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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. My first major woodwork project at school (36 years ago now ) was to build a cab for an 18" speaker I'd picked up - a Fane I think. The cab ended up 3'6" high, 2'6" wide by 15 inches deep, and had to be taken to bits to move it, unscrewing the front panel meant I could just about move the rest of the cab on my own. It had a slot port at the bottom and was lined with an old eiderdown. All done with guesswork but it seemed to work OK and had a surprising amount of bite to the sound.
  2. OBBM once again. So far I've had: Speakon cable Guitar cables Mic Cables All fantastic quality and built to last.
  3. I tried a Wal Custom in the 80s... it was horrible. Lifeless, flat and with no bottom end to speak of, no matter what you did with the controls. A couple of years later I had a play with a another example and it was just magnificent. Just goes to show. The first real bass I tried was in a shop in Bradford in the 70s. A Rick 4001. It was again, another exquisite bass, whereas most Fenders I've tried have been underwhelming, apart from a particularly good Jazz that really oozed playability and tone. All this tells me is that it's wrong to dismiss a bass model on playing just one example.
  4. [quote name='silddx' post='1148296' date='Mar 3 2011, 12:58 PM'] Single malt actually [/quote] I think he really means single ketone. Those alcopops have to smell of something.
  5. The input stage sounds very interesting - 3 12AX7 valves. Hmmmmm.......... And it looks more than half decent as well. Be interested to hear how you get on with this little beauty.
  6. [quote name='bassgurumonster' post='1136468' date='Feb 21 2011, 10:49 PM']Hi, im situated in Kingston upon Hull, ( Where? ) East coast, North Humberside. Ive been playing for %*£"!& yrs, and still loving it . Ive enjoyed being in bands and enjoyed leaving some too!! Ive supported W.A.S.P, Michael Schenker, and Children of Bodom. Im about to start a new venture, ill post more soon! cheers Mike [/quote] Another Hull bass player. Welcome. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1137847' date='Feb 22 2011, 10:29 PM']Welcome to Basschat. Am very familiar with Hull, used to play fairly regularly at The Adelphi, and drink in Spiders, back in the late 80s. Those were the days..............................[/quote] Spiders! The days of triple gin slings for peanuts. And a peanut for a brain by the end of the night.
  7. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1137433' date='Feb 22 2011, 06:21 PM']Yep - shows you the quality & like-new results you can get by attacking it with a Brillo pad! Jon.[/quote] I'd bid for the Brillo pad.
  8. Self adhesive [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/13mm-SELF-ADHESIVE-VELCRO-COINS,DOTS,CIRCLES,DISCS_W0QQitemZ170359695073QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=210520965406&rvr_id=210520965406&cguid=297c7d1812e0a0aa12e6d9d6ffeb23a6"]Velcro dots[/url]. One on the back of the pick - or the front if you are that way inclined - and one on the bass. I sent some to my mother-in-law – one marked 'top lip' and the other one 'bottom lip'.
  9. Have to check the ol' diary. If I manage to get along, I may well bring the rig: Eden Traveler 550 Barefaced Super Twelve T Hmmm, will have to see if I can wangle this one.
  10. Robbie at RIM basses may be able to provide a fitting service for the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9653&view=findpost&p=1034340"]glow in the dark rods[/url], depending on workload and impending new arrival to his family.
  11. First bass: Wilson Rapier medium scale Go to bass: Shergold Marathon fretless 4 (er... my only bass) Your bass: ditto PS The Shergold will be joined in a few months by a RIM Marseer fretless 5. Build diary [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9653&view=findpost&p=1038168"]here[/url], courtesy of Robbie.
  12. I'm having [url="http://www.luminlay.com/productsen.html"]these[/url] put on a custom Marseer from Robbie at RIM basses. Look ideal - no battery drain - other than the charging torch. The idea is that the rods are inserted into the neck, and they fluoresce for around 45 minutes when charged with the torch that comes with the purchase. Charging involves shining the torch at each dot for a few seconds. Ingenious.
