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Everything posted by Nebadon2000

  1. Chic- Good Times Beatles- Come Together RHCP- Higher Ground Pink Floyd- Money Duran Duran-Rio There are some great ones also that are non-Famous Song's IE; The Who-Real Me, Muse-Hysteria
  2. I was pretty much 'Gas Free' before I started participating in Bass Forums😀
  3. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10100407210199603
  4. That's great advice for most Amps but Markbass Amps have a Parallel EFX Loop so sound will still go through to amp output even if loop or pedal plugged into loop has problem. One of their reasons for using parallel along with main signal not being corrupted by signal passing through circuit, pedal and cords connected to it when not using pedal or loop. PS; I read somewhere SMPS power supplies are more sensitive to Voltage irregularities pointing out Markbass. Not sure it is true or rumor.
  5. Well sort of; It has a Darkglass designed 2 band preamp in addition to A/O with blend built in. To OP; It seems to be designed for Hard Rock/Metalist; Darkglass also makes preamp for Dingwall Special Edition NG3 for those 2 company's to put Darkglass pre in their Basses that say's something. Something about Demo's for that Bass keeps it in my Head and pushing me to buy it; even though I most likely will never use A/O in a live situation [well I might force it on a couple songs] I think it's only a couple hundred more than standard which price already hurts so what is a little more pain😀
  6. I was in the 'Audiophile' Hi Fi Business from 1980-2002 bought a Denon Power Amp in 1984 Moved it to A/V use in 1990 and never turned power off played TV, VHS and DVD'S basically was in actual use 10+ hours per day and only replaced it in 2019 for convenience but I digress. Then is when Projection Tv's hit the market I became familiar with Board Swapping which is much the norm for electronics now. Like you have said I have come to accept along with 'Disposable' syndrome. BUT I have never fully considered the 'Side Effects' and consequences until reading your post. Sorta speechless now I have used from 1975 Peavey and Ampeg Tubes, Ampeg SS, SWR, Hartke, Trace Elliot, Roland, G&K RB, and some I can't remember. Most bought used except SVT, 1000's of Gigs and rehearsals and never had a failure/breakdown not even static from pots up to 2013 Markbass CMD 121P bought used in 2019 after 3 months had famed low output on startup. Replaced with 2007 Markbass Combo Head been working great😀 I
  7. lemmywinks said "This is all good news, maybe the Tesco logo ones will become collectors items? I thought the 5s had 19mm spacing already though?" Yes 19mm is original; I mentioned because the 16.5-18mm on most 5's has kept me from trying/buying them; may be same for some others. Once new logo is available😀 I may give a 5er a try without to much of a financial hit[been playing 4 string for 45+ years] my only other choice is a Squire Jazz and I am not a Jazz Guy or 'Squire Boy' not sure how difficult learning curve is and if at this point have the patience and desire to suffer much frustration.
  8. Sometime this year Metro Express Basses getting proper Sadowsky Logo according to Roger, have VTC Kits available for those whom prefer Passive although Sadowsky preamp has always been a major part of Magic, 19mm spacing on 5 strings [I like this.] all original release quirks eliminated Hopefully this will make a great friend of all bass players [who was integral moving Bass Guitars to higher standards] attempt to bring some of his Magic to the Masses successful
  9. Thanks for clarification; I was only conveying what I have experienced and my uneducated guess at what was happening. IE; My home stereo seemed[I perceived?] played louder in my Livingroom than in smaller bedroom where at a point it stopped increasing volume as compared. I went to a friends house and Music was ear splitting outside but just loud inside. I asked a couple audio engineers about this both gave answer rooms have volume limits they didn't elaborate. I worked in Home HI-FI Business and a few customers complained that bought Audiophile level power amps and large speakers that sound was not loud enough. Told them to put system in larger room and they were then happy.
  10. I will just say this 'Have you ever noticed whether Bass[music in general] in a Vehicle or Room sounds extremely loud outside but if you enter vehicle or room it is not as loud. Rooms can only hold so much sound pressure/Volume and it dissipates itself out sorta like water.
  11. Sometimes volume is limited by speaker and/or room; So after a certain point on Volume Control and power delivery Speaker and/or room is putting out their max volume so continuing to crank volume knob will do nothing for more volume except maybe blow something up😀 Want more volume Bigger/More Speaker and Room.
  12. First you have to make sure Neck Relief is proper; if you don't have tools or capo have someone hold string down at 1st fret you hold down at 12th; their should be a slight gap of bottom of string to fret at 6th fret; using cheap thin business card it should slide under gap barely touching bottom of string if it is tight and moves string or gap is to wide; it is up to you if you want to take next step. After you get neck relief correct then adjust string height first to Fender specs then if not comfortable slightly lower strings to best feel/sound for you without or very little buzzing; then on to pickup height and intonation😀 You can always take it to your favorite Shop and have them do a setup and ask if you can observe then vet setup process on you tube and buy tools needed, matt and neck holder and carry on yourself in future.
