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Everything posted by SzunaP

  1. Wow, beautiful stuff! Can I ask for sharing some sound samples? I was very disappointed with some Fender JBs in a last few years, but this one suggests some extraordinary sound... Did you satisfied with her? Thx
  2. How can you bring it in Europe? 😉 Lovely stuff...
  3. I spend just 10 minutes while I understand the pics. 4 str headstock. No, no, its 5 string. No it can't be, just 4 hardwares... 😄 Then I zoomed in and read the lines, haha! Tricky!! Never seem it before..
  4. Pls, direct pics, is that too complicated? Thx
  5. Withdrawn? When I decided?? 😣
  6. Nice one. 🙌 I have also a 5str Blade, almost for 20 years. Not for sale at any price... 😎
  7. Hi Lowregister. I'm up for a new axe, and two possible model interested in: Sadowsky M5, and the 55-94, I very like the sound of both... Do you have any sample of your Lakland somewhere? I'd check it out so much... Thanks Pete
  8. I have also a 5str Blade from the '90s. It is NOT for sale. My ever instrument until I die... She will be buried with my body... 😃
  9. I've found a solo sample about 9 years ago, which was played with this Yamaha, dropped tuning, and overdriven sound. It was a session job for a Hungarian trash metal legend Moby Richard's singer Tamas Schmiedl for his side project called 'Bloody Roots' (you know why is it...) As I was practicing the song (called Ezer év), suddenly I got an idea for some solistic stuff for a part. I showed that for Tamas, who was excited with it, but there was a guitar solo already, so he put it to the end of the song... Bass solo.mp3
  10. Do you feel any difference/quality in sound of chambered and a fullsolid Sado? As I've heard on YT clips, the NYC models have -what are used by big names- somehow lighter, "transparent" sound than the solid Metroline... It's strange, maybe I'm wrong, only a feeling about them. I could try a Metro model few years ago, it was lovely. NYC model hasn't been in my hands, so a litl bit courious in this question... Thx for reading! Good luck for the sale!
  11. Wow Poland? well I'm in Hungary, and interesting any 55-94, but prefer maple fingerboard... Beautiful bass however. I've found some but much far then yours... good luck for the sale! Pete
  12. Hi, lovely bass! Is it a Metroline, right? I'm lookin for Modern5-24, but this price alluring... 👍 Have to sell my TRB for it...
  13. Well, I have to sell my TRB then I would check it out... Is it a japanese Metroline model? Or a US?
  14. I'd sell Japanese-made 6-string Yamaha TRB-6II around 2003, not the Patitucci version! (Rather a bit Anthony Jackson sound - but his hands needed for it! :P) I’ve been using it for about 12 years as a second instrument, it worked great. Nowadays, I would rarely get it and would switch it off for a greater stuff... In addition, it needs to be refretted, I no longer want to renovate it. The body was damaged in a couple of places, and its head was cracked, which was repaired flawlessly. I’ve loaded in active EMG (not switchable) electronics and soapbars, and its sound became a growling-grunting pig. Volume-balance-high and low (on one double pot)-param. middle EQ (one double pot). The original 3 band Yamaha stuff is also available if you need it. (Because the original pre-amp has one more pot, now the 5th pot is just a „blind” , out of order potmeter.) I've used it in many sorts of genres live and studio, it can be heard on these links: https://youtu.be/mzrIiLw6xGI https://youtu.be/Or67r4FHdCM https://youtu.be/FSn6N5EWv9g You can see/try it in Hungary, Budapest, or in Germany/Switzerland/Netherland/Italy/Czech, at my summer tour locations, by consultation. 690 Euros/620 GBP cash, not interested in trade, thanks.
  15. Thank you, I' m thinkin about planning a flight to UK, but have to save a litl bit more money... cheers
  16. Hi! Can you explain what are the differences between the old Bartolini stuff and the Aguilar? Do you prefer newer sound? Thx
  17. Is it an active advert? I'm searching for M5-24.. Thx
  18. Hi bassmate! Has it sold already? Or for sale yet? Sorry, but I've not noticed any sign of closing this thread. Thx
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