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Everything posted by neil___lien

  1. That is encouraging.. but i am going another route in the end. The caution messages, plus the fact that i am not gigging nor in a band, plus the fact that i am unemployed at the mo & need cash, have led me to list three of my 4 basses and my GT-1B on french second hand websites. I am getting rid of everything and will just stick to playing at home along Youtube videos. I am keeping the Bronco and might still mod it later. Maybe just a new pickguard and the electronics and pickup i already have for it.
  2. So very cool!!
  3. Haha i can see that. I have started a smilar thread on talkbass (US) and onlybass (Fr) and it seems i am out of my depth completely. I think i'll just wait for a fretless i can afford!
  4. Hello everyone! I have these two basses that I'd like to modify. One because I don't have a fretless, and it seems like a great candidate given the comfort of the neck, the sound it produces, and the overall aesthetics of the instrument. The other one, purely because I really love the classic look of Musicmasters but can't afford one. Note: While reading this post, please keep in mind that I have very limited resources, no professional equipment, and fairly limited knowledge as well. Ibanez TMB400TA-CBS that I want to convert to fretless: Luthier's advice: 1.1 – Thoroughly moisten the fingerboard before removing the frets. (How can I moisten it without compromising the stability of the already dry neck wood? I have some Dunlop Lemon Oil on hand — is that enough?) 1.2 – Use a pair of flat pliers. 1.3 – Heat the frets with a soldering iron to melt the glue before pulling them out. 1.4 – Keep any splinters that come off and have some superglue ready to fix them. Potential issues: This bass has block inlays on the fingerboard and binding along the edge. 1.5 – Where can I find maple veneer to fill the fret slots? 1.6 – How do I clean the glue residue out of the slots when there's binding involved? 1.7 – Can you use a radiused sanding block with block inlays? And where can I find a radiused sanding block? 1.8 – What should I use to coat the fingerboard once the defretting is done to make it last? Epoxy? If so, how do I go about it? Squier Sonic Bronco Arctic White to be turned into a Musicmaster: Planned finish: Sherwood Green, Sonic Blue, or Dark Lake Placid Blue with a 3-ply cream pickguard and a cream-colored dual-rail pickup (+ 3-string retainer, 500k pots, 0.047uF capacitor...) 2.1 – How do I fill the screw holes in the body before refinishing? 2.2 – I’m worried the Musicmaster pickguard might not fully cover the Bronco’s cavities (lengthwise, from neck to bridge). I haven’t checked yet, but if that's the case: • How do I extend the pickguard to cover everything? • I have pickguard material and a printed template that fit the pickup and neck correctly. But if the Musicmaster pickguard turns out to be too short, what should I do? Should I cut the template vertically (along the pickup line when holding the bass in playing position) between the pickup and the neck, and add 1 or 2 cm of paper in between? 2.3 – What's the right process for refinishing the body? I know I don't need to sand off all of the original finish, just enough to help the new layers of spray paint adhere. But what comes next? I saw on Madinter that their sprays don't require wet-sanding between coats, but they recommend buying 4 or 5 cans per guitar/bass. Did I understand that correctly? And finally: 3.1 – i am based in France: where can I find the necessary supplies with a good price/quality ratio? Madinter? Emma Music? Or is there a cheaper option? Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!
  5. It's a Brice Freak-Out Bass ! But available in Europe! https://www.rondomusic.com/Brice_Freak_53235_BBR.html
  6. Here are two of my three basses: Squier Sonic Bronco in Arctic White and ESP-LTD Stream 205 Snow White:
  7. I sent mine back because the single coil hum was exessive compared to all the other single coils i've had and the tone knob was acting like a kill switch.. but i would love to get my hands on the shell pink one to give the brand another chance ! The neck was awesome to be fair!
