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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='32111' date='Jul 15 2007, 05:27 PM']ShergoldSnickers, is that an H/H bass combo I spy to the right of your acrobatic ladder?[/quote] Yes. The ladder sounded better too. Seriously, the bass combos were never as good as the guitar ones, and it taught me to listen properly before buying anything else, although the cool look for the time did mitigate this slightly. They tended to complain rather fartily if driven too much, and the 'Valve Sound' was just awful with a bass. That combo had a 100W amp driving a 15" unit, and was horn loaded after a fashion. There's a fretted Shergold Marathon propped up against the combo - no stand! I later swapped this for a fretless one. The fretless is still my only bass. We just mesh.
  2. [quote name='Bald Eagle' post='32105' date='Jul 15 2007, 04:56 PM']Even Spookier it's the one in shergolds picture, except like I said it's been handpainted blue and is well crusty, I will get it down and get some pic's if would like some, might as well get some of the P whilst i'm at it. And quite right SG the neck is really thin.[/quote] Ooooh, now then.... If the frets have been removed and replaced by strips of white plastic card, then it could be the one in the photo, sporting yet another paint job. I'm sure you'd have mentioned if it was fretless though. Long shot really. If it is that one, watch out for the crack in the body wood where the neck joins.
  3. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='31871' date='Jul 14 2007, 06:43 PM']In the late 70s one of the guitarists I played with had a WEM/Watkins/Wilson? guitar...I think it was called a Rapier.[/quote] He he, I started out with a Wilson Rapier bass. Medium scale with a really fast thin neck, but with a tendency to neck dive that would see it at the earth's core in seconds. The expression was due to the guitarist. Not that he'd done anything wrong. He was just a guitarist. The bass was originally 'Flame Orange'. Kind of Barbie Pink, but orange if that makes sense. The stepladder was used for a series of death-defying acrobatic stunts including a washboard and harnessed dog team.
  4. [quote name='ste_m3' post='31947' date='Jul 15 2007, 12:05 AM']yesss yess, Myth of Unities next creation is unfolding. You can hear this music mash at www.myspace.com/mouuk Theres an EP sampler on there with a few clips from each song, that is DEFFINATLY worth listening too. Any imput greatly appreciated![/quote] Difficult one for me as the style of music not my personal cup of tea. However, you sound like a highly energetic and tight band, and I genuinely listened all the way though without any difficulty. Plenty of variety. I reckon that I'd stick around if I saw you playing live, as there is definitely something good going on here. Given that I would normally not give much thought to this style of music (old git alert) you can take that as a huge compliment . Hell, I might even have to play it again...
  5. The question is.... Is it worth persevering with? It's sort of Stravinsky meets Start Trek in retrospect. Completely unintentional. This was supposed to be a quick dabble using the orchestral sounds that are available for GarageBand. These few unfinished bars took hours to do, some of it on a new midi guitar setup. I have no real working understyanding of musical theory, but can sort of get there in the end. This is really hard work though compared with the stuff I normally do, and I feel unable to give any objective comment on it's worth. Over to you guys! [url="http://homepage.mac.com/ianhalstead/Sites/Basschat/Or_Castrated.mp3"]Click to play file 'Or_Castrated.mp3'[/url]
  6. [quote name='paul, the' post='31389' date='Jul 13 2007, 04:45 PM']Lucky. It's a shame I'm so far away. I woke up this morning thinking; I'm in the mood for something hedonistically gold, sparkly and toneful yet ironically sacreligious.[/quote] And just when I've sold my last gold-leafed, gun-totin', body-poppin', pope music box toilet roll holder. I'd have kept one by if I'd known. (Horrible thought. I bet they'd actually sell.) As the user of an Eden Nemesis combo, I'd love to have enough loot to stock up, as I've been impressed so far. Highly recommended if my experience of Eden gear is anything to go by.
  7. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='31294' date='Jul 13 2007, 02:17 PM']I tried one once, it blew me away (sorry, time of month)[/quote] The pun machine that is Homer strikes AGAIN!
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='31076' date='Jul 13 2007, 08:10 AM']Must be so bad they've deleted it as I can't get it to display either![/quote] Hope this works... [attachment=1163:pat1.gif]
  9. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='30975' date='Jul 12 2007, 10:38 PM']What on earth is going on with this? It's not exactly cheap either! Sorry if someones already posted it and I missed it. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PETROUNOV-JC-CUSTOM-MADE-5-STRING-BASS-GUITAR-AMAZING_W0QQitemZ230149602598QQihZ013QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdiewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PETROUNOV-JC-CUSTOM-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] About as tasteful as a naked public hanging. You could paint it green and claim it was a genetically modified shamrock I suppose. You'd need the luck with that around your neck.
