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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='928740' date='Aug 18 2010, 03:42 PM']A difficult thread to sustain. In any event, Marcus can always re-appear under the OP's original profile. I'd very much welcome his views on a wider range of topics. BTW, Goggle's got a new, Jazz-flavoured album coming out entitled 'Kind of Balloon'. Personnel listing shows "Marcus Muller on 'Alto' Bass". Awesome shred-fest incoming! [/quote] So long as Marcus has learned Tony's lesson regarding balloons and Helium. I await with interest. As do his financiers no doubt.
  2. If only.
  3. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='928631' date='Aug 18 2010, 01:43 PM']I am sure there are more than just me who did not find it funny at all! Brendan[/quote] This is one of the strengths of BC - the wide and varied er... contributions
  4. [quote name='ped' post='928421' date='Aug 18 2010, 10:36 AM']I thought it was in there, but no matter, we still reserve the right to do what we think serves the forum best, and people having lots of accounts isn't a good thing, in my experience. Especially when they lie about it and do it to subvert the ways of the good nature of the forum, which has happened once or twice. Threads like this may appear funny (honestly, I didn't really get it, but that's me) but it means managing the forum could quickly become a massive ballache - which in the long term means the forum goes under. ped[/quote] A a system admin at work (amongst many other roles ) I can entirely see where you are coming from here. If one person can have multiple accounts, then why can't everyone? Chaos would result. Schizophrenia as well possibly. And this is before any real account abuse or lying occurs. I thought Rich had been made to promise [i][b]not[/b][/i] to show his puppies to anyone?
  5. Something says this item is popular. Splendid chap to deal with too is Old Horse.
  6. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='927932' date='Aug 17 2010, 07:48 PM']Tony Goggle, Marcus Muller, The Basschat Arms.[/quote] Agreed. It is our solemn duty to serve up such demented goings-on. Set the hyperbolic monk-pump to horizontal, engage the special blue flange and roast your Ray on this [s]trouser[/s] neck press*. We have work to do. * Patent Sterling Ball/Corby
  7. [quote name='Shonks' post='927266' date='Aug 17 2010, 10:07 AM']He spiritually uplifted us all,whether he was serious or just a joke, it was all very positive! long live the best zlappist on the site - teacher and guru of the bass!![/quote] Applause due... and we bow down to [s]you[/s] Marcus. Zlapp boing und aufwiedersehen.
  8. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='927238' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:45 AM']Aww what? If my sister had known you could speak german she might have been more inclined to come in and see you that time with us lot lolz.[/quote] A combination of what I remember from school and the odd bit of translation software goes a long way. Wish I'd paid more attention in German lessons now.
  9. I've done a little trawling through the archives - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=99067&view=findpost&p=927173"]see this post on his intro thread[/url] - but drawn a blank eventually.
  10. Searching through the archives, I've come across a Doktor Müller (1882 - 1945), engineer and emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Baden-Zeit, Bavaria. "He was instrumental in developing the Panzerzlappwagen for the Wehrmacht in the early 30s. Based on a Christie suspension model, this fast but lightly armoured vehicle contained one large metal wire set to resonate in the region of 7Hz. The operator 'zlapped' the wire, the output being fed to a complex transmission-line loaded speaker system located in a revolving turret superstructure. Work on this design collapsed in 1938, as the occupants of the vehicle were also subject to the literally bowel moving sound waves, due to several inherent design flaws, not least the unidirectional nature of the generated sound. The design was sold off to I. G. Farben as a possible mobile mass laxative treatment. Doktor Müller attempted to leave Germany in 1939, shortly after his family escaped to France and then America. Sadly, he was detained before he could make good his escape, not surviving the war because of his suspected anti-Nazi stance. His family returned to Germany in the early sixties, where Maik Müller, the son of Doktor Müller, made a name for himself in the Motown inspired band 'Funk'n'zlapp', as their bass player in the late sixties. The family now live in Berlin." I thought I was onto something here until I saw the later entry: "Maik Müller haz noe zun kall Markus. Ziss iz all lyes, und perzon zaying ozzervise getten zlappen mit Jagdwurst. Blind alley then. Oh well.
  11. All improvised but this is sort of indicative of what we do. The sound is straight into the camera, and a bit iffy to say the least. The bass was on octave divider and auto wah for most of this.
  12. Has anyone seen Angela Merkel in public recently?
  13. By the accent Markus you don't sound typically West German are you an 'Ostie'? If so you must have lots of tales to tell of the Stasi and long journeys couped up in the boot of Trabants being smuggled over the Austrian border yes? Or of the large queues to buy groceries? How things have changed in Germany since those times. Over here we just queue to register as unemployed, so don't get the benefit of even a stale piece of Dunkelbrot. How things have changed over here. Since those times. What type of bass do you play? I bet you are constantly nipping down to Thomann to try new gear out!
  14. ShergoldSnickers


    Stunned. The person, his thoughts and the avatar are going to be really, really missed around here. My honest and sincere condolences to the family and those who knew him better than I.