  8. Nice collection! That Ibanez EDB looks great in that finish! First time i see one like that!
  9. I *might* have a problem of some sort. I currently only own a Cort B5 Element.. Last time i shared the list of basses that had gone through my hands, i had a Fame Baphomet fretless, a BTB846SC-DTL and an RMI Quantum Dominic Di Piazza Signature.. after that i got: 30 - Harley Benton PB-20 SBK (sold October 2022) 31- Squier Classic Vibe Precision Bass LRL OWT (sold February 2022) 32 - Squier Bronco BK (Upgraded with dual rail humbucker, new pots, cap & wiring, sold April 2022) 33 - Squier Classic Vibe Mustang SFG (Labella 760F-MUS) (Sold June 2022) 34 - Harley Benton Shorty P-bass (D'Addario Nylon Tapewounds, sold August 2022) 35 - Sire U5 NT (Sold august 2022) 36 - Ibanez SRMD200-BKF (with Labella 760F-MUS Flats, sold October 2022) 37 - Squier Mini Precision Bass (PU from a Sire P5, given to my nieces) 38 - Sire P5 Alder MLG w/ SPB-3 PU (Sold February 2023) 39 - Squier CV 60s Classic Vibe Jazz Bass Daphne Blue (GHS Precision Flats) (swapped for Sire P7) 40 - Harley Benton MV-4MSB Gotoh Shell Pink (straplocks, GHS Short Scale Precision Flats) (sold May 2023) 41 - Sire P7 AWH (sold July 2023) 42 - Sire V3 Sunburst (sold July 2023) 43 - Jim Harley Precision Bass with Guyker bridge with brass saddles, Squier CV tuning machines, pick-ups from a Sire P5, Harley Benton strap pins & knobs, MusicLily CTS 500k pots, Ancable input jack, Sprague Orange Drop capacitor (0.047uF), cloth covered wiring. (Given to best friend) 44 - Cort C5 Plus ZBMH TBB (sold November 2023) 45 - Cort B5 Element OPTB with Labella Flats (sold April 2024) 46 - Ibanez EHB1505 Dragon Eye Burst (sold January 2024) 47 - Cort B4FL Plus AS with Fender flatwound strings (sold February 2024) 48 - Squier Affinity Jaguar H Charcoal Frost Metallic (w/ Labella 760FS-M, Guyker Hi-Mass Bridge & metal knobs, sold May 2024) 49 - Squier Contemporary Active Jazz Bass HH V, Burgundy Satin (Made in Indonesia, sold June 2024) 50 - Squier FSR Classic Vibe 60s Precision Bass Sonic Blue (w/ Fender Flats, Made in Indonesia, sold June 2024) 51 - Squier 40th Anniversary Vintage Edition Jazz Bass Satin Seafoam Green (sold July 2024) 52 - Ibanez AGB200-BKF (ETB92M Tapewounds, sold November 2024) 53 - Sire M7 Fretless 5- string Transparent Blue (760FS-CB Labella flatwound strings, sold December 2024)
  10. Faaaanks! No Black Friday deals on those Jet Precisions so i'll wait some more :0)
  11. Hello everyone! I have ordered a JJB-300 in sunburst.. should be here next Wednesday! I've had only one bass (5-string, 2 humbuckers, Cort B5 Element OPTB) so i am planning on getting this Jazz Bass & sometime later a Precision. Maybe the one Jet offers, who knows? I would like to know though: what's the actual nut width of the Jet Pbass? They say 38mm online but i have seen otherwise here and there... And i will report back when i get the JJB-300 of course..
  12. Just checked the Thomann website and most of the Harley Benton basses wont be available until after Xsmas.. i still think it's weird...
  13. But is it "normal" that it takes 3 to 4 months to get a new batch? The Ukebass i've been wanting to buy since June keeps being pushed back... And also: is that way of managing their stock good for their business ?
  14. Yes i did see that too. But if they follow the trend set by what happened with the HB-50, where people had to wait for months until they became available for a week, and now out of stock for another x months... Gives GAS plenty of time to drift towards other items from other manufacturers.. Like it happened for me, GASsing for a HB-35 Plus, but got an Ibanez AS83-STE on the second hand market for the same price...
  15. Now, even the new HB-50 (both colours) is out of stock for the next few months.. The Ukebass OPNT FL, same thing. The Ukebass OPNT, 9 to 12 weeks... IDK.. it does seem to me that they are having issues with their provider/factory. Does anyone have any info on what's going on?
  16. Didn't know about Thomann being also an instrument brand! Thanks for clarifying. Still frustrating though to have arrival dates pushed back repetitively and so far in time. If those instruments are so popular, surely they must miss out sales in favour of the second hand market...
  17. Hello everyone, Has anyone else noticed how a lot of Harley Benton products will only be in stock in x weeks? I wanted a HB-35 Plus guitar & a Ukebass from them but ended up getting an Ibanez semihollow on the second hand market & am on the lookout for a solidbody ukebass to pop up used here in France, as the model i want will only be available in 10 to 13 weeks (from 8 weeks announced in June already...). I wonder how many other sales they are missing because of those supply issues. I also noticed that on top of Harley Benton bass ukeleles, they now have a "Thomann" brand, made in Europe line of instruments. Does anyone know more about what's happening? Is there a problem with their factory/ies? Is this the end of Harley Benton? Are they moving production to Europe for good?
  18. Taddaaaaaa
  19. My Ibanez AGB200-BKF
  20. Wait.. is it not "mice" when there is more than one???
  21. So the new bass will be short scale then? Do we know if there'll be other finishes, by any chances??
  22. Hello @EddieG! Are U 100% sure about this? Is this not the HB-50 that was briefly seen at some of those big gear shows a few months back in orange & red? If so, they are long scale semi-hollows with a musicman-style humbucker. One Basschat member had the orange prototype and sold it here recently.. I am asking because i am really interested in getting a semi-hollow (i miss my long gone Rockbass Star Bass 32") & i cant afford anything that's on the market right now except Harley Bentons. But the HB-60 comes in just one finish for now. I sent them an email a few weeks back to see if by any chance they would make the HB-50 or HB-60 in finishes that i find the classiest (Dark Lake Placid Blue, Faded Pehlam Blue....) but they didn't feel i deserved to be told anything lol
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