  10. Had a chance to have a good listen now. Very impressive technique. I'm not entirely sure about the drum track though. The stuff at the end from about 4 minutes 6 secs is my favourite bit, and the thumb and 3 fingers stuff is just brilliant. Way beyond my capabilities.
  11. [quote name='urb' post='30728' date='Jul 12 2007, 02:20 PM']hello Just made a little vid from the 'shed' today - I hadn't played my fretless for a week and I got a little inspired by the new strings I put on it - and this is what came out - a 3-chord sequence going F-, G#- and B7 from a tune I wrote called Kitson - I've been working on my 4-finger grooves as well - let me know what you think. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqZo-NJzf6U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqZo-NJzf6U[/url] Cheers Mike[/quote] Been trying to work out what you're playing with the sound off (I'm at work). When I get home I'll have a proper listen and report back. It [b]looks[/b] very, very interesting though!
  12. [quote name='frank' post='30508' date='Jul 11 2007, 11:57 PM']Its my internet security software, i uninstalled it and hey presto ! it was out of date anyway. It was norton internet security 3.0 and it was fairly slow, so ive got a trial version of intego virus barrier x4 just installed it so no idea what its like is antivirus software on the mac just overkill, what are the rest of you mac people using some advice would be greatfully accepted but keep it simple please feeling kinda naked now or is it just paranoid[/quote] I use ClamXav. It's free, and is regularly updated. The Intego stuff is definitely better than the Norton. So far, no-one has released a working virus out in the wild that affects Macs. A few proof of concept things have appeared in research laboratories. Some say that nothing has been released because the Mac isn't a big enough target. Not sure if I entirely agree with this, as there would be massive kudos to the first person to create a working piece of Mac malware that spread in the wild. Windows is generally an easier target. OS X is generally far more secure than Windows, but no computer system is absolutely secure. Mac OS X still has potential insecurities that pop up every now and again, and one day..... As a precaution, and to stop you being a 'carrier' and inadvertently passing on a Windows virus to anyone, I'd recommend either the Intego software if you're happy paying, or the ClamXav if not. [url="http://www.clamxav.com/"]ClamXav is available here[/url] There's some good info here about the history of virii on Macs. Incidentally, make sure that the firewall that comes with Mac OS X is fully on. 1. Go to the 'System Preferences' icon in your Dock 2. Click on the 'Sharing' icon 3. Click on the 'Firewall' tab 4. Click on the button marked 'Start' to start the firewall if it isn't already on. Definitely get rid of the Norton stuff - it's no better on the Mac than on Windows, and whatever you end up using, only run one anti-virus application.
  13. [quote name='Buzz' post='30396' date='Jul 11 2007, 07:20 PM']Welcome to the world of guitar playing bassists. Remember that, guitar playing [i]bassist[/i]. Just in case you ever have the urge to do a twiddly solo at a completely inappriopriate time (known as turning to the dark side )[/quote] Believe me, there's no danger of me doing a solo on a guitar. Whilst I'm slightly more handy on a guitar than a keyboard, I'm still 'inexperienced' (crap). My immediate thoughts are: What on earth do these extra two strings do? And one of 'em goes funny and ruins my patterns. That 'B' string. And another thing: Chords? CHORDS? Why, the dirty, dirty bast*rds.... Seriously, I've got a lot of work to do here, but initially at least it will be used for generating midi info to squirt into GarageBand, via the Roland GR1 that was thrown in as well. It's kind of weird to be playing a stringed thing and hear sounds that normally emanate from keyboards. So long as you play cleanly it seems to work. Next on the list - learn to play cleanly.
  14. [quote name='frank' post='30096' date='Jul 11 2007, 12:08 AM']hit it with something fairly large but seriously im stumped with this.its probably something simple that should be on or off. can anyone help[/quote] I'll try. 1. With Safari open, go to the 'Safari' menu and select 'Empty Cache...' 2, If it asks if you are sure, click on 'Empty'. 2. Quit Safari. 3. Open Safari and try the site again. 4. Either bask in the pale, weak sunlight that is my knowledge,and exclaim, "By all that is bass cleffed, it seems to have worked.", or bounce the spanner aforementioned by Toasted, off my skull, exclaiming "Medically speaking, the browsing software type patient is still unconscious". As I will also be, once the spanner impacts. 5. Seriously though, let me know if that works.
