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Everything posted by SzunaP

  1. OMG!! Amazing! 😍
  2. Which one is for sale? The single cut I think the AJ model, but maybe I saw a double cut for sale as AJ model somewhere... both? Ohhh sorry, I've noticed that 6str is for sale, and the SC just a 5er... OK, right. Stunning basses!! GLWTHS
  3. 1400??? Oh, if she had one more string...
  4. Lovely pieces!!
  5. Maple body? What is her weight? I suspect not too light...
  6. Agreed... πŸ‘Œ I'm using for 20 years my Blade, only the PUs have been upgraded for DiMarzios. Nothing beated it, however tried many basses. Except.. I found a Sadowsky M5 few months ago, but it's another character with soapbars, love both.
  7. Wow, that would be much interested I think!! Lovely!! What year built, S/N does it have?
  8. I didn't wanna separate the player and collector thing. Just pointing that this is a really rare one, maybe one of a kind. And a really flashy colour, not sure I'd use this one on stage, however sound is primaly for me.
  9. Brilliant basses what you have... 😎
  10. Wow, very interesting, collector's item I think. Do you have any sound samples of these PU variations?
  11. Grat. It was great price...
  12. I saw an advert on Talkbass, where the guy has FIVE of 5-24 Modern, and wanted to sell one of them... a real collector...
  13. Uhhhh, beautiful!!! I bought a 2009 natural Metroline one, few months ago, and dont need more, but this one... And what is it for that 4 sticker? S/N:1837 was built in 1994
  14. Funny mirrored videos show lefty... But great groovin!!!
  15. Now I've checked GK's site and sadly noticed that RB series is discontinued... :((((
  16. OMG whadda monster!!! I've seen it in some Sado factory videos, but nowhere found it for sale... now I see why...
  17. SzunaP


    They don't work for me. Cannot open.
  18. Still lake placid blue?
  19. SzunaP


    Lovely!!! I used to eyed one, love the sounds what they have but I gave up the 35" fingerboard ...
  20. Don't need more basses, Don't need more basses, Don't need more basses...
  21. Wow, stunning!!
  22. Upload pics, pls.
  23. Wow!! Impressive piece of wood! But... definitely dont wanna play the 'Raining man' with this...
  24. 😍 stunning..!
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