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Everything posted by Friskydingo

  1. I have looked at that just finding a used one for a good price. I have to sell gear first to buy more. Wife asked why do I need so many pedals? I said why do you need so many shoes? Which wasn't the right response
  2. I must apologise, I was looking at the vitoos dc8 not iso8, you are right. So I’ll look at getting one of those for £45 from eBay or amazon, unless there’s a better seller. As long as it comes with all the necessary cables
  3. Ok, so I looked over the videos and details of the power supplies again and the Harley Benton iso 2 pro has 8 isolated outputs separate from each other, while the Vitoos, sometimes known as Fame and other budget brands, are not all isolated. 6 outputs are daisy chained. So I’ll get the iso 2 and some longer screws so it fits under the board
  4. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjvqrm1kPHkAhUzonEKHeleDrsQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov Or search guitarpusher is his channel or leothemetal. They do comprehensive checks and concur 6 outputs are daisy chain and don't have a short circuit safety which Harley Benton does. They're not the most charismatic people but informative
  5. I've seen test online where the first 2 inputs with changeable voltage are isolated and the other 6 aren't. They're just daisy chain. So only 3 are isolated
  6. I have a spare wallwart with 7 inputs so will try that at next practice. My big board has a walrus audio aetos, which is great 8+ pedals but something simpler is all I need
  7. I've seen some talk about vitoos iso4. Anyone had experience? It seems too good for that price being isolated as well. Reviews by users in UK say its quiet and reliable. Seems cheap enough to take a punt at it
  8. I was thinking about that and just hope for no noise
  9. I'm getting a small pedalboard along the lines of a pedal train nano or palmer pedalbay 50, whatever has the most clearance. I need another power supply as my current one is too tall to put underneath and is in use for my other board. Anyone have expertise of what will fit underneath? Only parameters, it has to have 4+ outputs, preferably isolated but not necessary and can fit underneath the board, thanks. And if it matters I'll be powering low powered pedals, tc electronic polytune, orange kongpressor, mooer chorus and Carl martin dc drive
  10. I hope you reprimanded her and pointed her towards the bass instead!
  11. Used to play that in my last band. I played guitar at the time and jumped round like an idiot! Good times
  12. I was never rich in the first place! When they're older definitely rocking out to punk and ska. Love some reggae, maybe eek a mouse
  13. I'll make sure to record that for future use
  14. So missus dingo is expecting. Its our first, I'm terrified and don't know how to cope! I'm looking for chilled bass songs to play for little one when it arrives. So I can put it on or play along to so not to disturb him/her. I'm not putting on whale sounds or new age! Any recommendations? Chris
  15. All great input above, just to add my 2 cents. I was in 2 bands, rockcovers and stoner/rock, doom(original) . Bass in one, guitar in the other. I recently quit the originals as I couldn't write and learn songs and commit to both; I found a replacement before leaving so they weren't stranded. Even though the covers band I arrange practices and organise (dictate) what we practice and theres more admin work, as well as telling the guitarists to stop soloing and turn down! I know it's easier for me to learn songs and more potential for paid gigs. Sometimes you have to chose what's better for your life, whether it be money, enjoyment or simplicity.
  16. Cheers guys. I'll probably be gigging once a month maybe twice, so lugging to gigs is no problem and I'll use the amp in the practice room. The one sticking point is the amp will be kept upstairs and dragging that up and down will get old fast if it's 4x10. Unless it's the laney n410 which was ridiculously light. I'm in my mid 30s so back should be able to cope for a few more years
  17. I have tried Ashdown and the practice room I play out of has a Ashdown 4x10 combo. I'm not a fan of it. I was looking at used and was thinking of getting a cab with a link connection so I could always add another if necessary. The TH350 is loud enough. I put it through a 1x15 trace Elliot and 4x10 laney and it kept up with the fender rumble 500. I live near Ipswich but happily travel if there's good options
  18. I should have stated that it should be under £500
  19. Trying to find some for sale but I'll keep an eye out
  20. Any suggestions?
  21. Right you knowledgeable and thoughtful people. I have my bass (squire j type) , chosen my amp (aguilar TH350) now I need a cab. Looking at used unless there's a bargain somewhere. I play in a two guitar rock cover band but we're not super loud. They bother have 1x12 so not huge stacks So do I want 2x10, 1x12 or 15, 4x10. The TH350 has only one output so would getting a cab with a link option be beneficial? Thanks for your help Chris
  22. 🤤 I want it but think my wife may go mental if I got that or she would buy something equally expensive and deplete our bank account
  23. I played the head version of this on the weekend and it had volume for days! Easy to dial in a great tone. Can vouch this will be loud enough for any band
  24. Mcnach, that’s what I decided on, just have to save up, find a used one or go to finance option. Next is finding a cab, something lightweight, either 1x15 or 4x10, unfortunately the Aguilar cabs are priced way up there, so will probably be another brand
  25. It did, but the fender was very close and there's benefits to both.
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