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Everything posted by AngeR

  1. Man I can’t believe it’s still here! If I didn’t live so far this would be at my place. Have a bump on me
  2. Hello guys. Daniele from Jacaranda Guitars made another one and it’s for sale. https://www.instagram.com/p/DDLFGM6u2-c/?igsh=OGd0YWg5YnFka2F3 grab it before it goes away! I know him and he is the coolest guy ever. Awesome luthier with great attention for detail. have a nice sunday
  3. Thanks guys!
  4. Thanks for the reply! I thought that I had a “complicated” setup… 😂 4 preamps in a pedalboard, wow! Thanks for the advice ps: it would be cool to see your pedalboard 😉
  5. Hello guys, this is my pedalboard and I'm fairly happy with the sound possibilities that I have. IMG_3325.heic I am a session musician and 90% of the gigs, I use In Ear monitoring without an amp. The thing is that I have to play a LOT of genres and for some kinds of music something is missing... the "amp sound". Doing some research I found the Origin Effects Bass Rig Super Vintage (the Ampeg clone) and the thing might be the right tool for what I need. So, the question is: what if I let the Mesa (it's a always on type of pedal) for the main EQ and after that I use the Origin for amp and speaker simulation? Is it redundant? Just to explain the other EQ pedal in my board, I use it only for matching the volume of my basses and more or less like an onboard pre (when I need some equing like more low end or scooped sound). Thanks for the help and sorry for the English, obviously, it's not my main language.
  6. Have you opened the amp and cleaned the fan? My old Puma 1000 had a fan that was very similar to a PC fan. I’d say that this is the first thing to do.
  7. I understand you but why would you compress frequencies that you will cut after? Just my two cents… two compressors is the winning combination for sure. 👍
  8. I use the compressor in the FX Loop on the Mesa Subway Plus DI (after EQ). I found that before the EQ, there where too many things I didn’t want to ear on my final sound (fret noise, string buzz and so on). When I placed the compressor after the EQ, my sound was much more natural and as I always wanted. I also noticed that I compress a lot less after EQ. For me, after the EQ is the way to go but it might be better if you try both ways and figure what’s good for you.
  9. Confirmed! Those are early Bassculture stacked JB. Thank you all Guys
  10. Thank you sir! I will ask him if you’re right 😉
  11. Just tested with a magnet and definetly not a side by side humbucker. One pickup is N and the other is S
  12. Awesome! Thank you sir. If I find something I’ll keep the post updated
  13. I did. He told me that the bass was sold with Aguilar pickups but I don’t think that Aguilar make stacked coil pickups
  14. Ahahahah thanks for the tip
  15. Hi guys! A few months ago, I bought an amazing AV Bass AVJ5 secondhand. I'm very happy with the bass itself but the pickups somehow don't sound as I was expecting... Definitely don't sound like a normal J pickup, they have more a humbucker type sound. I know that these are stacked coil (people tend to say that stacked coils are more "soft" and have less highs that single coils) When I contacted Ales Vichodyl (btw very cool guy to deal with, couldn't be more happier), he told that the bass was sold with Aguilar pickups. I really doubt that these are Aguilar. Any ideas? Does anybody recognize the brand / maker or have any clue? Thank you for helping me on this
  16. I use mine as first pedal in the pedalboard. The tracking is signifactly better and I found that the compressor keep the synth sounds more controlled.
  17. I had the Bassbone OD and if I remeber correctly, it can take 18V with no problem. I think that it’s written somewhere in the manual and if it’s not, you should send and email to radial just to be sure. Make sure that you have more or less 500mA to feed the preamp and remember that for the Bassbone you have use reverse polarity compared with the standard pedal power supply
  18. Thanks for the advice. I thought of the possibility of returning the bass and I told the fellow what he could do. Let’s see what’s going to happen
  19. Doesn’t seem to. There’s a a fair amount of difference on the impedance of the pickups. I might have encontered a bass that wasn’t checked by the quality control
  20. Happened to me too.
  21. I’m really sorry if someone is offended by from what I said. Actually, it’s just my opinion. I’m not telling that anyone that buys this bass is stupid or something… for me, doesn’t even come close to Sire (Sire are far from perfect too). Here’s my point: - the bridge was terrible because when you hit hard the E and G strings the saddles move around, other cheap bridges don’t - the neck pickup has a significant low output comparing with the bridge one (it’s like on a jazz bass you have the neck pickup at 50% and the bridge at 100%) - actually, I did the setup on this bass and part of my daily work, it’s repairing guitars (setup, fret levelling, changing electronics and many other things) so I might know something Funny thing that there’s people who is offended by an opinion based on a recent exeperience. My student was really happy with the bass, for me that’s the important thing. I would buy it? Hell no! Again, that’s only my opinion.
  22. Today one of my students brought the purple jazz to the lesson. In my opinion, it’s a beautiful piece of crap. Looks good but sounds awful. Low output pickups, terrible bridge and not a nice tone. The neck tough it’s not bad, the binding and the fret ends are well finished.
  23. I had one of these. Best neck ever!!! Loved this bass! Here’s a few videos of the bass. It’s a live recording and what you hear is the bass on the Mesa Subway Plus preamp I hope this helps someone to grab this beast fast!
  24. I can’t believe it’s still here. Beautiful bass, beautiful
  25. Just like mine! The color is actually way more vibrant and orange than it seems on the photo. best luck with the sale
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