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Everything posted by Friskydingo

  1. So an update. I went to peach guitars today and tried out the fender rumble 500, Aguilar tone hammer 350 and mark bass III. - mark bass had enough power and loads of versatility in tone, which is great, but I found myself playing with dials trying to find a sound to settle on more than playing itself. No drive, but there are pedals for that. - fender was the loudest by far, when I turned it on and had it at 12 o’clock I turned a few heads in the store! no trouble keeping up with a band. The overdrive channel wasn’t to my taste but it’s nice to have that option available with a footswitch selector and with some more playing with the eq, I’m sure I could dial in something I’d like; yet again pedals are available. On the clean channel There was a lot of low end at 12 o’clock position and I had to roll the bass and low-mids off a lot, to find something I prefer. The extra options of bright, contour and vintage are great functions and gave it close to the same versatility as the mark bass - Aguilar was just as loud as the markbass and could keep up with the fender until about 2 o’clock, then I found the headroom wasn’t there. The easiest by far to dial in a tone I like. Roll off some bass and add some higher mids. Done. Although the drive is not on a separate channel, it’s a more pleasant sound than the fender, up until 3 or 4 o’clock and then starts getting more dirty than I enjoy. The -10db would be useful for home use as well as the easy access mute button. So I’ve played the markbass and Aguilar before and they were about even. This time the Aguilar performed far better. The fender had more power and is the cheaper option and if I found one second hand or cheap enough, I’d easily pick it up. But it’s the Aguilar for me, even with it’s less watts. I may save up for the 500 but if the 350 came up used or on sale I’d have it! I played a squire j bass and was playing through a Laney N410 600watts 4x10, last time I played through a trace Elliott 1x15. Side note, the laney was extremely light and produced more than enough low end, even for reggae and dub! Very good cab Any questions just ask! chris
  2. But then it all changes again when going in to a cab with various ohm and wattage
  3. Don't have the money for a 500 but played with the 350 which could easily keep up with a drummer and 2 guitars Also should mention The TH350 is measured in continuous watts, which means that it is musical at 400-500 watts and peaks at 600-700 watts I'll report back after more try outs this weekend
  4. I should put power. I get gain/fuzz from pedals Aguilar does have the nice option of a drive dial as well
  5. I'm just looking for an amp which I can get a decent tone from and has enough drive (I'm leaning towards aguilar 350) I don't use loads of pedals (compressor always on, chorus, fuzz/gain) so versatility is nice but not essential. After that purchase it's looking at cabs
  6. Very useful. Thanks for this. I'm trying some heads out again tomorrow so will refer to this. With reference to spongebob above; I was playing all kinds of styles on the LM from maiden to duck Dunn and it sounded great. I usually stay clear of signature gear as it limits the sound I want
  7. I tried the little Marcus on the weekend, going through a 1x12, really liked it and so many versatile tones. Is the mark bass III much different in tone shaping and options? It seems the same, apart from one being a signature model and the vpf, vle named differently Also what's with the online hate in some corners of the Internet. People saying they're overpriced and the cabs sound horrible. It was better than the GM I tried!
  8. Cheers for the reply
  9. I've been looking at these lately so this post is super relevant. 2 questions. 1. Is the 2x10 speakers enough for low end and to hear over a 2 guitarists? And 2. What's the weight like? Taking it in and out of a car?
  10. When you say small gigs are we talking pubs? Because I'm in a rock covers band with two guitarists and would like to know if this would have the headroom /volume to compete?
  11. *Checks bank account* How much for the volume knob?
  12. We have two guitarists in the band but there are some songs which have sparse guitar parts. And we play a couple of cure songs as well!
  13. Thanks for the info. I have been looking at the bass clone as that seems to be used a lot by bassists and I s relatively cheap
  14. Any recommendations pedal wise? Doesn't have to be all singing and dancing something fairly basic
  15. I've been mulling over getting a low end chorus pedal as I jammed with someone who used a bass clone in a stoner rock band and it sounded nice. Is there any other genre or circumstance where it would come in handy? As I want one for more than for one song or style of music. And any pedal suggestions? Thanks
  16. I bought the orange kongpressor and after a little play last night it's a good pedal. Lots of options to dial in. There's an led which is blue when activated but sometimes turns a pink/red usually when the compressor/volume dial is on full Does this mean its being pushed too much? Clipping? I can't find out online
  17. I'm sure some has had experience with either or both. If so what's the pros and cons of both. I'm looking at the 350w head which is more than enough and then buying a cheaper/used 4x10 cab. But I have access to mixing desk and p.a
  18. I've done a lot of trading and buying when I was a guitarist so I'm indeed a GAS victim! Definitely getting second hand Don't mind travelling if I know I love the sound of the amp, just not to test it.
  19. I've told others I'm a way off buying as I have to get funds and try some out first but thanks for the offer.
  20. I'm compiling a list of amps and may adjust budgets later down the line and ask for opinions then I have looked at some older trace Elliot heads which are plentiful on the web.
  21. Which is where I went. They have a huge collection from budget to the ridiculous. Sometimes not the cheapest but I can spend hours there
  22. I'll compromise and change the scratch plate 👍
  23. I know it's not a six string Dingwall custom shop but I've played it a few times and it's what I need in my price range!
  24. I'm out and about at the moment but pictures will come soon
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