  13. [quote name='Raggy' post='1119798' date='Feb 8 2011, 09:32 AM']That green P/J is feckin stunning. Nice job Wayne.[/quote] Have to agree with that. It just exudes rightness. If I was after a P, J or P/J I'd have to nick that combination of colours and neck. Class.
  14. I've used an octave divider with a Big One initially, and then a Super Twelve T. The Big One just laughed. Yes, I could see some cone movement, and there was plenty of air movement from the port, but there was no detectable distortion or complaint. The main concern was for the amp, which got hot very rapidly! The Big One handled a suboctaved E string no problem. The sheer power and authority was a bit mad really. Having said that, I'd rarely use anything below bottom A with the suboctave on. Low enough. The Super Twelve still handles the suboctaved E, but the overall effect is definitely down audibly as the Big One's output went a fair bit lower. It's still pretty impressive though, with the Compact apparently offering a similar performance, based on the specs. This being the case - I wouldn't worry too much. The Super Twelve quickly picks up from the lowest G upwards, and the bottom end from the A up gets much closer to the Big One to my ears. The only things flapping will be your trousers.
  15. We've bagged a couple of gigs at the [url="http://www.springboardfestival.org/"]Cottingham Springboard Festival[/url]: Friday 27 May - early evening at the Cross Keys Saturday 28 May - the opening slot for the day at the King Billy, 12.30 'til 1.45.
  16. [quote name='Doddy' post='1110902' date='Feb 1 2011, 12:54 PM']So,am I the only person here who enjoys (or admits to enjoying) soloing? [/quote] No - I'll do it if the context is right. I prefer the relaxed, make each note count approach. So far none of them have.
  17. According to a techie I use - cheaper* amps often use a series of low cost off-the-shelf 20 Watt op amps to build up their power output, rather than designing completely from scratch. The power supplies are often very weak, and the stated output sometimes woefully optimistic – some of the op amps she's come across measuring as little as 6 watts against a stated 20. A quick count of the op amps, even if they produced the full stated output, often produces interesting results. She ought to know as she repairs them. * And some not so cheap.
  18. At a guess – and it is a complete guess – you may need to look again at the bracing. It will flex in a different manner to ply, setting up resonances in different areas of the sound spectrum. Far easier to trial and error a design with ply than Nidacore I'd think, and there's another possible big difference really – ply looks so much easier to work with. Could be wrong though. It's certainly an interesting material, and just out of curiosity I'd love to hear a Big One made from it. Got me thinking about domestic Hi-Fi- speakers or studio monitors now. Wonder if they do a transparent version of Nidacore? Edit: typo
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1104305' date='Jan 26 2011, 08:11 PM']Two mics, as I recall. Not sure which. It was a nice sounding room, tho'. Wood panelling on the walls helped soften the sound.[/quote] Two mics - keep it simple and let the kit do the talking. It has to be a good kit mind, and played by someone who knows the kit and it's dynamics inside out. No problem there then. [s]I'd have preferred the bass just a tad up in the mix, but that's probably me[/s]. After a proper sit-down listen through my big system - the bass is balanced nicely in the mix, warm and solid. By 'eck Bilbo that does sound good.
  20. [quote name='51m0n' post='1097293' date='Jan 21 2011, 11:40 AM']I'd agree with that, the BigOne requires big big power to get it to really be hugely loud. 500watts is not going to make it break a sweat.... Thing is, it can handle that massive power. Unlike anything else I've heard. So its really not very efficient, but goes VERY deep (far deeper than anything else I've ever heard), and given a huge dose of power will happily get very very loud. It sounds gorgeous though. The Super12 is far more efficient, though not as deep. Very punchy (will take eq'ed in beef happily at gig volumes) - sounds lovely, but different to the BigOne.[/quote] Yes, I'm afraid the Big One laughed at my Eden . The sheer quality and depth of the bass output was staggeringly seductive though. The Super Twelve is a much better compromise for me - I love the Eden tone (some would say lack of it ) , and the Super Twelve still brings it out, but gives the amp an easy ride. It's a more forward sound than the Big One, but in comparison with other cabs it still pumps out oodles of quality bass end, with a punchy sound as 51m0n said. It's got that plug-in, start playing and stop worrying/gassing/pining quality.
