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About neil___lien

  • Birthday 27/08/1983

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    Sevilla, Spain

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  1. That is encouraging.. but i am going another route in the end. The caution messages, plus the fact that i am not gigging nor in a band, plus the fact that i am unemployed at the mo & need cash, have led me to list three of my 4 basses and my GT-1B on french second hand websites. I am getting rid of everything and will just stick to playing at home along Youtube videos. I am keeping the Bronco and might still mod it later. Maybe just a new pickguard and the electronics and pickup i already have for it.
  2. So very cool!!
  3. Haha i can see that. I have started a smilar thread on talkbass (US) and onlybass (Fr) and it seems i am out of my depth completely. I think i'll just wait for a fretless i can afford!
  4. Hello everyone! I have these two basses that I'd like to modify. One because I don't have a fretless, and it seems like a great candidate given the comfort of the neck, the sound it produces, and the overall aesthetics of the instrument. The other one, purely because I really love the classic look of Musicmasters but can't afford one. Note: While reading this post, please keep in mind that I have very limited resources, no professional equipment, and fairly limited knowledge as well. Ibanez TMB400TA-CBS that I want to convert to fretless: Luthier's advice: 1.1 – Thoroughly moisten the fingerboard before removing the frets. (How can I moisten it without compromising the stability of the already dry neck wood? I have some Dunlop Lemon Oil on hand — is that enough?) 1.2 – Use a pair of flat pliers. 1.3 – Heat the frets with a soldering iron to melt the glue before pulling them out. 1.4 – Keep any splinters that come off and have some superglue ready to fix them. Potential issues: This bass has block inlays on the fingerboard and binding along the edge. 1.5 – Where can I find maple veneer to fill the fret slots? 1.6 – How do I clean the glue residue out of the slots when there's binding involved? 1.7 – Can you use a radiused sanding block with block inlays? And where can I find a radiused sanding block? 1.8 – What should I use to coat the fingerboard once the defretting is done to make it last? Epoxy? If so, how do I go about it? Squier Sonic Bronco Arctic White to be turned into a Musicmaster: Planned finish: Sherwood Green, Sonic Blue, or Dark Lake Placid Blue with a 3-ply cream pickguard and a cream-colored dual-rail pickup (+ 3-string retainer, 500k pots, 0.047uF capacitor...) 2.1 – How do I fill the screw holes in the body before refinishing? 2.2 – I’m worried the Musicmaster pickguard might not fully cover the Bronco’s cavities (lengthwise, from neck to bridge). I haven’t checked yet, but if that's the case: • How do I extend the pickguard to cover everything? • I have pickguard material and a printed template that fit the pickup and neck correctly. But if the Musicmaster pickguard turns out to be too short, what should I do? Should I cut the template vertically (along the pickup line when holding the bass in playing position) between the pickup and the neck, and add 1 or 2 cm of paper in between? 2.3 – What's the right process for refinishing the body? I know I don't need to sand off all of the original finish, just enough to help the new layers of spray paint adhere. But what comes next? I saw on Madinter that their sprays don't require wet-sanding between coats, but they recommend buying 4 or 5 cans per guitar/bass. Did I understand that correctly? And finally: 3.1 – i am based in France: where can I find the necessary supplies with a good price/quality ratio? Madinter? Emma Music? Or is there a cheaper option? Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!
  5. It's a Brice Freak-Out Bass ! But available in Europe! https://www.rondomusic.com/Brice_Freak_53235_BBR.html
  6. Here are two of my three basses: Squier Sonic Bronco in Arctic White and ESP-LTD Stream 205 Snow White:
  7. I sent mine back because the single coil hum was exessive compared to all the other single coils i've had and the tone knob was acting like a kill switch.. but i would love to get my hands on the shell pink one to give the brand another chance ! The neck was awesome to be fair!
  8. Nice collection! That Ibanez EDB looks great in that finish! First time i see one like that!
  9. I *might* have a problem of some sort. I currently only own a Cort B5 Element.. Last time i shared the list of basses that had gone through my hands, i had a Fame Baphomet fretless, a BTB846SC-DTL and an RMI Quantum Dominic Di Piazza Signature.. after that i got: 30 - Harley Benton PB-20 SBK (sold October 2022) 31- Squier Classic Vibe Precision Bass LRL OWT (sold February 2022) 32 - Squier Bronco BK (Upgraded with dual rail humbucker, new pots, cap & wiring, sold April 2022) 33 - Squier Classic Vibe Mustang SFG (Labella 760F-MUS) (Sold June 2022) 34 - Harley Benton Shorty P-bass (D'Addario Nylon Tapewounds, sold August 2022) 35 - Sire U5 NT (Sold august 2022) 36 - Ibanez SRMD200-BKF (with Labella 760F-MUS Flats, sold October 2022) 37 - Squier Mini Precision Bass (PU from a Sire P5, given to my nieces) 38 - Sire P5 Alder MLG w/ SPB-3 PU (Sold February 2023) 39 - Squier CV 60s Classic Vibe Jazz Bass Daphne Blue (GHS Precision Flats) (swapped for Sire P7) 40 - Harley Benton MV-4MSB Gotoh Shell Pink (straplocks, GHS Short Scale Precision Flats) (sold May 2023) 41 - Sire P7 AWH (sold July 2023) 42 - Sire V3 Sunburst (sold July 2023) 43 - Jim Harley Precision Bass with Guyker bridge with brass saddles, Squier CV tuning machines, pick-ups from a Sire P5, Harley Benton strap pins & knobs, MusicLily CTS 500k pots, Ancable input jack, Sprague Orange Drop capacitor (0.047uF), cloth covered wiring. (Given to best friend) 44 - Cort C5 Plus ZBMH TBB (sold November 2023) 45 - Cort B5 Element OPTB with Labella Flats (sold April 2024) 46 - Ibanez EHB1505 Dragon Eye Burst (sold January 2024) 47 - Cort B4FL Plus AS with Fender flatwound strings (sold February 2024) 48 - Squier Affinity Jaguar H Charcoal Frost Metallic (w/ Labella 760FS-M, Guyker Hi-Mass Bridge & metal knobs, sold May 2024) 49 - Squier Contemporary Active Jazz Bass HH V, Burgundy Satin (Made in Indonesia, sold June 2024) 50 - Squier FSR Classic Vibe 60s Precision Bass Sonic Blue (w/ Fender Flats, Made in Indonesia, sold June 2024) 51 - Squier 40th Anniversary Vintage Edition Jazz Bass Satin Seafoam Green (sold July 2024) 52 - Ibanez AGB200-BKF (ETB92M Tapewounds, sold November 2024) 53 - Sire M7 Fretless 5- string Transparent Blue (760FS-CB Labella flatwound strings, sold December 2024)
  10. Faaaanks! No Black Friday deals on those Jet Precisions so i'll wait some more :0)
  11. Hello everyone! I have ordered a JJB-300 in sunburst.. should be here next Wednesday! I've had only one bass (5-string, 2 humbuckers, Cort B5 Element OPTB) so i am planning on getting this Jazz Bass & sometime later a Precision. Maybe the one Jet offers, who knows? I would like to know though: what's the actual nut width of the Jet Pbass? They say 38mm online but i have seen otherwise here and there... And i will report back when i get the JJB-300 of course..
  12. Just checked the Thomann website and most of the Harley Benton basses wont be available until after Xsmas.. i still think it's weird...
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