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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1382392909' post='2251741'] or buy this..... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/213386-l180-bfm-omni-12-tallboy-2x10-full-range-cab/"]http://basschat.co.u...full-range-cab/[/url] [/quote] I'd honestly give this serious consideration. It will be very efficient at converting watts to sound, so it should go very loud if required, but do so cleanly as well. If I didn't have a Barefaced S12T already, I'd be looking at this.
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382372216' post='2251375'] No, you're thinking of Vivaldi [/quote] Yes I am now. Thanks.
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382294700' post='2250297'] People don't react like this to 'classical' music do they? [/quote] Mozart. The majority of it sounds to me like how cream soda tastes. Hate it, although there are exceptions in his output that actually have feeling and some pretension to substance.
  4. Done without theory. Noodling on a keyboard in fact. http://www.ianhalstead.com/bc/samples/Orcastrated.mp3 BUT... I'd be able to expand on it and do something with it far more effectively if I knew more theory. And the instruments would remain correctly within their register, etc, etc. And I would have finished it.
  5. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1382354482' post='2250961'] That picture actually made me feel a bit sick.... [/quote] My precise reaction as well. It's amazing how attached you get to to an instrument, and when it gets damaged you really feel it. I can only wish you all the best Hector, and hope that it all gets sorted with the minimum of fuss and expense.
  6. If I knew much theory I might end up using it. That simply wouldn't do.
  7. Really great amplifier. Just sheer co-incidence I've also got one. Those speakers require the following: "The Sovereign Pro 12-500 is intended for use in ported enclosures with volumes of 35 to 75 litres" So, if the cabinets are ported — more on this later — and the internal volume is between those two figures, you at least stand a chance. If you have a Windows PC, you might have a go at putting the speaker specs and cabinet details into WinISD, an application designed to help match speakers and cabinets. The port issue is important, as if the cabinets are sealed, you won't get the results you expect. Not only that, even if they are ported, the port tuning may be completely out for those speakers. This is where the software would come in, it would enable you to check. I'll ask if this topic can be moved to the 'Amps and Cabinets' section under 'Gear' as you might get some better answers than I can give. Good luck with this anyway.
  8. [quote name='Iana' timestamp='1381906201' post='2245109'] I really want a gen 3 cab they must be the best cabs ever, and Alex is just the most amazing cab designer, I hope to meet him some day what an honour that would be! All other cab manufacturers should stop cab production and there should only be Barefaced cabs available for purchase, this should be enforced as a new law outlawing other inferior cabs. Anyone found using other cabs should be hung drawn and quartered, they are useless to society anyway as they can obviously not hear properly;). No one was biting so I thought I would add some humour! On a serious note, really glad that you are happy with your new rig, looks great on stage and must have been real easy to carry. [/quote] Just for a fraction of a second.....
  9. Might have to look for a buyer for my Eden WT550 now. The Streamliner is top of my acquisitions list.
  10. That's a lovely rich colour.
  11. Need to do more tinkering with my mics. Tried a Rode NT4 stereo and a CAD m179 (that's my lot, no more mics) and the CAD has the edge so far, but I've by no means exhausted the positioning possibilities. Interestingly, whilst I can adjust the pattern on the CAD between hypercardioid and omni, a wider pattern seems to work best, one that allows some room sound in that isn't too mucked up off-axis.
  12. Frankly, I'd be happy to play at a fraction of the ability of anyone on these videos posted here. That includes the spoof ones.
  13. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1381662727' post='2241884'] To be read with a sense of whimsy. Not a rant..... ....Peace. Gaf [/quote] It's important that alternative views are posted, as there could be the perception that those who don't get on with BF cabs are somehow 'non-believers' or 'unclean'. I don't think in general that that is the case, but it doesn't do any harm to see a different point of view. You will get fanatics in all sorts of areas of human activity, particularly where a manufacturer is trying to go against the general perceived wisdom. Apple for example. I'm not saying BF are in any way directly comparable to Apple, but BF have certainly got their admirers and detractors. All we can do is try to be honest and as objective as possible in our assessment. I like the sound a BF S12T gives, it suits what I do, but I'd not take it personally if someone tried it and hated it. Better they try and hate it than not try it and spout off one way or another.
  14. Bought a Double Bass stand from BC user 'five-string.co.uk' and it arrived packaged to survive a nuclear blast. Great to deal with, and I'd have absolutely no hesitation buying from him again.
  15. [quote name='SparkBird' timestamp='1381478670' post='2239546'] Erm whats a barefeced 69'er ? [/quote] All the details here: http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/69er.htm
  16. Wondering when I joined Bassworld... Ahh found it. 25th March 2007. Then on 19th April came the basstalk.co.uk change. I don't think it was long before that also changes to become Basschat. I though that forums shifting and changing names was perfectly normal...
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1381339948' post='2237881'] I only started on my brand new db at the start of this year, after playing it for 15 to 30 minutes a day everyday it is sounding much better [/quote] I wish mine was...
  18. All this Barefaced attention must get galling for other manufacturers. Can't wait to see/hear some of the reviews when you lot do get your cabs.
  19. *Records following and puts on repeat playback* "There is nothing wrong with my S12T... There is nothing wrong with my S12T...."
  20. VW Golf (Mk V) will take a three quarter double bass. I've only transported it on it's back, so I don' t know if flipping in its side would work. I placed some padding under the upper bout back to raise the scroll well above the parking brake and had no problems driving absolutely as normal.
  21. I don't think any of us realise what a complex subject speaker/cabinet acoustics is until you start to delve. It could be argued that some manufacturers still don't but that's another story. It's one of those areas that looks so simple — what could be hard about stuffing a driver into a box? What's hard are the dozens of variables that contribute to the final result. Understanding and then manipulating those variables to the required compromise, and a compromise it will inevitably be, takes a lot of skill and perhaps a little bravery. I'd be fine with the bravery bit.
  22. Two lessons that have really stood out for me so far are the right hand technique and the shifting lesson that's split into to parts. Using the arm properly to almost squeeze and then release the string, suddenly gives some semblance of dynamics. As for shifting, the idea that by remaining in contact with the string, you not only 'measure' the distance, but can also hear it has been a bit of a revelation. Clear, informative, logical and inviting. Great lessons — they really are.
  23. Two pints of largo and a packet of quavers please.
  24. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1380712251' post='2229261'] I'm just "upgrading" to a 800W Mark bass (little Mark though, not valve) with a Barefaced Super Twin..... so reading that you are too loud even on one fills me with immense happiness [/quote] Looking forward to hearing you in East Yorkshire.
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