st Ricky last week, it was nice, but no better than any £500 instrument to me, put it in line with a USA deluxe fender... Neither my cup of tea. It was going for £900, in almost new condition. (Curlys, Liverpool)
  18. still a line I love to play, "rio" by mr taylor of the duran(ies). I wanna learn a new piece thats a few years old, but will ask in the appropriate forum.
  19. Personally, I would get a hartke 2.5xl (as i already have). This should give you a very similar sound to the 4.5xl in conjunction with the 210xl. with the benefit of portability to boot. IMO the Hartke 2.5 & 4.5 are easily the best sounding cabs on the market in their price range. The issues people have with them seems to be their weight, (they are heavy, and hartke have addressed this with new neo speakers) and some people say they sound a bit harsh, which i believe is because people dont take into account the midrange V horn tweeter difference when setting EQ.
  20. This is great, ya all making me feel young!! My first bass (18 months ago) was a Ibanez gsr200. Been playing guitar for 15 years so had to have something nice & easy to play. On an aside, most of these "beginner" instruments are really good now. I could of definatley gigged the Gsr, unlike my first guitar (an encore strat with plywood body- eugghh).
  21. tempo

    More than 4?

    IMO this thread has gone far beyond the OP of amount of strings, blah, blah. It has turned into a debate on musical snoberry/acceptism, it is still entertaining, but has nothing to do with the forum it has been posted in. Please Can the "mods" move this to somewhere more appropriate.
  22. tempo

    Ibanez SR900

    It is a great bass, I would choose one over a US fender everytime, on build quality and ease of play. I do however prefer the SR500 range, which have the same hardware & 'tronics, but with a bolt-on wenge bubinga neck, mmm...
  23. Hi, just got myself a new profet 3.2 last week, done it's 1st gig on saturday. I run it through a Hartke 2.5XL. My thoughts are that it's a very "flat" or uncoloured amp when eq is bypassed. This is comparing it to my very limited experience of bass amp heads (Ampeg svt, hartke 3500/5500, New TE heads, a couple of peaveys and ashdown mags & abm ranges.) The EQ is well implemented though, and the compressor seems subtle & transparent. The head doesn't seem very "loud" but I'm running it at 8 ohms, and the voicing is very clean and "un-hyped" As has been said it probably is the best "low cost" (sub £200) head on the market. IMO.
  24. No, I haven't, are they based round our neck of the woods? They sound like they maybe a chilies tribute??
  25. We (Soundstate) are playing at the Hotel California, Birkenhead tonight. Supporting the "Brian Adams Experience" tribute act. It's our 2nd gig there, so we must of done something right 1st time.
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