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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1380645525' post='2228400'] What Porsche? I am actually getting a GT86, not a Porsche [/quote] Yes, I realise, but now you can reconsider. Actually I prefer the look of the GT86. As you were.
  2. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1380624330' post='2227919'] I already have a car that fits the cab (Mazda6 estate) - but it bores me to tears - I like driving - I drive more than I play bass..... Was going to get a Porsche but there would've been NO WAY I could carry ANY cab in one of them....compromised with the GT86....a BB2 or SuperMidget or Super Compact will definitely fit....S12T I'm not so sure. [/quote] I dare you to get a trailer made for that Porsche. Or a roof rack.
  3. There is no doubt that custom builds are a risk. You trade certainty for something tailored and exclusive, and if you do your homework and are lucky, a brilliant instrument. If you aren't lucky then it can be a nightmare. I was lucky. Robbie at RIM basses is down to earth, communicative, open to suggestions, willing to guide and is gifted. My build took around twice the quoted time, the only drawback in the whole process, but Robbie never shied from keeping me updated. I think fatherhood ended up taking up more time than he expected. . I'd do it again without hesitation.
  4. SPL for the sake of it is a bit pointless, but high levels of clean SPL are worth having. Why? Because you have headroom without getting into speaker distortion. You know that chucking that bottom B at it isn't going to induce any trace of fart-out. Do that and also built a cab that doesn't color the sound, and you have something very flexible, right through the SPL range. One cab, one lot of cost... pretty much any venue covered. The inference is that BF compromise the 'tone' by aiming at a high SPL. The high SPL is a by-product of the overall cab design, rather than the goal. Having said that, there is no doubting that Bergs do sound good though, and each cab purchaser should look at a range of cabs before buying one.
  5. Two ways to get sound pressure level: 1. Increase the number of cones. This is the Ampeg 8x10 method for example. 2. Make a speaker cone with increased throw — the ability to move back and forth like a piston. The greater this distance, the greater the volume of air you are moving, also called volume displacement.. Barefaced cabs have always put some emphasis on the volume displacement of the drivers they use. Their new driver in the new cabs improves on this ability substantially.
  6. Whilst I've no intention (or money come to that) of buying another cab since getting a S12T a couple of years back, I think the choices around now are certainly more varied for someone after this type of cab. I'd have to look at TKS and EAD as well I think. The latest BF ruse of getting a driver specially tailored is very interesting however. Considering the prototyping and research that goes into the cabs, and the investment in manufacturing methods, they are not unreasonable.
  7. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1380533895' post='2226556'] Will do. You found one then? Or is it some kind of secret practice of yours involving headstock holes? [/quote] I did wonder.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1380528827' post='2226457'] Could you please do me a big favour and let me know what the diameter of the headstock hole is in millimetres? Thanks! [/quote] No... Surely not?
  9. One of the best basses I've seen anywhere for a long time.
  10. Really enjoying following this build. The precision and attention to detail are magnificent.
  11. Can't wait to see this finished. No doubt you are consumed by the same sentiment.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1380216556' post='2222484'] Yes, Members are in the minority now! [/quote] I'm sure they can stand up for themselves.
  13. Ideally, I'd like to see all amp manufacturers put a subsonic filter in by default, and have it switchable too. Might have to look at one of those Thumpinator jobbies, as the Eden WT550 I use doesn't filter out subsonics. The [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=micro_thumpinator"]micro-Thumpinator[/url] looks good.
  14. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1380199492' post='2222194'] How many of us here push cabs to the limit? And if you do, why? I buy cabs for tone. If I want more volume I'll add more cabs. [/quote] I often use an octave divider, and that really gets the port working overtime, and the band can play loud at times as well. Being able to use the one cab saves weight and effort in transporting, coupled with the ability to handle whatever I throw at it, and it makes sense in my position. Bugger, said the word handle.
  15. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1380194622' post='2222083'] I said I knew the reason, completely appreciate where Alex is coming from but just have a different opinion. IMO, the type of speakers/amp/effects/tone my guitarist uses probably affects what I hear coming from my own cab more than a grill over a side port. Using the same anology, just imagine the British Army buying tanks where a large portion of the engine was left unprotected just so the gun could be a little more powerful. [/quote] I wasn't having a go largo, and not everyone has my priorities — a small minority of bass players I would think. The tank analogy was an idle thought really, and the counter analogy you present serves to illustrate that everyone has differing priorities. BF cabs represent just one point on the priority mix, but one that happens to suit me.
  16. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1380192944' post='2222052'] When I get some time I'll add a page to our site explaining about mixing and matching Barefaced cabs of different types / generations. It would be much much easier for us to put the grill over the port - it would mean we could spend a significant amount less time getting the finish right. However doing so would choke the port at high SPL so we'd either have to accept that compromise or put in a port that was about 30% larger in area which would make the cabs about 20% larger then they currently are. Maybe we should do what everyone else does, hide the port behind the grill, forget about the real world LOUD gig performance and make some more money on each cab we sell? [/quote] Forgive the pun, but this speaks volumes. The functioning of the cab would be compromised, so the aesthetics are altered, not the other way round. It's the sound that's paramount, not the looks. It's because of the order of these priorities that I bought a BF cab. The aesthetics are a more than reasonable compromise for the sound you get, but not everyone will agree. Just trying to imagine the British Army buying tanks on the basis of aesthetics. "Those track things are frightfully ugly. Can't we just have wheels? And must that gun poke out that much?"
  17. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1380115246' post='2221000'] We must be mad [/quote] Just checked. It would appear so.
  18. [quote name='TPJ' timestamp='1379874643' post='2217686'] Steve (oggiesnr), is it Peter Hall that you use out in Beverley? I'm thinking trying him. Does he do good work? [/quote] I've just used him on Steve's suggestion. Very reasonable cost, very good quality work. I had a sprung seam mended, a new nut, the bridge straightened and lowered and a new set of strings fitted. Came in below the quote by a reasonable amount, and I thought the original quote was very, very fair. Great old fashioned service, and I'll be gladly sending more business his way when it's time to do some more upgrades and adjustments.
  19. Don't take any cakes.
  20. Design and craftsmanship of stunning quality.
  21. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1380017936' post='2219472'] I'll try to remember to record the gig as well. BTW, I like your avatar, my local brew, our last gig was a 2 or 3 hundred yards from the Wychwood brewery. I'm such a regular customer they awarded me a gold card! [/quote] Change to sig noted. Sterling work....... no, hang on, that would be a silver card... .... aurous work there.
  22. Gallic shrug and exhalation... "Perrrrrrfffffffffff."
  23. I guess they've taken the opportunity to redesign the cabs around the new driver. From the recent peek at the internal bracing structure, I think we effectively have completely updated products that will retain the old names where appropriate. Be interesting to see (hear) the difference between generation 2 and generation 3 equivalents.
  24. I've not see a 4-string with string trees factory fitted before, but it wouldn't surprise me if Shergold did do a few with them. They could be prone to production whims. However, as discreet says, they don't match, and are asymmetrically placed. The six string did have them as standard I think. Decent dose of crazing to the finish there, but to be expected. You can find examples that have fared better, but all will have some crazing by now unless you are lucky.
  25. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1379865150' post='2217525'] Those are some LOW notes! Nice one Ian, you have a really cool bass! [/quote] The fact that you are recording something doesn't half make you think about what you are doing. Shame it doesn't yet transfer to any hand/finger motor responses. That recording was with flat EQ, with the mic positioned about 7" or 8" away, 'pointing' between the bridge and the G f-hole.
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