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Everything posted by Friskydingo

  1. There's a large amount of users here that play with ashdown equipment! By the way all other posts are on this site I thought everyone had dark glass or vintage Fender amps through bergantino cabs, powered by zeus lightning bolts
  2. Amazing price and I was just looking at getting the 350 version. Just come at the wrong time as I have to save up first and get rid of other equipment. I expect this to be gone soon
  3. Well if anyone lives close to Ipswich with a barefaced I'll drive by and try it out. I'm not bothered about gear matching. I position myself at the back of the stage anyway. For the audiences sake
  4. I was at peach guitars a while back and demo some heads (orange, aguilar and Fender) through a laney nexus 4x10 and that sounded amazing no matter the head and was much lighter than it looked. I want to try a barefaced once I get a head but don't know anyone with one
  5. Did you find the same brand of cabs any different from mixing and matching? I've found ashdown cabs sound odd to me, I don't know why, maybe I just need to spend more time with the settings
  6. Is the super midget enough for playing live? At the moment I have an old trace elliot 1215 gp12 which is very hefty but loud enough to low the rest of the band and audience away
  7. I'm getting a head amp soon for convenience (still choosing between orange and aguilar). I want to know if you guys pick the same cab make as the amp? I've always been under the impression that the cab will sound better when the same brand is chosen as they're configured or matched. But there's a lot of people who mix, what's your reasoning? Weight? Speaker size/makes? I'm looking at getting a 1x12 or 2x10 which will do for me. Thanks,
  8. I've left the area and didn't have time to pull it apart, wish I did, as they look like active pups and would be interesting to see the guts of it
  9. Found a receipt! He brought it in 1976 for £130. Good investment
  10. I thought the same about the Pickups but theres no battery slot unless it's behind the pick guard, which I swear he didn't say he did.
  11. This bass has come from my wife's step dad, who brought it in 75 or 77. Just having a play on it now and wow its so smooth and set up well. Only needs a clean up. I found the patent numbers on the head stock 2,573,254 and a number 699813 on the plate connecting the neck and body. Can't find model number. Can you guys help me?
  12. Never heard of that but looks expensive
  13. Is the ls2 available? If so how much? Thanks
  14. I have a wampler ego mini at the start of my chain, which has the blend dial that I find essential; especially for my technique (or lack of) I've also made myself aware of how hard I pick the strings and how tight my grip on the plectrum is, which has helped just as much.
  15. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dm67Ck8iKTtc&ved=2ahUKEwi8kIuo3drwAhU7VBUIHcqSDYg4ChCjtAF6BAgCEAQ&usg=AOvVaw1tsVeapvHQqo6r2UwlzWvx NOFX total bummer, one above is the decline. Thanks
  16. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DqnFVMkTWaBw&ved=2ahUKEwiQhMif3NrwAhVrSxUIHeh-BkYQo7QBegQICRAE&usg=AOvVaw0niwdWWaL64tJvNn-weIcs
  17. The decline or pump up the valuum era
  18. This threat has been ultra useful for me (no sarcasm). Can someone help with getting a specific tone. Fat Mike off nofx has a great light overdrive sound. Any suggestions? I have Fender jazz and trace elliot gp12 smx. I use an adventure glacial zenith but that hasn't been doing it for me. Please don't say I need a new bass and amp as the wife may go mental at me!
  19. Think I'm done. I play in a rock covers band so not many effects needed. It would be nice to have a preamp di like tech 21 or darkglass but not urgent
  20. I went for Adventure audio glacial zenith mk I version. The mkII has even more control and both have a boost switch which can be used pre or post gain. I found one for £80 and does light break up to full drive. Love playing hives and qotsa bass lines with it
  21. I have looked mxr m87 which is slightly cheaper. They tax us for string size, amplifier watts and compression. It's 'racist against the bassist'
  22. I recently sold my Carl Martin Opto-compressor because my amp came with built in compression. I'm having seller's remorse, as the pedal was very good, and if I go to a practice room or venue without compression on the amp I'm stuffed! So please enlighten me with what limiter I could buy to help tame my notes to compliment my amp compressor (trace elliot gp1215) P. S I've looked at ovnilab and boss lmb-3, pigtronix philosopher's bass, mxr m87 all seem good limiters Thanks, chris
  23. Open to pedal trades and make up difference.
  24. Not too worried about an expression pedal as I like to turn on a pedal and leave it. Heard a lot of good things about the cog
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