  13. Yea no kidding😀 My point was added sarcasm to original post about MB bashers; and complaining of 'Hissing' tweeter is number one on their list and he left it out.
  14. Their new '58' series combo's have DI out and EFX loop on front/top panel and offer version with 'Hi-Fi' voice coil tweeter Congrats on new amp; I have version before IV Series and it preforms well above it's size, weight, great tone and good value.
  15. Vintera; If it doesn't hurt get a new in the box [or more recent] from another store if he won't come down; that bass was 900 new 2 years ago
  16. As someone mentioned there is a plethora of excellent Basses available; definitely in 1500-2500 range and the BB35 is one of them and very competitive in all areas Sound, playability, quality construction, finish and overall design. You can spend alot of time running to different music stores, watching tons of you tube Video's all with different production levels, agonizing over making a decision and wandering maybe there is a better one I haven't heard ETC. or just get the BB35 and be Happy now ; Nevermind what is the fun in that😀
  17. My understanding that FRFR Cab's are so you can use with Modeling and also let you hear true response of Amp/Bass without speaker coloration. In other words 'Independent of' They don't advertise 'FRFR' so your take may be possible
  18. I am guessing the 'Pure' named Cabinets may be Markbass entry into FRFR
  19. You left out the old 'Hissy' piezo is gone on new stuff; a new maybe not 'Hissy' Piezo with ceramic woofer version and Horn or Voice coil choice available on all combo's and cab's
  20. The presentation/announcement of new products may have been lacking but the new look, products and cleaning out of old are great and solid move by Marco. the '58' combo's with choice of new tweeter types along with ceramic woofer choice available and having FX loop, DI out on front [top], no rat fur, receded quality handle made in Italy along with New sized and shaped Italian line of Cabinets starting at 9.8 Kg doesn't have a 'turn off' vibe for me.
  21. I just read from someone who 'Allegedly' switched jumpers in LMIII and said it still did not bypass EQ; I have not ventured there yet with my MarkBass. I agree with "Best the OP can do is turn the VPF/VLE off and the EQ to noon". Should be pretty transparent" but 'SparkyMark' has said parallel loop is 50/50 blend not sure how that will effect pedal/preamp other than having to crank volume to max and maybe a tad more on MarkBass. I am going to try both effect loop and in front of amp when my SushiboxFx Space Heater arrives before venturing inside of amp searching for jumpers. Be nice if MarkBass put a switch on back of amp. Parallel EFX Loop does have some advantages, one being you are not running original/clean signal threw Pedal/preamp and 2 extra cables at all times and if pedal fails doesn't shut down your sound mid Gig. PS; I misunderstood your post at first read; now see that setting to 'post EQ' is setting to 'Series' using jumpers.
  22. Super Twin; SPL 133 capable, 37lbs with cloth grille, 29" high [also can use what I have for single 12"; 'Amp Wedge' [or similar] to angle Cab slightly up 2 or 1x12. Mesa 1x15 if you can find one and Genzler 1x15 Bass Array Slant, if your prefer 15" worth consideration Boom Bass Tank 1015 or 1215 seems interesting, smaller 10 or 12 drivers are angled up on front 15" is down firing using Faital drivers 43 and 48lbs
  23. The Quilter has 'direct input' to power amp [bypasses preamp completely] the Markbass FX Return still runs signal through Markbass preamp and EQ. [Parallel EFX loop] also even if you switch jumpers inside amp to series loop signal still runs through EQ as told by some who have tried. Easy to test plug BASS into Pedal/preamp then into FX Return play and turn any EQ knob on Markbass or any other Amp Head if it effects signal it is not direct to Amp. PS; Quilter is excellent amp on its own and a good choice and value for purpose of using external Preamps as is Gr Bass Pure Amps BUT GR has pure switch on Amp heads for similar money
  24. AJ567 SAID; "The FX loop needs to be set to post-EQ, however, otherwise you are not bypassing the whole preamp and the EQ knobs will affect the sound as you describe." How is this done? Also someone posted he set jumpers inside to series and with MarkBass it still passed through preamp EQ.
  25. If Player feels comfortable to play and you like the 'Feel' full Gig length, stays tuned/intonated, holds a setup, content with Sound, fits well in mix should be great gigging Bass. I have only played/owned American P basses[since '75] they do all of above; Sound being somewhat subjective sometimes it cost twice as much to get 10-20% better.
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