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Everything posted by zbass1976

  1. Hey! Have more people had a chance to try the Blackstar U700 amp? I have a chance to buy one pretty cheap, but I don't see many reviews on this amp. What I do see looks great. Thoughts? First-hand experience? Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks for your input! I appreciate you taking time to help.
  3. Hello! I have two 5 string basses that I'm needing dropped to two different tunings and I could use gauge suggestions: 1) Dingwall NG3 multi scale with a 37" will be tuned A, C, G, C, F. 2) 35" Spector NS2000/5 will just have the B dropped to A and the remaining strings will stay standard... E, A, D, G. Any suggestions for either or both basses will be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I went with the NS2000/5. It's a killer bass!
  5. I imagine I'd need the EMG 40s instead of 35s for my 5 string, correct?
  6. Yeah, I'll end up doing that, I was just making sure I wouldn't need to do any body modifications or anything crazy like that. Lol
  7. I'm seeing quite a bit of EMG DC recommendations. I may try those. Since my bass has the passives right now, would it require a ton of modification to install actives?
  8. I'm a recent proud owner of an older model Spector NS-2000/5 bass. It came stock with EMG HZ pups and an EMG BTS preamp. I'd like to upgrade the electronics -- either just the pickups or the preamp, or maybe even both. With this bass, I will predominately play rock, acoustic rock, and some alt metal music. Anyone with NS-2000 or Spector experience have any suggestions for me? Thanks in advance!
  9. I saw this video, too.
  10. I'm seeing this one on Ebay and it's selling for $700 USA (not sure what that translates to in EUR). I'm hoping I can talk him down some.
  11. I am looking at a Spector 5 String neck thru (or set neck) bass and I'm gathering as much info as I can. Can anyone help me decide which model this is? I do know that it has EMG HZ pups, black hardware, active tone controls, and the Holoflash finish. Someone listed it as a Legend, but I'm not sure that it is a Legend. Any help would be appreciated. And yes, I have emailed JP at Spector already, but I'm waiting for his response as we speak.
  12. Since I've apparently posted in the wrong thread, I will be moving this topic to the correct thread. Geez, I hope you guys can forgive me. Lol
  13. I am new here, and I didn't scroll down far enough to see the Bass Guitars thread. Forgive me, master. I have learned from my mistake and will behave better from now on.
  14. I thought it could've been that particular year model, too, but I didn't see the Holoflash finish as an option...
  15. If it's not a Legend, what else could it be?
  16. I sent him an email. Thanks.
  17. I am looking at a Spector Legend 5 neck thru and I'm gathering as much info as I can. With a serial number, can I figure out what year this bass was built? Thanks! Info I do have: EMG HZ pickups (2 humbucker) Active tone controls, possibly Aguilar Legend neck thru body Holoflash finish
  18. Yes I did. I took the plunge. And from what I've seen so far, I think I can benefit from it. And yes, I'm always looking at ways that I can improve my playing, so I was hoping that a technique course would show me things that maybe I've missed out on, or correct some potential bad habits of mine. Time will tell what all I will gain from this course. Thanks for your insight!
  19. zbass1976


    Hello fellow bassists! I'm new here. My name is Zach and I'm Texas (USA). I've been playing bass since 1992, and my styles range anywhere from basic rock, to funk, country, blues, a little basic jazz, and heavy metal. I own a Fender American Standard 5 string P bass, a Hamer USA Cruisebass 5 string, an old 94 model Ibanez SR1205FL bass, an Ibanez BTB1406 6 string, a Schecter Stilleto Custom 4 string, and an old D'Armond Pilot Plus 4 string. I play through a Mesa Boogie M9 Carbine and SWR 8x10 fridge cab, and also a Fender Rumble 500 combo with a Mesa 2x10 extension cab. Thanks for letting me join your UK ranks! Cheers!
  20. I have 5 hours left to enroll in this Accelerator Program. I'm a semi-pro bassist of 26 years, would this program be beneficial to me? Any last minute advice would be appreciated!
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