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Posts posted by chris_b

  1. My solutions when I was faced with your problem; reduce the weight of each carry by moving to a separate amp and cab; no single item weighs more than 30lbs; if using small cabs, get 2 of them; reduce the distance you have to carry anything, buy a folding aluminium trolley. Good luck.

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  2. I was travelling to a gig in the guitarists van and had to ask him to turn down the volume on the SatNav. It was so loud it was hurting my ears!!!



    I would never disagree with a band when I'm depping, but once the usual grumbles spilled over into a full argument about stage volume. As usual I couldn't hear the other band members for the very loud guitarist, only this gig he was even worse. He told me to take out the ear plugs. I said, "No, because I don't want to end up deaf like you". He replied, "I'm not deaf!" Ironically, he'd just had 10 mins of the singer telling him he was playing too loud. His reply, "Loud? Me? I always play at this volume. I'm not too loud!" Bloody guitarists!

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  3. Does the audience like what you are playing? In a cover band that is the only objective. There aren't many songs I dislike or wouldn't play, but I've refused to play songs that other members  of the band couldn't play properly.


    IMO if you only dislike one song you're doing well.


    In our Top 40 covers band any song would be dumped, no matter how much we liked it, if it didn't get an enthusiastic response from the audience. If the audience liked it then my opinion didn't matter. I focussed on the mechanics of the song, playing it to the best of my ability and making it work. Hearing an audience shouting and clapping at the end of a song I didn't like made everything better again.

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  4. I saw James Brown twice. First time was in 1971 at the East Ham Odeon, with Bootsy. The show ran for more than 2 hours, was their second show of the evening and started at 1 am, and was one of the best gigs I've ever seen.


    The second time was at Hammersmith Odeon. It might have been sometime in the 90's. The band was still great but the show floundered a few times due to Mr Brown's "issues".


    James Brown invented a whole new style of bass centric music. I'll be listening to those records for ever.

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  5. Another regret. . . . in my teens I also sang, played piano and double bass. When I started to move in more capable musical circles, I let them drop.


    I've lost many gigs over the years because I didn't give being versatile enough attention.

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