  21. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1096992' date='Jan 20 2011, 11:52 PM']Indeed. I see there's a "best 2x12 cab" thread over in the amp forum. The problem is that everyone who's bought a production Super Twelve (the prototype got swapped for a Big One due to HUGE bottom cravings) has clearly been so thrilled with it and how well it works with their amp (and there's quite a lot of different amplifers in use) that they have no reason to ever visit the amps/cabs forum ever again, unless they want to go and gloat! [/quote] My considered thoughts added. I'm now tempted to get a more powerful amp just to see if I can meet your max SPL challenge.
  22. Just spotted this. Transformed it - good move there Wayne. Maple necks and darker bodies just go. Coupled with the block inlays.... spot on.
  23. [quote name='51m0n' post='1096998' date='Jan 20 2011, 11:57 PM']Barefaced Super 12[/quote] Now that I've gigged a couple of times with a Barefaced Super 12 T, I'll pass on my thoughts. I did have a Big One, the 15" LF and 6" mid cab. I had a couple of problems with it, the main one being that the Eden Traveler 550 found it tough going driving it. You need an amp capable of taming this beast, with more power than 500 watts into 4 ohms. The sound was exquisite though - plenty of real sub frequencies when using an octaver, coupled with a silky smooth mid and uppermid/lower treble. The Super Twelve is more efficient and suits the Eden far better, and marries up better with the FX unit I have. Some of the FX chuck out some pretty high frequencies and the treble extension of the the tweeter handles it as smoothly as the Big One handled the mids. It will do grit and ballsy if that's what your rig up to the cab produces. I reckon an Orange Terror Bass would also suit this cab really well, for those wanting a less straight sound than the Eden. Or one of the Hartkes for something in between the Eden and Orange. Or a growly GK... The point being that it throws out pretty much what you put in. The main difference between the Super Twelve and the Big One is that the very lowest frequencies are down in comparison - most noticeable from about 30Hz downwards when using an octaver. The bass it does put out this low down is clean though, but cuts off rapidly under this. Responsive and solid is a good description of the bass end in general. It's tight, full, but not bloated, the mids are slightly more aggressive than the Big One, and the treble is clear and uncoloured, with no fizz or spikeyness in the response. In a decent sized crowded pub, and with an exuberant drummer, and with the guitar and keyboards going through the PA, the cab was able to push enough out to fill the room. There was plenty more left in the pot as well. Whether it's suitable for everyone... no it won't be, there are some that just won't like it, but I'd still recommend anyone in the market for a high quality 2 x 12 cab to give one a try out. It's the best one I've used.* * As well as being the only one
  24. [quote name='bucko' post='1095631' date='Jan 19 2011, 08:35 PM']Thanks for that bit of info Shergold,as Idont know much regarding ohms etc. Sorry Ishould have said its the 2x10 version I have. Cheers.[/quote] Aaaahhhhhhh - the 2 by 10 combo is already set to have the speakers give a 4ohm load. I'd leave it as it is, and find a 4 ohm cab to go with it. Whilst the wattage available from the amp will drop, this should be more than offset by the increased number of speakers radiating sound. Doubling the impedance from 4 to 8 ohms by adding another 4 ohm cab will give the amp an easier time and would not affect the perceived volume too much if this were the only consideration. However, dropping the volume is the opposite of what is needed, even if only slightly. However, by adding more speakers, we are adding more radiating area. Put a ruler in a vice and twang it - not very loud. Now clamp the ruler to a table and twang it. Much louder, as the table has increased the area radiating the sound. It's the same with adding speakers. So, you'll lose some volume due to the impedance rise, but gain more than you lose by increasing the number of speakers. The question is... is the gain enough? Not sure if I'm totally honest as I've never tried this! Another way round this is to pick up another Nemesis combo, and slave it to the one you already have. Much louder now. As it happens, (warning: shameless plug) I just happen to have a 1 x 15 version available, once the transformer has been looked at (it hums too much and needs sorting).
  25. Just working out how quickly I could delete all my YouTube stuff.
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