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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='jhamler' post='37025' date='Jul 25 2007, 09:46 PM']My Nemesis 4 x 10 combo has just started doing something really WIERD... When the power is plugged in and the amp is switched off, the power light stil runs kinda half on, slightly flickering.. (very dodgy!) When I flick the switch on, the power light gets marginally brighter but no sound emerges. Not a hum. Has anyone had similar problems or is my amp well and truely screwed? Jon[/quote] I'm no expert (standard get-out phrase I believe ), but I'd be pointing a finger at the on/off switch to start with, assuming that an internal fuse hasn't gone. There is a fuse for the treble driver (an aircraft light I think!), but this wouldn't cause the symptoms you've got if it had gone. Does the amp section hum when you put your ear right next to it? If so, then power is getting to the power supply section. If not, then either the power supply is sh*gged or the switch isn't making/breaking the correct contacts. Well that's my guess but I'm happy to be proved wrong and learn a bit. In any case, get it checked by a professional if you're not absolutely sure. I've arced and melted one screwdriver too many.
  2. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='36605' date='Jul 24 2007, 10:37 PM']... so if you fancy a tallboy rather than the present versions wait until you see the TallBoy versions offered.[/quote] Tallboy eh? The sonic equivalent of [url="http://www.museum-explorer.org.uk/show.php?page=exhibit_photo&no=3715"]this[/url]? Sounds like a very interesting development.
  3. [quote name='urb' post='36169' date='Jul 23 2007, 10:39 PM']I know you are kidding Shergold... Mike[/quote] If only I was.
  4. [quote name='urb' post='34573' date='Jul 20 2007, 12:25 PM']Thanks for listening Mike[/quote] One Shergold Marathon and an Eden Nemesis NC115 for sale. Well, OK I might keep them but only so long as you promise not to produce anything that good again. A seriously fun track to listen to. Infectious. Incidentally, don't you find that GarageBand just invites you to dabble? It's just so quick and easy to get stuff done.
  5. [quote name='clauster' post='35867' date='Jul 23 2007, 12:22 PM']We've got a big guy who does our sound - his number one duty is to leap on stage and punch the guitarists if they look like they're about to reach for the volume knobs on their amps [/quote] Must develop a guitar amp that throws a boxing glove containing an anvil at whoever tries to meddle with the gain. Just think of the market opportunities. Bassplayers, keyboard players, vocalists, drummers. They'd all want one to replace the kit the guitarist is currently using. The guitarist wouldn't notice. After a few times, the broken jaw would probably be associated with the action of playing with the volume control, so it might work. Oh, hang on - I bought a guitar recently, I'd forgotten about that... See? I'm already losing brain function.
  6. Knew you'd like it! Be careful who you point it at - it's dangerous!
  7. When I was gigging, a long time a go now, I used to keep an extra long lead handy so I could stand out front in the sound check. What used to be slightly alarming though, was how the sound changed when you moved about, and when the bodies started filling the place. That's where an experienced sound engineer comes in. Once it was explained why things were done in a certain way it all made sense. Worth their weight in diamonds. It's about cooperation and diplomacy from both sides.
  8. [quote name='Tinman' post='35623' date='Jul 22 2007, 05:44 PM']Reminds me of a time when I was at a 'certain' RAF base. A 'certain' squadron with whom a 'certain' titled family used to always fly, kept a 'certain' part of the contents of the aircrafts plumbing. I know this for a fact 'cos I was there at the time. It's amazing what squaddies will do when they're bored.[/quote] Inter-service rivalry knows no bounds! I always wondered what The Tower looks like on the inside. We might be finding out soon
  9. [quote name='Sugden' post='35535' date='Jul 22 2007, 01:40 PM']Id be quite intrested in knowing how people you know who could polish a turd.[/quote] I heard a rumour that a certain ship, that used to be a part of a certain titled family's life, had it's plumbing temporarily tampered with. One turd, interception, for the uses of. Encased in plastic I'm told, and, I would hope, kept nicely polished. So there you are, whilst I don't know them personally, I am aware of a possible turd polisher. Not just any old turd either.
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='35096' date='Jul 21 2007, 08:30 AM']I don't ready music or do TAB. Even if I wanted to, I just don't have time. To be honest, I've been playing and recording for nearly 20 years and I can't think of a situation where I wished I could read.[/quote] I put learning to read music in the same box as learning to program a computer. I have no aptitude for either they make as much sense as each other to me! If I need to learn something I just say "stick it on a CD/email it and leave it with me". As most of the stuff I do is improvised or I devise the bass part where there is a structure, it's not been a problem. It's weird really, but I find a lot of highly trained musicians who panic at having to improvise, or just can't, and a lot of improvisers who panic at the thought of reading music or just can't!
  11. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='35246' date='Jul 21 2007, 02:39 PM']I really like that. The pizz strings and the big swells with gongs sound excellent in particular. Did you play that all in, or was any of it programmed/notated/whatever?[/quote] It was all played in from a keyboard, with a little bit from a midi equipped guitar. I don't really play the keyboard with any dexterity, so I have to input the chords one by one, but in real time in this case. I couldn't even tell you what the chords are! I'm not sure if the brass section would survive a full concert, there's a lot of sustained notes in the first bit. But as they are virtual*, I can do with them as I please, and they can't ignore me in the bar after rehearsals. Indeed, such is my power, I could have them play banjos or get them howling like whipped dogs MWWUAHAAAAHAAAAAAAAA! Strange, but even though they are virtual, after 11.00 in the evening they all sound p*ssed. GarageBand is that realistic.
