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Everything posted by Fuzzbass2000

  1. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1414446293' post='2589451'] I have a set of medium scale La B's on by Coronado, and I find them quite flexible. I've used Roto and Chrome flats and think them too stiff. My Ric has TI's and they're pretty loose. Do Fender not do flats? [/quote] Only Longscale... ironic when you consider the increasing number of shortscale basses they produce.
  2. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1414438996' post='2589321'] What tension would you class the La Bellas, and what the Fenders? [/quote] I know tension's probably the wrong word but i find he LaBellas to be stiffer than the Fenders. It'a also the material... both are steel, but the Fender's feel different... more pliable. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1414439323' post='2589325'] Last time i put short scale flats, I used long scale cut down. You lose the taper but they fitted the tuners OK. 105 gauge did not fit on the post too well, but 100 was OK. my reason: more easily available and much cheaper. They were XL Chromes. TI flats are lower tension than XL, I have them both on a long scale. No idea on Fender. [/quote] It's for a Dano shortscale, cut down longscale's won't fit as the tuners are basically guitar tuners which I'd rather not change or drill.
  3. Anyone point me in the direction of short scale flats similar to the Fender 9050L (feel / tension) Got LaBellas on one short scale bass, but want to use the something like the Fenders on another bass. Any recommendations gratefully accepted.
  4. Depends where they've been...
  5. Looks like you're ok, but FWIW, the Hercules stands have been ok with my nitro guitars. They tend to have really dense foam in the places where the instrument rests... it tends to be the cheaper stands with the flappier rubber sleeves that cause the problems. if in doubt, use a couple of cotton socks.
  6. Guy at Ashdown is great. Always helpful, and quick to reply.
  7. I think you chaps are correct - I've removed the link from the the original listing and nudged the price down - happy to listen to reasonable offers. Thanks for the info. Note that the ebay listing has nothing to do with me.
  8. 4 "Fender" style Gotoh tuning keys (GB4N) including bushings and screws (although a few of these could probably do with being NOW SOLD [attachment=172346:IMG_6368.JPG] [attachment=172345:IMG_6370.JPG] [attachment=172344:IMG_6371.JPG] [size=4]Some playing "gunk", which probably will clean up ok, but nothing that affects operation.[/size] [size=4]Bushing diameter = 1.8 cm Post diameter = 1.4 cm Post height = 3.1 cm[/size]
  9. Tort p-bass scratch plate Non fender after market version but fits current standard american p-bass Some extra shielding over control cavity Has had and extra hole added for thumb rest £12 posted (UK) Payment by Paypal
  10. Seymour Duncan SPB3 p-bass quarter pounders from Nate Mendel p-bass (so covers are slightly "road worn" in appearance) Plenty of wire - good condition. [s]£50[/s] £39.99 posted (UK) Payment by Paypal SOLD
  11. 1 x BadAss II bridge from Nate Mendel p-bass - precut 4 x Mounting screws 1 x Alun key £55 posted (UK) Payment by paypal
  12. My gear's on the hi-hat side... me... well, I'm anywhere I fancy due to the wonders of wireless...
  13. Oh boy.. that'd look nice next to the Sunburst one I've got.
  14. If you've an iPhone the Tascam im2 mic is pretty useful. The suggested software's a little goofy on IOS7 but there are other recording apps on the AppStore that get the job done. You can then record to a wav, edit in Audacity and save as an mp3.
  15. Hi - I'm sorry, it's gone. I should have removed the listing.
  16. I've been playing for... errr.... a few years now... and I don't think I've played 200 songs in all that time... Good luck!
  17. Bump for a price drop £20 shipped (UK Mainland)
  18. Bump for a price drop £55 shipped (UK Mainland)
  19. Bump for a price drop. £40 shipped (UK Mainland)
  20. I've a couple of Precisions. The one I prefer to play seems to have a smaller width between the outer edges of the (105) E and (45) G strings. What that means is that the there's a bit more "wood" between the outer edges and the strings. String width (outer edges) at the nut 34mm vs 35.3 and 45.9mm vs 47.1 at the 12th. Anyone had the nut re-cut to change this? Anyone know what the widths should be (or point me to a template for 41.3mm neck Precisions)? The irony is that the one with the slightly wider strings width has a nominally narrower neck...
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