  15. Guten Morgen Marcus. Wie gehts? Ich möchte daß du meine Muscle Suit und Unterseeboot abwehr Kanone holen. Und die Ziege und schwartzen bustenhalte. Danke.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' post='926166' date='Aug 16 2010, 09:29 AM']Thanks! That was done in the 16 track studio. IIRC we booked 2½ hours to record and mix the one track for a compilation LP (that never got released as the person organising it did a runner with both our money and the master tape).[/quote] That sounds remarkably familiar. A band I was helping to record had a 'manager' who did the same thing. This was around '85 or '86. The guitarist was a fairly quiet and timid bloke but he tracked the manager down after a couple of months and really did him over a treat. I'm not sure who was more surprised - the guitarist or the manager. [quote]I also enjoyed "Morning People". Some nifty fretless bass playing (on your Shergold?) and not particularly over-busy when compared with what others were doing at the time![/quote] Thanks BidRedX. Yes, all the stuff was done on the current Marathon bass, including the rudimentary slap and pull stuff that actually doesn't sound too bad without the frets!
  17. [quote name='WalMan' post='925559' date='Aug 15 2010, 01:34 PM']ATF then became [url="http://www.myspace.com/akindoffury"]A Kind Of Fury[/url] and ....[/quote] Yes, the shorts indeed...
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' post='925673' date='Aug 15 2010, 04:25 PM']My old stuff is all out there for public consumption... My very first band despite being ridiculed when we were at school for playing weird sh*t that we'd written ourselves instead of rock covers like all the other bands were doing and not having proper electric guitars and drums, happened to be in the right place at the right time to be part of the DIY cassette movement of the late 70s early 80s, and appeared on the now cult classic "Angst In My Pants" double EP. As a result of this we were asked to produce a best of CD by Hyped2Death records who are seemingly on a mission to rerelease every DIY recording of that era. You can hear snippets of 4 of our songs [url="http://hyped2death.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=31&products_id=39"]here[/url]. The recordings range from live onto stereo cassette to full 16 track studio recordings with overdubs. Some of the songs don't even have any bass on them since we didn't actually own a bass guitar until I bought mine in 1981. For fans of LoFi DIY post punk only...[/quote] All instantly evocative of the era - I'm taken right back there despite never having heard the tracks before - I liked 'Obsesion and Guilt' in particular.
  19. Performance comparison of older 2009 iMacs to new 2010 iMacs [url="http://www.barefeats.com/imac10o.html"]here[/url] Looks like the i3 processor is cranking things nicely in comparison to the older Core 2 Duos.
  20. [quote name='charic' post='924687' date='Aug 14 2010, 09:56 AM']Let's keep this thread running![/quote] Agreed... you are never too old to learn something new, as recording is such a fluid and nebulous area with plenty of room for differing approaches to getting the end result. I've learned a thing or two already.
  21. Walman recently pointed out a link to some great stuff he'd done on his Shergold bass a number of years ago, and this got me thinking. Where's all my old stuff? Well I've dug out some of the best of a pretty awful collection. This was done in the early 80s on a Fostex 250 4 track - the first generation one and with numerous bounces involved, and before I'd learned the discipline of playing less :blush: :blush: :blush: The band was named Sign Language. It's weird to hear this again. Hmmm... spot the influences. The download links are below. Go on - get yours up here as well :brow: Track 1 [url="https://files.me.com/ianhalstead/3kubz5.mp3"]Morning People[/url] Track 2 [url="https://files.me.com/ianhalstead/ec5cxz.mp3"]Empty Stations[/url] Track 3 [url="https://files.me.com/ianhalstead/y6jwsw.mp3"]Victim[/url]
  22. Ah.... now then.... When I mentioned Tal Wilkenfeld, I did state her recorded audio stuff (aural, non visual) was fine, but when watching the VIDEOS (visual) I didn't hear the bass. As in I'm too distracted to hear it? I didn't mean she was really awful. She's better than I will ever be so I'll shut up. I'm sure most of you got this rather weak joke. Roger Waters - I can partially see that, but Nick Mason is worse as a drummer.
  23. Tal Wilkenfeld Her recorded stuff on CD is great, but oddly on any videos showing her I just don't hear the bass.
  24. [quote name='Beedster' post='923653' date='Aug 13 2010, 11:37 AM']LOL, both things we do (two sets of speakers and the car test). Good to know that without realising it was standard practice, we're doing things right![/quote] It's all a compromise - I tend to sway to the side of getting a mix that's reasonably dynamic and 'true' on the best speakers I use and sod the car mix - getting the car mix right usually involves too much compression and robs the music of the very dynamics I'm trying to preserve. Being in a band I have to compromise on this and usually wind up giving in. If it was totally down to me though I'd mix to get the maximum dynamic range, but this results in people complaining that the level is low on their CD players, compared with other CDs they play. Yes, the average level is lower because I'm not compressing everything to death, and the music is allowed to breathe. Do they not have volume controls on their gear? We develop a domestic music playback system capable of generating huge swings in dynamics and the end up using only the top 10 per cent of the headroom. Daft. To me anyway. Still, it's not worth getting terminally het up about. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war"]The Loudness War - this explains a bit more[/url]
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