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Gianni "Orlandez" Orlati

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Everything posted by Gianni "Orlandez" Orlati

  1. Not really .. in Italy lock-down was lifted at the beginning of May .. how’s now in UK?
  2. I agree ..
  3. Not that I may know .. I was working in Poland but I didn’t bring back a P-bass from there .. came back with a J and an Elrick, why, if I may ask?
  4. When somebody tells me “you can’t speak because you don’t own what I own” or “the instruments you like are not good” I have to defend my position in some way, especially for the first kind of statement, which, given my mindset, I find hardly acceptable
  5. Sorry @Andy but the one being or trying to be facetious was you not me .. I’m a rather direct guy; I don’t have friends here so I can’t behave in your same way but I need to reply and defend somehow. Don’t have any inflammatory purpose, stay reassured.
  6. Indeed, I just wanted to know if there was somebody in line with my thoughts .. you don’t have to drive a Mercedes F1 to be Senna .. Senna was an ace in Montecarlo even when he drive his Toleman; same can be said for Jaco Pastorius. I know this is laughable but he didn’t need more than 4 strings and played whatever was available to him for practicing. Had I owned an AC bass, passing from it to a Stenback would not make me a better bass-player ..
  7. Correct and from lutes the bowed instruments, which were the specialty of the luthiers of the past, descended .. not certainly the solid body electric guitar
  8. This is the point, in my opinion Overwater makes super J-basses, which do not seem to have anything to envy to AC, but they are sold at ore affordable prices ..
  9. This is your interpretation .. sort of a straw-tail reaction maybe? 😂
  10. Dear, I’ve said AC instruments are definitely expensive; I didn’t say they are crap; I said that their design doesn’t seem quite an original one to me. If the American manufacturer (a luthier is somebody crafting violins, cellos, double-basses and the like in Italy) you refer to is not known in BassChat, why did I receive so many replies of people who will use, for instance, a Fender CS ad fire-wood if they were given the opportunity to acquire an AC by doing so? 😂😂😂
  11. Correct, I know, but I specified that my reference tone is that of Mr. Jackson when he was playing a simple, rudimentary Fender Precision Bass .. so we’re right at the beginning of his service with the Head Hunters. Edit: By the way, I prefer the ESP’s headstock shape 😂😂
  12. Good night!
  13. I never said that they are all the same. My FSO yield a good tone and playability for a decent price; re-read my previous posts, maybe you missed them.
  14. Look, it seems that there’s a group of people who don’t agree with my statements although the only reason why I should not be, even partially, correct is that I can’t speak since I don’t own a particular thing .. sorry I don’t agree with this principle
  15. More than FSO, vintage-repro Fender so Fender FSO!
  16. I see that there’s a good bunch of “touchés” by my posts on the forum ! Good ! Ped, if I’m not mistaken, you were the one selling your Ken Smith on TB before giving it to Scott, right? So I’m not the only one here, seemingly, also looking at TB 😄
  17. I’m playing decent enough instruments, don’t worry 👍
  18. Sorry I’m too dumb to understand the meaning of what you wrote .. you can expand if you want 😆
  19. For that selling price, definitely not, but even a Fender CS 😂
  20. Yes I don’t understand and I wanted to put a little fire in the AC supporters camp .. as stated, a Fender Shaped Object is a Fender Shaped Object ..
  21. Yes, Stenback J-basses .. even in this case the reason behind their price should be sourced in their playability since the sound is the typical J-bass sound, not very different from that of my one, I guess ..
  22. I know what a good P-bass tone is and this is what matters to me. You were quoting names of bassists whom I don’t know well; I almost only listen to ‘60s/‘70s music and my personal goal would be that of sounding similar to that Mr. Paul Jackson when he was playing a P-bass. If a Fender CS can provide it to me at, say, 3800$, it’s very good (for those who have 3800$ to spend in a bass of course). If AC can provide the same service at 5000$, it’s not that good. Try to ask on the forum what’s the general consensus about how well, for instance, the Pino Palladino model incarnates and represent the sound of a P-bass. I’m almost sure that the vast majority of users, even those who don’t own one but have listened to various samples of it, will say that this particular bass generates a stupendous and almost archetypal P-bass tone. Im not so sure about what the result of a similar poll would be if the users were to express their judgement in relation to AC’s interpretation of the P-bass concept (ok, a new Pino Palladino model costs more than 4000$ and we get close to AC’s territory but there’s the deal with Pino to be honoured in this case and, in any case, they sometimes can be found in the second hand market at more decent prices). Do you see any fan-boyism in what I’m saying? I’m just plainly stating what I believe are facts.
  23. According to me Sadowsky’s interpretation of Fender’s headstock looks much sleeker and pleasant than that of AC or (OMG) Moollon (this is really the ugliest IMO - almost unwatchable), but this is just a personal opinion on aesthetics. However, I believe you fail to understand that, in my case, it’s not a matter of liking or not liking something. It’s a matter of how much one has to spend to like that something; I can buy an apple I like for 0.5€ and one that maybe I like just a little more for 2.5€ .. mh, on the long run I’ll buy the first type. It’s just a matter of cost versus inherent benefits; I don’t think spending 5000$ in an AC bass is a good investment, that’s all. Sadowsky is a much better and effective one IMO; however, as I’ve already stated, if one wants to buy an AC it is his/her call. I know that people driving expensive cars don’t want anybody even attempting at criticizing some features of what they’ve spent their money in but, in the end, an AC bass is a deluxe FSO. Peace and love ✌️
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