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About Nebadon2000

  • Birthday 09/09/1954

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    North Carolina USA

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  1. Mesa Subway D 350 has no Fan It's not Elf mini but pretty small
  2. They have Natural Retro 2 Band sure you could find Tort guard only 3200 in USA but not sure it has that 50 cent Miracle chip from the 70's in preamp😀
  3. Yes I know; been playing since '75 had Ampeg SVT, Trace Elliot, SWR all great Amps in their own way; was just being antagonistic[aka jerk] but I did like my fingers sound with mentioned Amps as opposed to when I was in a situation and had to use Old Squire Bass and 1x15 Ampeg Combo Amp Also very content with my 'Last Dance' Rig Stingray Special, Mesa WD 800 AND SUBWAY 1X15; My old and crooked Fingers Sound better than ever😀
  4. Most equipment was poor that’s why you had to use fingers to get some semblance of what sound preferred Hence sound in fingers is easier and more accurate with better equipment not just any old equipment IMHO and IME
  5. Yes that may be true along with dynamics and proper feel BUT you still need excellent equipment to properly reproduce your amazing fingers😏
  6. May be a Love Song about relationship with Heroin but love song just the same and one of my favorites overall Also some nice Bass playing by a favorite Fernando Saunders
  7. I had a plan that is now complete Mesa WD 800 and Subway 1X15 along with EBMM Stingray Special 4H all bought Brand New over Summer
  8. When we were backup music and props for Topless Dancers in a Dive Club on Long Island NY
  9. Make sure Tone control is full on and all amp EQ flat to start Jazz with both pickups is Mid-Scooped so don't adjust tone as you would Jazz. With P be careful with Lo-Mid 250 to 500Hz may need slight cut This is were environment and speaker can cause mud/honk and loss of clarity P Bass is strong in Mids Jazz more scooped. In Gensral not a Law😊
  10. Should sound great: I have been looking at getting a 2x10 Barefaced or a 10T&10 Markbas is Lm IV 😊
  11. Environmental
  12. Yes I bought one used a few years back worked great in rehearsal but when Band was about to Gig bought extension Cab Have not needed extension yet mostly small/medium Gig's no FOH I am also content with it's tone and blends well in mix on stage and in customer area of Venue
  13. Nice Amp; I like the Graphic has 4 controls from 40-400hz should not only allow finding great tones[used with restraint] but be very helpful playing multiple Venues
  14. I am not a fan of blob pressed against the fretboard up to 10th fret[ seen many others like it ] but overall it's not so bad aesthetically even with the hole in the headstock; nice looking fretboard and unoffensive color🙂
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