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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. Like the paint job and it looks like you've got a great result there.
  2. Eden WT550. Warm and controlled. The GB Streamliners work well with these cabs also.
  3. 'Badge' was one of the first basslines I learned. I was 17 and had just bought a Wilson Rapier bass. An early and important influence. Sad, sad news.
  4. Had sets on a Shergold Marathon 4 and a RIM Marseer 5 for over 2 years! Still sound remarkably fresh and no fraying. They appeal to the cheapskate in me no end.
  5. Still on the list of amps to own, when I get tired of the Eden WT550. Haven't yet, but I know how good the GB sounded with the rest of my gear. Very good indeed.
  6. Thanks for the effort that's obviously gone into this Like. Interesting write up. It all goes to illustrate tat unless you can throw money at something to avoid compromise, or even better, if you can avoid physics altogether, then designing a speaker cabinet is a compromise. How those compromises are weighted will determine the overall balance of sound. Interesting comment regarding the Big One. I thought that the mid was pretty good when I had mine, but the newer mid/treble drivers Barefaced use are supposed to be much smoother. It sounds like they are a world apart now. I also remember the Big One being really beefy in the bottom end. Must resist temptation to investigate new gear.... must resist temptation to investigate new gear... must resist... must resist...
  7. Matilda. Bought as the result of a slightly cheeky bid on an online auction. 5-stringer with a low B. It was made in 1995 by a Steve Eggleton — the back and ribs are Canadian fiddle-back maple, the front is sitka spruce, the neck is quarter-sawn English sycamore and the fingerboard is rosewood. The strings are Thomastic Spirocore for the B and E, with the A, D and G being Evah Pirazzi Weich. Long way to go before I'll play it publicly though.
  8. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1406661028' post='2513547'] I still miss my old Eden WT550 [/quote] That's partly why I'm reluctant to replace it. I know I'll miss it.
  9. I'd concur with the WT550 'authority' sound. Capable of solid and articulate deep bass output, as well as almost hi-fi clarity, but without being clinical, and pretty much any tone you can think of. The only thing it doesn't do is overdrive. The GB Streamliner excels with this, giving a rich basic undriven tone to a gorgeous, warm and harmonically rich driven sound. On a direct comparison, I preferred the GB Streamliner — both through a Barefaced Super12T. I still have an Eden WT550, as the GB Streamliner hasn't been enough of an automatic purchase to change. The Eden scores in massive tone flexibility and the solidity of the sound, the Streamliner scores in the basic richness of the sound. I can't comment on the Carvin as I've unfortunately never heard or used one.
  10. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1404496167' post='2493273'] And three of those have a limp. [/quote] Did you deliberately cut that sentence off short...?
  11. Just be careful to keep things up to date with new releases for bug fixes etc, as WordPress sites are a target for those looking for ways in. Once in, they can use your site for sending out spam etc. At the very least, apart from updating WordPress as new updates are released, change the default 'Admin' user to another one that's not easy to guess, and then delete the Admin account. Use a really strong password as well. I know one friend who monitors attempted access to his admin section via third party software, and it's sometimes thousands of attempts per day. There are some determined people out there.
  12. Fascinating stuff watching that being formed.
  13. Never had the pleasure of Bass Docs acquaintance, but I'll still wish Howard all the very best for a quick recovery.
  14. Due to the time-consuming and near impossibility of determining whether an advertised Rickenbacker is genuine or not, and that we could be seen to be potentially facilitating the sale of a fake Rickenbacker, we would really appreciate your co-operation in not posting any links advertising Rickenbacker or openly fake Rickenbacker basses. Whilst a proportion will undoubtedly be genuine, it only takes one link to a fake one to be spotted by Rickenbacker themselves, and we are open to the accusation of facilitating a sale. We would love to not be in this situation, but in the real world we sometimes have to make what may seem at first to be unnecessarily sweeping decisions. The legal consequences do not justify the risks in this case alas. Thanks, the Mod team.
  15. Adopts David Coleman voice... "A truly extraordinary result, I think you'll agree." No, even that doesn't begin to convey the magnificence of this instrument. This really should be exhibited in the Tate at the very least.
  16. As someone who started out on guitar.... you are nothing like me then. No actually, I did start out on guitar, an Avon SG copy, and it was dire. Not as dire as my playing though. As soon as I picked up a decently made bass, I was converted.
  17. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=8]⬆︎[/size][/font] Loud, but it essentially says what I was going to say.
  18. 60? Well that's [size=4]a m[/size]assive.... er..... *whispers* [size=1]three years away for me.[/size] Similar thing here, had a break of a few years, got back into a band and found Basschat. I've been annoying the good folk on here for several years now. They still come back.
  19. Welcome to Basschat... from another Ian.
  20. Welcome to Basschat Henry.
  21. Welcome saimon — nothing wrong with your English. Hope you enjoy your time on Basschat.
  22. Welcome. Another oldie(-ish), who started way back in 1974. Not that you'd know if you heard me.
  23. Welcome to Basschat Jason. Singapore has a very long and interesting history. Which is more than can be said of where I'm from*. * Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
  24. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1399725197' post='2447049'] All cool, no problem.. [/quote] Yep — I'd sooner have a negative opinion based on actual experience than either a negative or positive one based on supposition and guesswork. Far more useful.
  25. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1399665486' post='2446562'] Anyone know what this 'resonator' is all about. Are these cabs actually sealed? [/quote] The only 'resonator' design I've come across was a design for an infra-bass cab, capable of single digit Hertz bass response, and for use with hi-fi gear, and originally published in a hi-fi magazine in the late 70s or early 80s. Something like this: I can't for one minute think that Alex is doing this sort of thing, but it sounds like there is an unusual resonant cavity/device somewhere in the new design.
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