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Everything posted by TwoTimesBass

  1. Yup, totally agree... Biggest reaction we've ever had was when the end of a song coincided with a Millwall goal on the screen above our heads 😫
  2. These days with Dante or MADI technology on the desk FOH it's easy to do a complete multitrack recording of every gig with nothing more than a single cable, laptop and a copy of Reaper/Protools etc. If the band are playing to a click, there is nothing to stop you making a live album by comp'ing individual tracks together from different venues to get the ultimate version of a particular track, and compile the album later in the studio.
  3. Trying to rule out the 'good on headphones bad through cab' thing, does the pre/post EQ switch on the DI output change anything? Or plugging the bass straight into the amp and run the pedals on the FX Loop?
  4. Hi thisisswanbon, How are you connecting your headphones, the GK doesn't have a headphone output right?
  5. It works out quite well really as by Christmas I'll have a shortage of cash to match the shortage of basses 😫
  6. That's very strange... Just to rule a couple of things out, are you using a regular mono jack cable from bass to soundcard? And do both inputs give the same level?
  7. I'll bet it has! It does look like Bitwig has a lot of features if you're looking at manipulating sounds and synth work rather than a traditional multitrack. I might just be getting old though... πŸ˜€
  8. Your Babyface should be absolutely fine to record bass using the Hi-Z inputs, I've done in loads with an RME Fireface and passive bass. I don't have an RME soundcard with me at the moment, and i'm not sure if it's the same for the Babyface, but there is a software adjustable option in the RME software to switch the inputs between Hi Gain/+4dB/-10dB. This might be worth a look? I've certainly been able to easily hit clipping on the input level with a passive bass on the Fireface. As Dad3353 says above, these days it's not as crucial to light up the meters if you're recording digital at 24bit, in fact it's good to leave space. Peak level during recording of around -12dB is fine. Surprised by the lack of a Normalise function on your DAW, it's very common. Might be called something else though...
  9. Another +1 for the Rode NT1. There's a load of large diaphragm condenser mics in your price range, but sound and build quality flatter the price tag. Pushing the boat out, the Rode NTK valve mic is also superb. Actually swapped out a U87 for the NTK on a solo spoken-word recording session...
  10. That was what was doing my head in when I first looked at the loom, when you see a battery in a circuit you expect to see a preamp board πŸ˜€
  11. Diagram 2 coupled with Diagram 5 on that pdf link looks like the configuration you need, good luck!
  12. Quite hard to see what's going on there, but as @Woodinblack suggests, the EMG documentation is pretty good. Have a look here https://www.emgpickups.com/pub/media/Mageants/j/_/j_ja_jcs_0230-0116rd.pdf This seems to correlate with the pics you sent...
  13. I don't have experience of the Cougars but have used plenty of the newer T-12's. Without being disrespectful, i'm not sure the Cougar is the right speaker for what you want to do with it, and you could spend a lot of time and effort trying to make it do what you want, and damage the speaker in the process. Sealed cab designs are rare in PA speakers, because they don't offer the LF response within a small enough cabinet. For comparison the T-12's have 4 ports with the same type of dual-concentric driver and can also be used in a monitor configuration. Adjusting crossovers or adding ports is a massive risk if the driver is a 30+ y/o original unit. And i'd be surprised if the driver is original as the Tannoy dual-concentric design was very easy to pop. Is there any damage to the suspension around the cone (the rubber ring round the edge) as this would cause leakage and a loss of low end? Also, what kind of amp are you driving it with?
  14. It looks like a pretty clean break (but sympathy nonetheless Probonopublico), and if i had any kind of workshop space I'd love to have a go at putting it back together. Good starter project for anyone interested in bass setup/repair. GLWTS
  15. Haven't had a chance to hear any Audio-Technica headphones for a long time now, personally i didn't get on with the swivel mountings that have always been a feature of their products. Didn't feel secure or durable, but then again i'm always dragging my headphones in and out of my bag rather than treating them with due care! As you say, nothing to lose though, so will be interested to hear what you think.
  16. I wouldn't disagree with that comment either. I feel comfortable wearing, and safe in what i'm hearing with years of using 770's, but I wouldn't say they offer anything special in their low end reproduction. You could do a lot worse than the HD25's, they are the standard headphone for a lot of the TV/film audio industry, but again they are studio headphones so not designed to do anything special. Try as many sets as you can, the ones that work for you will be the right ones regardless of price or anyone's opinion. That said, I did have a word with a member of staff about Beats headphones worn behind the mixing desk πŸ˜€
  17. Nice arrangement! Begs the question 'If basses play in the woods, and no audience hears them play...?' 😁
  18. As balance (i've got DT770's on as i type this), i've found the Beyers a reliable and honest sounding headphone for a good few years now. I do a lot of editing/sound design work and have used them on everything from Audible books to mixing music. That said, i'm probably so used to how they sound and how a mix translates to other speakers that i'm immune to quirks in their overall sound. I've used HD25's quite a bit too, and i found the low end a bit too in-your-face compared to the 770's, and they didn't fit my ears well. It's largely personal preference as with a lot of audio kit, and what you are comfortable with and get used to using, it takes time for anything to bed in. As with studio monitors, studio headphones should sound flat and often quite harsh, they aren't designed to be good at anything. If i was just buying headphones for my own bass work i expect the PJB's would be good contenders. One of the biggest reasons i still have the Beyers is that they are still comfortable to wear 10-12 hours per day. That sells me a set of headphones...
  19. I haven't seen the pictures to judge the quality of the finish πŸ˜‚
  20. Welcome Cog, 'Reasonably strange' might be more accurate πŸ˜‚ Enjoy the great help and advice on offer here.
  21. Thanks for the advice Beer, I'm not one for swapping strings usually, but i need a new set and wanted to check out some options before spending the big bucks. That said, there seems to be a lively secondhand market on here.
  22. Thanks TheRev, PM sent...
  23. Welcome Todd, I don't think you'll find that's a unique sentiment around these parts, playing music (especially with others) certainly does wonders for my mental health. Enjoy your music and your time here on the forum.
  24. I'd happily just have the back and sides of this build on my wall! Beautiful work Andy, and a fascinating build thread as always πŸ‘Œ
  25. Ideally practice coiling cables (using the 'twist' method above) so that both the connectors end up together in your hand before securing with tape/velcro tie/pipecleaner so there are no loose ends to dangle in the bag.
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