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Everything posted by Florin

  1. Hi BigRed, We had to install antispam mods on the forum, which unfortunately ca make registration harder... Please email me at [email protected] your username and email used for registration, and I will personally walk you inside the forum :-) Cheers, Flo
  2. Hey Mart, thanks for your welcome, haha! As weird as this can seem, I tried to post as little as possible here, so you don't feel spammed by Warwick :-) I registered here when the famous Warwick Guerrilla started to track down a fraud, so Basschat and Warwick forum members worked together and found the bass, remember? But yeah... I am a member here, and you can contact me anytime. Basschat is a nice place to be :-) Cheers, Flo
  3. Hi guys, The username "Warwick Official" was created about two years ago by Garey who was extremely helpful, and hard working. After this he was replaced by Jesse, and now it is Mike. However, even if my username is less official, I am the Warwick Forum Admin for over 6 years, so please contact me on the forum, or at [email protected] for any question. I am every day on the forum. Cheers, Flo
  4. Silvia, I am sorry to hear that, you should have told me then... Nobody I know in the company that acts this way no matter if you are man or woman. The 2nd person in the company is a woman. And many of the top employees are actually women, so it is hard to be sexist in a company that is literary run by women :-) I do agree with the man's surprise though, you have to admit there are not too bass player ladies around, so it is always a nice surprise, even to me. Come on, on Warwick forum we have maybe 3 or 4 female bassists. Even when you joned, I was like WOOOOW< a lady player, welcome to the forum Silvia!!!! This is not sexist... Like someone said in a movie: "WHat's wrong being sexy?" :-)
  5. Now, that needs a picture! Now back to the topic, Silvia, maybe you want to remove the photo you posted here on the forum too... And once again, that photo is NOT a Warwick add, but a forumer's picture posted on the forum a couple of years ago, and the girl was his girlfriend.
  6. Well ped, you still can join the contest, :-)
  7. Hi Silvia, You are right! I deleted my post on Facebook I will change the photo on the Warwick Forum (cannot do it here) And I will ask the design team to change the official Banner. Thank you very much for your feedback Silvia, you helped me to see it was wrong. Please accept my apologies!
  8. Hi Silvia, I answered you on the Warwick forum http://forum.warwick.de/showthread.php/17575-The-Warwick-amp-Framus-Forum-Christmas-Photo-Contest-5?p=253448#post253448 I chose the pictures, from the few that were not deleted from online servers. So I suppose if this offended you it was my fault, and I apologize Silvia. And I assure you that this is my poor choice of pictures, not the company's attitude towards women... I actually never noticed that we have a different attitude towards women, SIlvia, you are on W forum for a long time now, did something happened that I am not aware of? please tell me what happened in 2010? Flo
  9. Thank you for showing me that in these hard times, we still care for each other. I've learned that nobody is as good or as bad as it seems. We are only humans, and we do mistakes. But again, what beautiful things we are able to do! Thank you Bass Chat for being here! The internet is becoming more than a simple place to get information (or porn for Greg) The communities are real, the people are real. I am honored to know you all! Flo
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