I wouldn't use a set of strings because Pino has his name on them. But I would use the strings that Pino is using, which, if you ignore the marketing, seem to be TI and Labella.
I spent many an hour lurking at the Bass Centre. Eavesdropping on the likes of Cass Lewis, Joe Hubbard and Dave Bronze. I never bought a bass, but I bought many sets of strings, several amps and a few cabs over the years.
That's like saying talking is enough and I don't need to learn to read or write.
Lessons have nothing to do with brain-washing. They give us the tools with which we can express ourselves more fully and more completely.
Hi, forget the science lesson, your amp can run. . . .
1 x 8 ohm cab (8 ohms)
2 x 8 ohm cabs (4 ohms)
3 x 8 ohm cabs (2.67 ohms)
1 x 4 ohm cab (4 ohms)
2 x 4 ohm cabs (2 ohms)
1 x 8 ohm cab and 1 x 4 ohm cab (2.67ohms)
That's it. You're good with these configurations.
I replaced the pickup in my passive Precision with a Bartolini. That was a 1000% improvement. I then added the preamp and the improvement was marginal.
I had a cheap Jazz bass which sounded pretty wooden. I put it through a preamp pedal and the sound improved a bit, but was nowhere near what I needed.
My advice is to start by replacing the pickups. That might be all you need, and if you also go down the preamp route at a later date you'll get a much better sound.