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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. Padlock ready...
  2. I once filled a slot ported bass cab (home-made) with an redundant eider-down - filled with feathers. I can't help wondering what that would have looked like if it had split.
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1386773154' post='2304309'] I'd be interested at taking a look at the "mess" inside of the cab. It may be more aesthetically pleasing than the exterior. [/quote] Why not set up your own company making cabs? You'd then get every chance to show us how it should be done.
  4. Guitarist mate of mine has recently acquired these two:
  5. Final polishing under way. The next steps are: Hallmarking at Sheffield Assay Office Presentation box selection Posting to Douglas
  6. I'd have to agree that for my tastes, it's definitely light in the bass. Great playing/vocals though. Edit: Oh, and welcome back.
  7. Sprung pin and catch soldered onto the reverse... Front showing the start of the final shaping and polishing process...
  8. 4 ohms is a definite minimum.
  9. That really is some beast. Makes my 5 string Marseer look really skinny. . The body shape works really well with that width of neck, better than a lot of other designs I've seen.
  10. The only thing getting tarnished here is my reputation.
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1384181156' post='2273608'] Once finished, will this tend to tarnish? [/quote] If left in a chest of drawers for a long time it could, but worn reasonably regularly it should be absolutely fine. An alternative would be to lacquer it. I have one that was made over a year ago now and it's not got the slightest hint of tarnish, and still looks lovely and shiny.
  12. Progress to date. Still some shaping yet to do, together with making the pin and catch along with applying various grades of emery (1200 to 2000) prior to polishing.
  13. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1383922595' post='2270878'] Just got back from walking the dog to find a delivery van outside my house, driver emerged with a large box, and lo and behold if had this little beauty inside!! Tomorrow's gig can't come soon enough now! [/quote] Full report required.
  14. Grooves like the Mariana Trench. Lovely.
  15. So far I've a set of Elixir nanoweb strings on my Shergold Marathon since May 2011, with no loss of zing or wear, and a 5 string set on my Marseer since December 2011, again no loss of zing or wear. Then again I play with a light touch and not every day. Previously a set of Thomastik Jazz flats worked pretty well on the Marathon. Strings tried and not liked before the above were a set of D'Addario XL ProSteels. There is a massive bass/player/string interaction thing going on here and one manufacturer cannot satisfy everything. Experimentation gets expensive though.
  16. Lovely smooth sound that sits in the mix like a keystone.
  17. I'd buy a shed load of gear to make my own basses - and a shed - and spend the next five years locked in there.
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1382955655' post='2258301'] Just don't forget ...... that you are checking them out as much as they are checking you out. Don't be afraid to back out if they look like a shambles, it will save you time in the long run. [/quote] Perhaps this should have been the advice Milty was offered on first joining BC. I certainly could have used it.
  19. Love the jig frame you have there for neck levelling.
  20. I think we need sound clips from this most excellent of bass mods.
  21. Put the lash down Douglas... and why does that big beefy chap keep beating that enormous drum?
  22. Slightly unusual bass build this one. To say the least. I'm doing a Hofner Verithin badge in sterling silver for Dad3353 (Douglas), as he won the competition I set up on BC here a few weeks back. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/218405-bass-guitar-badges-in-silver-or-gold-metal/page__view__findpost__p__2226938 After getting a suitable outine, this is taped (double sided) onto a sheet if 1mm thick sterling silver, and cut out by hand using a jeweller's saw. The excess all round is filed, and the next step will be to get all saw and file marks eliminated with varying grades of emery, getting finer and finer with each pass. The silver is protected by a removable film of blue adhesive polythene — no reason to take this off yet. And after a little sawing: A little extra is allowed for filing to a smooth profile. And sawn: And after some filing:
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382627300' post='2254642'] You know how daft I can be? I thought that was an instruction so I just visited your FB page to put it up on there Thanks for that, Ian [/quote] Can't do any harm. Daft? No, not Nige.
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