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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1363798302' post='2017853'] Don't worry about the roqsolid cover, i got one for my S12T and the fit is perfect. Find something to spend your time, you'll find out that the waiting will be worth. [/quote] The Roqsolid covers are legendary, and the pattern for the S12T fits like a top-hat on an undertaker. Just make sure you put it onto the cab the right way round or you'll be wondering why the top handle doesn't fit the cut-out.
  2. Looks like I'm redundant then...
  3. [quote name='hunt the shunt' timestamp='1361992121' post='1994187'] I am reminded of when I was a hifi geek and some of the reviews had technical and listening tests. The number of times they ended up saying "measured great, sounds pants" and "measured pants, sounds great" was probably why they stopped measuring. [/quote] I gave up when it got to the stage where people were advocating sticking plasticised carbon dots around the room to combat sound damaging static fields. I think I remember that correctly... Now very intrigued to hear one of the Baer cabs. Not in the market mind, but my interest has been piqued.
  4. Listened to all three tracks now. Well recorded, well played and well received here.
  5. I'd hate for anyone to stop posting when it comes to cabs and measurements etc. Whilst I don't always agree 100% with things that are said, I [b]always[/b] look forward to the posts of Bill, Alex and yes Stevie amongst others. The debate sometimes gets a little buried in wreckage sometimes, but I feel more informed at the end of it. A very good thing.
  6. [quote name='bottomfeed' timestamp='1361879090' post='1992234'] .....that [b]Funny beggers, sheep [/b](can't remember who did that!) nice weirdness & smooth fretless... [/quote] You deserve a prize for getting through that!
  7. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361821510' post='1991537'] You are too modest, that's class playing man! And expressive. It's got maturity and great pulse. Hey, we do this to express ourselves right? [/quote] One of those lines that's couldn't be anything else but equally isn't obvious. Class.
  8. Teasing the commercial from the personal is a pointless task with small enthusiast driven businesses. The two are inseparable. So much of the owner's personality and ethos will be stamped on the company that it seems to make more sense to treat the conversation as if talking to an individual, rather than a faceless economic entity. Yes, keep an eye out for the commercial angle that goes beyond being useful and strays into the purely promotional. I do feel however, that we learn more from talking to small outfits like Baer, Barefaced and Bill's than from all the other large manufacturers put together. Encourage it, I say. Edit: small laugh as he notices blatant signature 'advert' at the base of this post.
  9. [size=4][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]I haven't and I should have. Be very interested in what [color="#282828"]51m0n[/color] thinks about this release and the recording quality. I'm hoping it's just my ears gone awry... but I don't think it is.[/font][/size]
  10. Got to listen to the new Richard Thompson CD over the weekend. Not every song was precisely my cup of tea, but there is no denying the bloke's talent in being able to write songs and lyrics, play guitar, and sing. However, the recording is a bit strange. The quiet bits are pretty decent, but when it even remotely kicks off, it's all horribly compressed such that drum kits breathe, and a general mushiness descends on the sound. I can actually feel my ears tense up. It's as if it's been put through a mincer and a uniform goo without any real dynamics is the result. Shame. Double shame as they've gone to the trouble of advertising the use of analogue recording gear on the sleeve notes. What for? Whatever the reason I fear it's been wasted. The standard of the material still shines through, but it could have been so much better sounding.
  11. That sound just sits there perfectly. Best P fretless sound I've heard in...... possibly ever actually. Depth and solidity but no woolliness, pokes through with a hint of growl. Lovely.
  12. Just.... fantastic. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke.
  13. Just loving the simplicity and honesty of the two double bass recordings that Owen has posted here. The music is allowed to speak for itself, and the playing is more than strong enough to stand on it's own two feet without much in the way of audio manipulation. Lovely, lovely sound.
  14. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=6]☝[/size][/font] And frankly that might just sound better.
  15. Just the first few bars of the following. The bass and guitar were improvised together, with additional guitar and the percussion added later. Done in Garageband. Not sure where the melodious nature came from, but it soon descends into a meandering rambling wedge of sound. Yeah, just those first few bars are my favourite thing I've ever done. [url="https://soundcloud.com/the-halst/funny-beggers-sheep"]https://soundcloud.c...y-beggers-sheep[/url] Edit: anyone who gets to the end is doing really well.
  16. [quote name='Toddy' timestamp='1360777131' post='1976348'] Suspicions correct!!,,,,, Just put a load of old Lovebombs pics on Denises Facebook page will find a link for you..the Heart of Glass Blondie tribute and the 80s New Retros are still going stronger than ever.. [url="http://www.facebook.com/denise.danielle1"]http://www.facebook....enise.danielle1[/url] [/quote] Cheers, Toddy.
  17. That looks suspiciously like Pete Cox on guitar.... and Denise! Known Pete since the late 70s, and Denise from when she was in the Love Bombs. Small world.
  18. I think it all boils down to the same old problem. If you need decent bass from a smallish light cab - bass or PA - you need a decent speaker in it that can displace large volumes of air. That then means decent amounts of power to drive that long-throw speaker. Also the cab will need to be well constructed if it is to be light but not waste lots of energy by flexing unnecessarily. I think all this points to.... fairly expensive.
  19. The biggest difference I made to a bass - a Shergold Marathon - was just making sure all the screws and bolts were really tight. The bass is a mechanical device first, and getting it all as rigid as possible gets more sustain from things not flexing uneccessarily. After that, fitting a Badass bridge (bought cheap from someone because it didn't fit their bass) made a decent difference. Again, more sustain and a slightly brighter tone.
  20. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1359805486' post='1960488'] Reading this thread fully it looks like apparently I still own one as my main bass I love my bass to bits lol [/quote] That bass plays really, really well. DO NOT SELL. Ever. Edit: Another vote for the Avon range of Gibson copies. I borrowed an EB-3 once. Awful. One bass that should have been crap and wasn't - well not in all respects - was a Wilson Rapier, the first bass I bought. Played really well, and I was able to get a good action on it. Slightly shoddy construction and [font="Lucida Grande"][size=3]materials, but the sound was pretty decent for a budget bass.[/size][/font]
  21. A 70s Marshall 'Bass 100' transistor amp. All mid and no bottom end. Truly dire. Sounded like I was playing through the landline telephone system.
  22. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359489581' post='1955636'] Tis a thing of beauty! What's yours like re: the body finishing cracking (the Shergold curse). Mine's not too bad compared to a some i've seen. [/quote] Yeah, it's got some cracking mainly in the sections adjacent to either side of the bridge - the photo doesn't really show this. The slab side nearest the bridge has a few chunks of the finish missing, a combination of wear and the cracking problem. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1359491622' post='1955700'] Could be Jaco himself! [/quote] Not a bad sound from a bass that even by the standards of the day was hardly high end. It was money very well spent at the time.
  23. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1359391070' post='1954049'] I really want a two pickup one... [/quote] Had a Jazz style pick-up fitted near the bridge in the 80s, replaced a few of years ago with a Wizard. It sounds like this: [url="http://www.ianhalstead.com/bc/Fretless-Marathon.mp3"]Fretless Marathon, bridge pickup.[/url] It looks like this: Not much resale value though, too heavily modified. I'll be hanging on to it though.
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