  12. [quote name='Peaty' post='32923' date='Jul 17 2007, 10:51 AM']Hi ShergoldSnickers This guy is my I comp favorite and this tune is a real hoot worth a listen as is his more serious stuff. www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=30902 Cheers Pete[/quote] Another valuable addition to my bookmarks. Thanks Pete!
  13. They should change their name to [i]Meh[/i]ringer.
  14. It sounds like something mechanically sounding the strings. I experimented years ago with a small motor to which a wheel was attached. The outer edge of the wheel was soft rubber and it made a similar sound when gently pressed against a string. I got lots and lots of hum from the motor though. In fact Kevin Godley and Lol Creme used a similar but professionally developed device called a 'Gizmo'. This was attached to the bridge of a guitar and small wheels could be made to 'bow' the strings by pressing down buttons. Its a long shot, but it sounds as if it ought to be something like this.
  15. A compressed air line pointed at the strings to get them vibrating. If it's not that, then I claim copyright! Mmmm I can see it now, a 'Vibratair' pedal with mini compressor and a key press arrangement over each string to deliver the air. Well it [i]might[/i] work.
  16. That's some 'muckin about'. Music made fun. The way it should be.
  17. [quote name='ste_m3' post='33030' date='Jul 17 2007, 01:37 PM']Yeahhhh! The 810 is on its way! I shall have lots of pictures and a write up when it gets here, hopefully tomorrow![/quote] Just turn it up and thump out a message in Morse Code. We'll all hear it!
  18. [quote name='Peaty' post='32511' date='Jul 16 2007, 02:05 PM']well i liked it, got me thinking it is time to get a key board to hook up to garage band I guess you are already aware of the Icomp web site but if not check it out at [url="http://www.icompositions.com/"]http://www.icompositions.com/[/url] there may be stuff there to interest you. cheers Pete[/quote] Thanks for the heads up Pete - I wasn't aware. Cheers.
  19. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='32490' date='Jul 16 2007, 01:16 PM']WOW!!!............ :wub: [/quote] Yes, it's time for a curly lead revival. Just realised - the lead I'm using in the picture is a curly one in transparent plastic! Wonder what happened to it?
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='32465' date='Jul 16 2007, 12:40 PM']Why not indeed! If your mate intended pusuing this further and making others, I'd (costructively) suggest that he looks at the string break angle for the rear tuners. There is the potential there for possible string breakages due to the extreme angle they run off at. Please take this as it is meant, as genuine constructive criticism as I wish him all the best in his future projects.[/quote] Excellent constructive criticism warwickhunt, and taken as such. It's funny really, as I was just thinking that I'd have put some small pulleys in to guide the strings around to the tuners when I spotted your post. Keep 'em coming, so that when I visit him to have a go on the beast, I can appear particularly knowledgable and clued-up. For once.
  21. [quote name='therealting' post='32413' date='Jul 16 2007, 10:46 AM']Ok, I'll repeat... Is the poor sensitivity a question of a bad speaker driver, or poor cabinet design? If it's mostly a bad speaker, I certainly wouldn't mind swapping out the speaker... I was more wondering about the general idea of the thing. Some of the bass bins come with mid-range Eminence drivers which are probably better? I know they have bad frequency response, but that's mainly because of the low-pass filter. I'm mainly wondering what they are like as cabs. For 50 quid a cab, I don't mind paying to put new speakers in.[/quote] I'll guess it's both. The speakers won't be up to much, and the cabinet design won't be particularly efficient. You need a true horn loaded design for that. Take a look at [url="http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/"]this web site[/url]. There is plenty to mull over on this site, and you should be able to build an Omni 10 for roughly the same amount as the eBay cabinet pair. One Omni 10 will go louder than both these cabs, as Bill's speakers are very good at converting Watts into sound level. Bill knows what he is doing, and has designed a range of speakers that surpass most big name commercial designs in efficiency and performance.
  22. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='32369' date='Jul 16 2007, 09:25 AM']Just out of interest was there a reason for choosing the flying V for the body shape? IMHO a V is about impractical as you can get for a body shape and not exactly in everyone's top 10 favourite shapes! Not trying to diss' the work, just a comment.[/quote] And a fair comment. I think he just fancied having a bass shaped that way, and is lucky enough to have the skills to do it. I think this is an aesthetic rather than practically led project! And why not!?
  23. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='31619' date='Jul 13 2007, 11:36 PM']The question is.... Is it worth persevering with? Over to you guys! [url="http://homepage.mac.com/ianhalstead/Sites/Basschat/Or_Castrated.mp3"]Click to play file 'Or_Castrated.mp3'[/url][/quote] Well at least no-one has said it's total crap. [i]Yet.[/i]
  24. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='32307' date='Jul 16 2007, 12:10 AM']I was (am) going to do a regular 12 string guitar like that, V-12 with half the tuners in the v. good to see it works.[/quote] I'll see if I can get any more photos up here showing the tuning arrangement in close up.
  25. My cabinet maker friend, who adapted his skills to making basses, has just finished the bass pictured below. He calls it his 'V12' for obvious reasons. 4 main strings, each one having two parasitic strings pitched an octave higher. That'll cut through! Lovely spalted beech finish. Yum.
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