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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='marvin spangles' timestamp='1379864899' post='2217523'] She's a real head turner! [/quote] Thanks Marvin — and to timbo above. Masses to learn before the same might be said about my playing though.
  2. OK.... the low B. [url="http://www.ianhalstead.com/bc/samples/Matilda-low-B.mp3"]Low B recorded with CAD m179 large diaphragm condenser mic[/url] Will have to eradicate those annoying plucks, stops and subconscious string damps that end up as 'slaps' . That pretty much rules out any playing then.
  3. If I get time Geoff, I'll get a decent mic out and record it. I want to play around with mic positioning anyway, and this gives me the perfect excuse.
  4. Just for Geoff:
  5. I'm totally new to this game, but the difference between the Evah Pirazzi Weichs on G, D and A, and the Spirocore Mittels on E and B is definitely there. Not that the Spiros are bad — far from it. The Evahs just 'sing'. There is a degree of experimentation required it seems to me, but I think the next change will be to Evahs all round. Expensive is this double bass lark.
  6. Peter at Beverley Music Centre. Fantastic proper old-fashioned service. He's done a great job.
  7. Ready to get stuck unto some of your lessons now Geoff. Got Matilda back now and she's greatly improved. Much better action, and the Eva Pirazzi's are just sublime. Yep, raring to go.
  8. After waiting a little while I've picked up Matilda today — the 5 string double bass I recently acquired via an auction. Much better to play than before. I've done some rudimentary recording... [url="http://www.ianhalstead.com/bc/samples/Matilda.mp3"]Matilda[/url] Excuse the really bad technique and intonation as I really am a beginner at this. Bridge straightened, new nut to get the action lower, sprung seam repaired, sound post moved slightly and new strings. Next on the list is a new lightweight tailpiece, new fingerboard to a flatter radius, and an adjustable bridge. I'm doing things in stages so I can monitor what's made the difference as things get changed.
  9. Stick a Proenza Schouler label on it and say they are branching out from handbags.
  10. If I wasn't busy today, I'd be up there like a shot to look at those TKS cabs... and WoTs great collection of basses.
  11. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1377852398' post='2192658'] IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it looks amazing - silver grille is the way forward Got a band practice tonight, so it'll get it's first workout with my Orange Terror Bass head. Have to spend the rest of the day at work not thinking about it When do you think I should order some new handles? [/quote] Dammit - I still get excited when [b][i]other[/i][/b] people get their BF cabs. OK I'm wierd. Hope it's everything you expect it to be. Mine was, and more to be honest.
  12. I think a lot of circuit boards - not all though - are manufactured containing phenolic compounds, and are known as phenolic cured boards. They are usually made up of a paper/phenol laminate. If they get hot, they can release phenols into the air. TCP contains phenol (carbolic acid) and halogenated phenols and is typical of the smell you'd get - there's usually an additional slightly burned aroma that comes with hot electronics though. This doesn't answer the question of whether this is supposed to happen, or if it's indicative of a problem. I have an old Naim hi-fi power amp that smells like this when driven hard, but it's fine. I think each amp has to be taken separately, so if in doubt - get it checked. An email to the manufacturer might sort this. Some amps do have temperature controlled fans - I have an Eden WT550 that is very quiet until the fan kicks in. I've never noticed any smell though, despite it being driven hard a few times.
  13. My general feeling is that Macs tend to get out of the way better than Windows machines. I've been in charge of mixed networks in the past, and the Macs usually required a third of the faff time* the PCs did. Not that either needed much faff time to be honest. *Just keeping them running properly, sorting user problems, updating, malware protection, hooking to a server/network etc.
  14. Was watching some Michael Tippet on the Proms - trying to widen my horizons - and I caught myself looking for the bow type the double bass players were using, and noticing that extended strings were common. This is only going to get worse I'm sure. Incidentally I really enjoyed the Tippet - the second part, movement, section or whatever it's called, was stunning in its beauty. Edit - it was The Concerto for Double String Orchstra.
  15. Dug out a sound clip of my Marathon using the nonstandard bridge pickup. If I get time, I'll dig out a sound clip of a standard fretted Marathon I had before this one. [url="http://www.ianhalstead.com/bc/Fretless-Marathon.mp3"]Sound clip - fretless, on bridge pickup[/url]
  16. Not your standard off the shelf Marathon, so it will have lost some value. J type Wizard 84 pick-up added - originally a DiMarzio was placed in that slot in the early 80s. The control scratch plate and three way selector switch were added at the same time, together with a Badass bridge shortly after. The old plastic bridge cover is knocking about somewhere. Lovely guitars there BetaFunk.
  17. OK... ordered the following: G, D and A - Evah Pirazzi weich E and B - Spirocore medium. After chatting with several people far more knowledgeable than myself, this seemed to be the best balance between definition, ease of playing and tone across the strings. Well see if this transpires when they are fitted. Can't wait.
  18. Thanks for the comments guys. It looks like the Evahs are a good way to go, and putting a Spirocore on the low B makes sense... particularly financially, at £92.40 for the Evah B, versus £59 for the Spiro. Bloody 5 string basses... pah! Can you boil these strings when the tone goes? PS Lovely sound Bilbo. If I can get a fraction of that I'll be happy.
  19. Took my new 5 string upright, now known as Matilda, to Beverley Music Centre for setting up and repairs. Very friendly, knowledgable, and prepared to take time to explain things. It was suggested that I replace the existing elderly strings - more suited to orchestral work - with Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich strings after I explained the sort of stuff I hoped to play, and the sound I was after. To the credit of Peter, the chap I talked to, he suggested buying them online and he'd fit them - he openly acknowledged they couldn't compete on price. This is the sort of service is that will make me a return customer. Now, this is quite an investment as the cost of the low B alone is terrifying. Any other thoughts from anyone about these strings?
  20. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1376915800' post='2180735'] ...looks to be a maple body and neck with a sitka spruce top ? [/quote] I've just asked the maker and you are almost spot on ubassman. "The back and ribs are Canadian fiddle-back maple, the front is sitka spruce, the neck is quarter-sawn English sycamore and the fingerboard is rosewood".
  21. That is one great set of videos. Love them. The videos are really well presented by Geoff and a it's all a delight to use and watch. Bloody marvellous. The website is equally brilliant by the way. Fantastic job all round.
  22. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1376995812' post='2181896'] Kicking myself that I was too lazy to get my Shergold Marathon pickup to him for the re-wind we discussed. The Thumper in my Precision is still the best for me of all the many pups I tried. [/quote] He remagnetised my Shergold pickup a few years ago, and I bought a J 84 to put on in a bridge position slot that a DiMarzio had previously occupied. Transformed the sound.
  23. Best thread on BC for years. Anyone got the film rights? Edit: And a huge welcome to Fran.
  24. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1376906471' post='2180511'] Heres the very plan thats its most likely based on [url="https://www.violins.ca/books/bass_making_plans.html"]https://www.violins....king_plans.html[/url] [/quote] Very interesting ubassman - thanks. The maker mentioned a model in the Royal Academy upon which it is specifically based - apart from having the extra string! The only reference to any Academy and a Lott bass is the Royal Military Academy mentioned in the link I posted above. I assume he must have meant that one, as I think it was held in their museum collection at the time the bass was made - 1995.
  25. Just been in contact with the maker... it's based on a John Frederick Lott Jnr bass design. If it has a mere fraction of the character of one of Lott's basses I'll be well chuffed. More on the Design it's based on here: http://www.contrabass.co.uk/2822.htm
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