  15. [quote name='Peaty' post='29803' date='Jul 10 2007, 03:24 PM']great, very atmospheric Is that done with the bass in your avitar? Also how do you plug into 'garage band' through a mixer or just into the side of the mac?[/quote] From the Shergold into a Tascam US122 (usb analogue to digital box), and then to GarageBand. It's definitely the Shergold as it's the only bass I have. Did you spot the links to the other 'songs' I posted another reply further up the page?
  16. I have just finished the first session with the good doctor, and I managed to keep my wings and hat on this time. Alas, the shorts didn't fare so well and will have to be incinerated along with the soft furnishings. A quick question to Dr de'Ath. Does the probe attached to the spankatron usually buzz that loudly at the end? I also apologise for the bite marks on your reciprocating plunge bucket handle. As soon as the nurse retrieves it I'll post it back, pristine and freshly varnished. It tasted of swamp ash if I'm not mistaken. I now feel fully able to wield my newly acquired, undersized, high-pitched, six-string monstrosity, with the degree of impunity and disdain befitting the player of a bass instrument. Amazing. This would have been impossible before doctor. My life has been changed, and now for the underwear.
  17. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='29370' date='Jul 9 2007, 09:27 PM']Is this some kind of bizarre form of behaviour practised by Dood? [/quote] It's not Dood I'm worried about. I want to know about this 'correction' stuff that MB1 mentioned. Will I have to wear the giant raffia chicken wings and Zebra-stripe shorts like last time? If so, I'd sooner risk the doodaddery.
  18. It might be daft, but it has been tried, sort of. I remember seeing a photo of a live outdoor stage gig, where the structure surrounding the stage was stuffed with JBL studio monitors. There must have been hundreds in total. This was the only way they were ever going to generate the required SPLs. As a practical experiment in phase anomalies/comb filtering, I bet it worked a treat.
  19. This probably means months of counselling and I'm sure I'm supposed to apply for a licence, but I went ahead anyway. An acquaintance of mine was selling a black Epiphone Dot Studio with an old Roland GR1 module and midi guitar pickup. I'd mooted getting a midi bass pickup and GI-20 module from new but had decided against. I've seen it all working, tried it, and apart from the odd glitch it does work surprisingly well. The midi output is to be fed straight into native GarageBand sounds, and it means I don't have to tangle with a keyboard. A snip at £150. I'm still chewing his arm.
  20. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='29088' date='Jul 9 2007, 01:55 PM']Tasty Fretless tones! Nice stuff. Garage band is a wicked little prog innit!? G[/quote] Thang-yoo verimush. It's the speed with which you can get things done in GarageBand that I really like. Very efficient.
  21. [quote name='joegarcia' post='28986' date='Jul 9 2007, 10:25 AM']King Crimson fan by any chance? :-)[/quote] Guilty m'lud. Well, not everything they've done, but there are some choice morsels to be influenced by. Good call!
  22. [quote name='bassboy115' post='27543' date='Jul 5 2007, 05:42 PM']i wonder how many hartke reccomendations u get?[/quote] I tried a VX 410 a few months ago and was not impressed. Very little fundamental bass note, very nasal sounding. This was in combination with a Hartke 2500 bass top. Unimpressed. This is the cheapo end of the Hartke range however, and the more expensive brethren should be another pan of lobsters entirely. Not being able to test them I wouldn't know. Just avoid the VX series is my advice.
  23. [quote name='paul, the' post='28182' date='Jul 7 2007, 06:09 AM']Loved it! I listened to it [i]all[/i] the way through and then selected parts [i]again[/i] ! Am I mad or genius? - Definitely Genius.[/quote] Just as I was about to relabel this thread as 'The Tumbleweed Graveyard of Doom'. Cheers Paul. OK, now something a bit different: (Jazz Mock is a term a mate used. It fits). [url="http://homepage.mac.com/ianhalstead/Sites/Basschat/Organzola.mp3"]'Organzola'[/url] No bass, but it was fun to do. And another: [url="http://homepage.mac.com/ianhalstead/Sites/Basschat/Echoperplex.mp3"]'Echoperplex'[/url] It's OK to criticise by the way. That's the point of putting it up here!
  24. Some tentative practical advice, as I know nothing about the machinations of local authority or school politics and procedures. If I were doing this, I'd take a laptop, some decent powered speakers, and have some arrangements already done. A MacBook and GarageBand would be perfect for this for example. You could drop out the bass track (or any other track) as and when necessary, record students' efforts and then burn a CD for each student before the next lesson so they have a record of their progress. On the first lesson hand out a CD with all the exercises on. Just a few thoughts.
  25. [quote name='finnbass' post='26670' date='Jul 3 2007, 07:34 PM']You'll have to join the queue, but at least you won't need your kaftan [/quote] How Halifax town centre has changed since I were a lad.
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