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About Bernardo

  • Birthday 01/11/1962

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  1. Bought a Sire U5 from Andy - great fellow to deal with and bass exactly as described.
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  2. I'm interested in these- looking for something super lightweight as I enter the creaking age. Any good?
  3. She's a pretty little thing. Seafoam Green or whatever the equivalent Dano colour is. In pretty good nick - couple of marks and blemishes which I've shown on the picture. I guess you either want one or you don't. It's long scale which, if you've played one you'll know and never forget, means very long. I just haven't got on with it. I was going to stick it on a wall but that's really a fate no bass guitar deserves. It should be played. Bought 2nd hand pre-lockdown and I have used it for one rehearsal since then and minimal playing at home. It's strung with flats which is nice. No case so collection only - or meet up somewhere appropriate. I'm based in Cookridge in Leeds.
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  4. The afternoon I was going to have it! Drat.
  5. Is this still available?
  6. There aren't many Superlights in the wild! I went looking and if I didn't want to by a custom one I could only find 3 4 string versions for sale in the whole of Europe. I ended up buying one that was shipped to Leeds from Madrid. Guess what - it's superlight! Haven't gigged with it yet but it feels lovely to play.
  7. Just picked up a Talman 30 in ivory. Pricy for second hand - £135 - but the bloke had fitted flats to it. Not plugged into my big amp yet but good through headphone amp and great fun to play.
  8. Too late now!
  9. It's one of the old Cedar batch.
  10. This is from Reverb
  11. Sod it - went for the Redburst in Spain. Did more reading, thought about my back, what I need is something pretty versatile and ultra light that's of impeccable quality. Didn't think I'd get much better for the cash. Now I have to think about the various things I could do with flogging to compensate US Telecaster anyone? How about a Sire V7, Danelectro 63 Long scale, Jack Casady Signature Epiphone in gold, Revelation RPB65, a Sterling Sub in Walnut, a Trio pedal or a Korg D1600 multitrack recorder, or even a Sheffield Wednesday season ticket anyone?!
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